Confessions of a Guild Wars Noob @newtogw2 - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)



May 26

Stay outta my cabbages!

Y'ALL! If you have not done your new SotO mastery, GET. ON. THAT! There's all kinds of advantages to it, especially a new currency exchange NPC. Oh. My. GOD. Y'ALL!

Get it, then go see Gharr Leadclaw in Outer Ring in Wizard's Tower (near jade bot). If you're crafting anything, or need any kind of any currency, you need to see this cat. Pronto!

Also, grab one of these: Portable Wizard's Tower Exchange.

#guild wars 2#mmorpg#gw2#crafting


Apr 22

Cosmetic Inspection allows any Guild Wars 2 player to see the fashion of another player by identifying the skins and dyes they use.

Interesting take on this new feature. I've barely had time to play myself, but am hoping to get a few more hours in this coming weekend!

#guild wars 2#mmorpg#gw2#update#skins#link love


Jan 28


Shutting down

With my personal life gone crazy, and recent loss of my job, I've had both no time nor energy to keep up this site.

ArenaNet finally put up a nice events calendar on the GW2 game site, so from now on I will be linking there. Please update your bookmarks!


Reblogging this here as an FYI. I'll be updating my links in the nav above to reflect the new link ArenaNet has put up.

I'm a little sad that the calendar site didn't take off the way I'd hoped. I had hoped for more contributions from the community, but there's just not the stability of trains and such as there were in the past. I completely understand why and place no blame on anyone. Besides, the Anet calendar has subscribe features that I like, so I'm fine with the replacement. I may find a way to incorporate those postings into this blog at some point when I have more spoons (and a job).

#guild wars 2#gw2#mmorpg#reblog#calendar#arenanet#event#calendar updates


Jan 7

Dear ArenaNet

Could I please have ANYTHING except this for a daily? It seems like this is a daily once a week or more now. I HATE this place. I REFUSE TO DO IT. I have all expansions, so please PLEASE for the love of all that is unholy, GIVE ME ANOTHER FREAKING MINIDUNGEON.

#guild wars 2#gw2#mmorpg#dailies#arenanet#wtf#why


Dec 17, 2023


Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. Real life is kicking my ass hard core with health and mental issues. Plus with my work schedule being all over the place, I mostly only play on weekends now. (spoons allowing, ofc)

So if you have not already seen, Wintersday is upon us once again!

GuildJen has an updated guide out:

And don’t forget to grab your Snargle book!

These tips are still recommended!

#guild wars 2#mmorpg#gw2#Wintersday#events#holiday#f*ckyeahkarmafarm#guides#update


Sep 5, 2023

Skyscale Medicine Masker

OK so this is part of the A New Look achievement.

BUT! The description is a little misleading. Apparently only champs count towards this. Dunno if that's intended or not, but that's where we are right now. I put together a short list of links where champ worms spawn outside of the two world bosses: Jungle Worm and Triple Trouble.

Just copy and paste this list into chat:


Each includes the general direction of the champ spawn, and they're all pretty close to their respective waypoints. Hope this helps!

#guild wars 2#gw2#mmorpg#secrets of the obscure#achievements#mounts#guides


Aug 30, 2023

Renown Heart Daily

If I may offer some unsolicited advice: When there's a Renown Heart daily for PVE in the Wizard's Vault, and if you have the End of Dragons expansion, go do the Training Grounds heart in Seitung Province.

You'll gain a nice XP buff upon completion and can then buy an additional XP buff on top of that!

These are two separate buffs. Very handy when you're trying to level up those SotO masteries! :)

#guild wars 2#gw2#mmorpg#secrets of the obscure#mastery#end of dragons#screenshot#guides


Aug 30, 2023



😳🫵 YOU 🫵😳

been missing the #gw2 fan submission tag since the official guild wars tumblr went inactive almost a year ago? well

this blog will be tracking and queueing from #gw2 fan submission, with a goal of restoring the tag’s functionality in promoting, celebrating, and connecting gw2 fan creators!

submit your work, circulate this post, and follow to see art, writing, screenshots, edits, and meta posts from outside your usual gw2blr circles 🥳🥳🥳🥳


Rock ok \m/><\m/


Hell. YES!

#Guild Wars 2#gw2#MMORPG#reblog#tumblr


Aug 26, 2023

Dear Zojja,

You are not alone. ♥

#guild wars 2#mmorpg#gw2#secrets of the obscure#not really a spoiler but i'm emotional irl#maybe not a spoiler but tagging just in case#spoiler#zojja


Aug 24, 2023


I gotta admit, I'm profusely underwhelmed by the new relic system. All of my faves are either absent or changed completely to something less (or not at all) useful.

I'm still working my way through the new story and am enjoying that at least. I'm not exactly thrilled with the new wizard vault either but then again I was one of those who did PVE dailies first, then went on to do WvW dailies as time allowed so I could get rewards for both. Plus, that daily 2 gold helped.

This game is therapy, so I do what little I can with the time I have. So I'm grumpy cuz stuff is different. Doesn't mean I'm wrong, does it?

#guild wars 2#mmorpg#gw2#Secrets of the Obscure#update


Jun 27, 2023

Excited squeeing noises

It’s comiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg!!!!!

#Guild Wars 2#gw2#MMORPG#Secrets of the Obscure#update#SotO


Jun 4, 2023

I decided to re-do my mesmer. Meet “My Mistah Jay” :)

#Guild Wars 2#MMORPG#screenshot#I think I have a problem I can't stop making Sylvari


Apr 18, 2023


#meme#Necromancer#necromancer for life#lol


Apr 13, 2023


Someone commented on my choice of builds ... honestly heal scourge is my go-to in zerg WvW. I pull downs back, lay down marks, yoink enemies, and heal, buff, and shield allies around me. EZPZ bag delivery. :3

And this one after I’d claimed a camp for +5 supplies.

#Guild Wars 2#gw2#MMORPG#WvW#screenshot#sh*tgw2playerssay#lol


Mar 12, 2023

*excited squeaking noises!*

#Guild Wars 2#gw2#MMORPG#screenshot#wvw


Feb 25, 2023

Welcome to my rant ...

So a couple of weeks ago I joined a self-proclaimed “chill” WvW guild. I was told multiple times that I could run whatever build I wanted. I’ve been running my Healionmancer build lately with full minions for sh*ts and giggles. Hilarity always ensues, just the way I like it!

But today, not so much ...

Just before being downed, I apparently had pulled folks to me. Not intentionally, just sometimes happens when I dodge roll randomly. I die, rez up, and run back. Then it’s typed out in squad chat “necros do not run that trait.” I also heard it said in Discord “no Transference!”. Now, I usually use that to pull downed folks back to me because I tend to stay towards the back of the zerg, and 9 times out of 10 can pull ‘em to safety and rez ‘em quickly.

The one time it backfires on me someone gets a bug up their butt ... But yeah .... they’re totally chill. Don’t care what I run, as long as it’s not something they don’t like apparently.

So I dropped out of squad. Left voice chat. Dropped from the Discord server. Then left guild.

The last few months have been a rollercoaster for me personally. I was laid off at Thanksgiving. Spent Christmas broke and alone. Started a new job recently, which has a very brutal schedule.

I have absolutely no f*cks to give anymore, and if someone’s gonna give me sh*t about what I like to run, f*ck them. f*ck them sideways.

I’m happy as long as I get pips and skirmish tickets, and I normally run with [SKY] anyways who truly ARE chill as f*ck, and very fun. Tired of elitist f*cks.

#Guild Wars 2#gw2#MMORPG#WvW#I love my guild


Feb 13, 2023


Anet’s Studio Updates

Be sure to check out this post on the GW2 website today:

Coming updates:

February 14: Profession Balance Update, WvW Objective Reward Scaling, Chromium Embedded Framework Upgrade

February 28: New Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons Map and Story Content, Soo-Won Legendary Variant

March 28: Super Adventure Festival

April 18: DX11 Upgrade Complete

May 2: Profession Balance Update

#Guild Wars 2#gw2#MMORPG#reblog#events#End of Dragons#patch#update#legendary#crafting#skins#WvW#map
Confessions of a Guild Wars Noob @newtogw2 - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.