Complete Guide to HL7 Standards (2024)

Rhapsody Health Solutions Team

Complete Guide to HL7 Standards (1)

HL7 provides a framework that helps govern how electronic health information is retrieved, shared, exchanged and integrated. The standards define how patient information is structured, packaged and communicated between disparate parties and also sets the data types, structure, and language needed for seamless integration between electronic health systems. We’ve put together this guide to provide an in-depth overview of HL7 standards, from the history of HL7 through implementation challenges and more. Specifically, we’ll discuss:

  • The History of HL7
  • HL7 Aims and Objectives
  • HL7 Implementations and Challenges
  • Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)
  • Solving HL7 Integration Challenges
  • Additional Resources on HL7 Standards

The History of HL7

Many patients believe that electronic medical record (EMR), hospital information system (HIS), lab information system (LIS), radiology information system (RIS), and other healthcare solutions inherently communicate with each other. They expect that their medical information and history can be sent easily from one healthcare provider to the next. However, the reality is quite different.

Complete Guide to HL7 Standards (2)

A little over two decades ago, there was little need for clinical apps and solutions to exchange data. However, the national push for a centralized electronic health record and the explosion in the number of clinical applications drove the need for a common language to streamline the exchange of information between electronic health applications. With the rise in the number of digital solutions in the healthcare industry, the ability to seamlessly share clinical data across systems was not only desirable, but it also became essential.

In response to this need, an international community of information scientists and healthcare subject matter experts came together to form HL7 International and solve the challenges of integrating, managing and exchanging electronic healthcare information.

Founded in 1987 and accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1994, HL7 International is a non-profit organization with members in over 50 countries. It develops Health Level 7 standards that define and provide formats for data exchange, rules syntax, decision support, and common definitions for health data in personal health record (PHR) claims attachments, electronic health records, clinical genomics, product labels for prescription medications, and quality reporting.

The HL7 committee created a framework through which health information could be exchanged by compiling a collection of messaging formats and related clinical standards, thus loosely defining the ideal representation of health/clinical information. In theory, healthcare organizations that use applications leveraging the HL7 messaging standard can communicate and exchange patient data with each other — even if the applications speak quite different languages.

Since 1987, there has been widespread use of the HL7 standard on a global scale — a standard that is constantly reviewed and modified to meet the ever-evolving data needs of the healthcare industry. The evolution of HL7 standards continues to improve workflows throughout the healthcare industry, thus facilitating increased efficiency and accuracy of healthcare providers and enabling the delivery of quality care and better outcomes to consumers.

HL7 Aims and Objectives

Created and maintained by Health Level Seven International, the prime objective of HL7 is to simplify the implementation of interfaces between various vendors and healthcare software applications, in a bid to reduce the cost and time involved in custom interface programming.

Complete Guide to HL7 Standards (3)

Before the creation of HL7, healthcare IT systems performed data exchanges via customized interfacing systems that were built through a great deal of programming effort by vendors of both receiving and sending applications. Since there were no standard data formats for collecting and storing patient data, the cost of building such interfaces was prohibitive, and most hospitals (in the 1980s) had only a few such interfaces.

The major challenge of interfacing arose from the fact that software vendors and hospital IT teams collaborated to build new clinical applications that were designed to enable in-house clinical processes, workflows, and data formats used in the provider’s setting. As such, applications were custom-built for a particular healthcare setting with zero input from other application development teams and no conformance with healthcare solutions built by other vendors.

The task of HL7 within this healthcare ecosystem (where users, clinical processes, and settings differ) is to establish a single global standard for the representation and movement of clinical data. The standards do not dictate to software vendors, providers, and other stakeholders in the healthcare industry how to present data or build applications. They are intended to serve as a guide and framework where independent health IT systems can communicate with each other via an agreed-upon ANSI standard.

In essence, the HL7 standard is the preeminent basis of data exchange in healthcare settings. It is a broad messaging standard (with more than 80 message types) designed to solve the data exchange challenges in the healthcare industry by accommodating the needs of both stand-alone healthcare providers and clinics as well as large-scale hospital networks.

HL7 is supported by over 4,000 members, and over 90 percent of the largest health information system vendors in the U.S. are HL7 members. HL7 standards are primarily used by:

Clinical interface specialists tasked with migrating clinical data between healthcare providers or applications. They are experts who build tools to migrate clinical data or design applications that would need to exchange or share data with other systems.

  • Medical informaticists working in the health informatics field. This field concerns itself with how clinical knowledge is created and the logic of healthcare workflows. Typically, these specialists attempt to create clinical ontology — designing workflows and crafting terminology that forms a hierarchical framework of healthcare knowledge.
  • Healthcare application vendors who must implement integration for their products to be viable in the healthcare marketplace. Clinicians simply don’t have the time necessary for duplicating data across multiple systems, logging in and out of several applications to access or document data, and other time-consuming tasks. Applications must fit into clinicians’ workflows, and that means integration is a must.

HL7 Implementation Challenges

One of the major challenges facing increased HL7 adoption is its flexibility. While the HL7 community designed the standard to be flexible and easy to adopt, thus enabling the “network effect” and driving immediate, significant benefits and cost savings for adopters, this very flexibility can make interfacing a distinctly challenging task.

Complete Guide to HL7 Standards (4)

HL7 is sometimes referred to as the “non-standard standard” because nearly every healthcare organization implements the framework in a unique way. This is due to the absence of a standard clinical or business process for interacting with clinical data, patients, or relevant personnel.

Aside from the fact that HL7 allows healthcare environments to utilize different aspects and versions of the standard, each new version of HL7 comes with new options and features. Let’s take a look at some of the major HL7 standards.

HL7 Version 2

HL7’s Version 2.x (V2) is the most widely used messaging standard for exchanging clinical and patient care information. Basically, it’s a database query language that healthcare providers can use to send messages containing or requesting health data.

HL7 Version 3

HL7 v3 is more powerful than its predecessor and based on model-driven methodology built to better support conformance testing and streamline implementation planning. While HL7 v2 was meant to facilitate clinical communications (like patient registration, medical orders, etc.), HL7 v3 comes with additional capabilities for informaticists and support for government reporting requirements.

However, it’s still evolving and not backward-compatible with previous versions of HL7. Also, healthcare organizations may find it difficult to move to the new standard since such migrations will be expensive and they are just beginning to enjoy the benefits of implementing HL7 v2. It’s likely that most organizations and vendors will continue to use the more familiar v2 protocol.

EHR-PHR System Functional Models

EHR-PHR System Functional Models provide common language parameters for developing electronic health record system and their underlying components. PHR System Functional Models are draft standards for functions to be used in a Personal Health Record (PHR), helping to facilitate data exchange between EHRs and PHRs.

Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)

This is an ISO-approved standard that establishes an exchange model for clinical documents such as progress notes and discharge summaries. Along with the CDA is the Consolidated CDA (C-CDA) — used in ONC meaningful use-certified EHR systems to consolidate former CDA templates into one document and the CCD (Continuity of Care Document) — a record of patient admission and discharge among separate facilities.

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)

Complete Guide to HL7 Standards (5)

FHIR is an interoperability specification developed by HL7 that makes it easier and faster to develop interoperable healthcare applications. It is a draft standard that describes elements, data formats, and a modern, web-based application programming interface that developers can use to build tools for sending, receiving, and accessing electronic health records.

While FHIR is built around previous data format standards like HL7 version 3.x and HL7 version 2.x, it’s far easier to implement because it uses a modern suite of web-based API technology, including Atom for results, a choice of RDF, XML, or JSON for data representation, HTML and CSS for user interface integration, and a HTTP-based RESTful protocol.

FHIR tablet

This allows healthcare systems to make web/REST requests that poll data rather than the traditional HL7 push data model. In the traditional push model, a source system sends information to the destination system as new information becomes available or as data is deemed potentially useful for the destination. The destination system receives the data, and then must maintain and index that data, meaning the source system places trust in the destination to maintain security and appropriate access controls. The push data method requires multiple workflows for a single HL7 transaction.

FHIR supports both pushing and polling data:

  • REST APIs can be used in both a push and poll fashion.
  • Message events are defined for both push and poll.
  • Services can be designed to support either push or poll.

In a polling data model, the source system is responsible for maintaining and indexing data and also maintains security and access controls. The destination system, which may have its own security and access controls, retrieves data from the source system as needed. In essence, FHIR is a web-based, next-gen, scalable standards framework that is supported by current exchange infrastructure.

Objectives of FHIR

One of the major goals of FHIR is to enable easier interoperation between healthcare systems, enabling third-party application developers to build medical apps that can easily integrate with existing systems. Easier interoperation also enables health care providers and clinicians to access healthcare information from their device of choice — cell phones, tablets, or computers.

Since FHIR is implemented on top of the HTTPS (HTTP Secure) protocol and HL7, messages can be parsed by wire data analytics platforms — making real-time data gathering possible. As messages pass over the network, healthcare organizations can collect data from specific segments in FHIR messages. Some use cases for this capability include adverse drug interaction warnings, prescription drug fraud, epidemic tracking, etc.

Backward Compatibility

In 2019, HL7 International released FHIR R4. Like previous versions, Release 4 allows health data to travel in discrete pieces while facilitating additional stability for several elements in the standard. Furthermore, it promises to be backward-compatible so that products being developed with the standard will be compatible with future updates.

As a result, developers are becoming more confident in leveraging FHIR since they are sure that the tools and solutions they build will still work when the next FHIR version is released. Also, more and more vendors of health IT systems are also considering including FHIR data repositories in their Enterprise Data Warehouse strategy (EDW).

Solving HL7 Integration Challenges

Since HL7 allows for extensive customization, there are many adaptations and significant variance in the way HL7 interface standards are implemented. Applications and healthcare solutions often use different HL7 formats, and there is no set standard for how the data is handled or how these systems are implemented.

The substantial variations in HL7 implementation slows down development cycles and makes integration both costly and time-consuming. Significant resources must be dedicated to integration development, leaving fewer resources to handle improvements to functionality and features.

Also, different code base and integration points must be maintained for each EHR and adding or replacing interfaces can potentially impact the entire system — requiring extensive modifications to endpoints.

Fortunately, healthcare organizations and software vendors can solve HL7 integration challenges by implementing a robust API solution.

While interface engines are the typical solution to HL7 integration problems, they introduce unnecessary security risks, slow down implementation, do not provide real-time data access and are not EHR-agnostic.

Rhapsody facilitates the seamless exchange of health information across disparate EHR platforms and clinical and administrative applications. Integrate comes with a robust set of REST APIs that write and read to EHRs through vendor-supported software modules, thus standardizing EHR integration through a unified data model and universal, real-time APIs.

Real-time access to patients’ medical records and other clinical data without compromising PHI security enables healthcare organizations to reduce time-consuming manual tasks such as copying and faxing patient records, obtaining necessary patient data, and entering duplicate data across multiple applications. And, with API solutions like Integrate, you only need to code the application once to connect to any EHR, significantly reducing lengthy, costly integration projects.

For decades now, HL7’s interoperability standards have been the de-facto international protocol for exchanging clinical and administrative and clinical healthcare data, and traditional HL7 isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It has helped to improve healthcare delivery by optimizing workflows, reducing ambiguity, and enhancing knowledge transfer between vendors, patients, standards organizations, government agencies, and healthcare providers as well as reducing ambiguity and optimizing workflows.

Continued adoption of HL7 will pave the way for vendors to create better tools for transferring electronic health information. This will serve to increase efficiency, improve clinical workflows, increase quality of care, and ultimately ensure better outcomes for all. With the emergence of new legislation and HIPAA guidelines, more interest in the regional health information organization model, and a greater number of healthcare providers leveraging innovative technologies to facilitate clinical workflows, standardizing — or making progress towards standardization — will be of great value in the healthcare community, facilitating increasingly open clinical data exchange.

Additional Resources on HL7 Standards

For more information on HL7 standards, FHIR, and the evolution of healthcare data exchange, visit the following resources:

Complete Guide to HL7 Standards (2024)


What are the HL7 standards? ›

HL7 standards or HL7 protocols indicate how information is organized and communicated between two parties. These standards define the language, structure, and data types required for smooth integration between health systems.

Is HL7 obsolete? ›

But, increasingly, legacy HL7 interface engines and integration strategies are becoming obsolete. The healthcare industry is changing; not only are providers switching en masse to EHRs, but patients, providers and other stakeholders are demanding consumer-grade levels of service.

What is HL7 for dummies? ›

The HL7 standard provides a framework for exchanging electronic healthcare data between disparate systems. It accomplishes this by defining a standard data model and a structure for encoding data. An HL7 message consists of one or more segments in a particular sequence.

How to implement HL7 standard? ›

Here are the steps to successful HL7 interface implementation.
  1. Clarify Your Objectives. ...
  2. Understand the Strengths and Limitations of the HL7 Standard. ...
  3. Create a Clear Task Definition. ...
  4. Define Your Workflow Requirements. ...
  5. Invest in HL7 Training.

What is the most common HL7 version? ›

HL7v2 is the most widely used healthcare messaging standard for exchanging clinical and patient information between systems.

What is the HL7 rule? ›

HL7 is a set of international standards used to transfer and share data between various healthcare providers. More specifically, HL7 helps bridge the gap between health IT applications and makes sharing healthcare data easier and more efficient when compared to older methods.

Do all hospitals use HL7? ›

In the U.S., more than 90% of medical institutions use HL7 in their work. These are mainly hospitals, private clinics, public health agencies, health care software vendors, laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, and other patient care and medical facilities. There are other categories of professionals who use HL7.

What are the disadvantages of HL7? ›

HL7 standards can be complex and challenging to implement, especially for organizations with limited technical expertise or resources. This complexity can lead to longer implementation timelines and the potential for errors during the integration process.

Why is FHIR better than HL7? ›

What is the difference between HL7 and FHIR? HL7 uses XML as one of its data elements, while FHIR uses modern web technologies like RESTful web services, JSON, and RDF. This makes FHIR more modern and easily interoperable than HL7.

What is an example of HL7 message? ›

Examples of ACK Hl7 Messages

MSH|^~\&|EKG|ABCImgCtr|RegSys|XYZHosp|202208221340||ACK^A01|56789|P|2.5 ACK|||AA|Message received successfully. In this sample ACK message, the MSH segment identifies the original message from the XYZ Hospital Registration System that this ACK message is acknowledging.

Is HL7 mandatory? ›

That's where HL7, with its mandatory guidelines, steps in to provide a standardized protocol that streamlines how healthcare software solutions converse. It ensures uniformity not just in language, but also in content and structure regardless of what type of APIs or communication paradigms an organization utilizes.

What is an example of HL7 in healthcare? ›

Example HL7 Message:

Every HL7 message specifies MSH as its first segment. The PID (Patient Information) segment contains demographic information about the patient, such as name, patient ID and address. The NK1 (Next of Kin) segment contains contact information for the patient's next of kin.

What replaced HL7? ›

HL7 V2 and FHIR are two interoperability standards for healthcare data management. HL7 V2 is the older legacy standard, while FHIR is a more modern and flexible alternative. HL7 V2 lacks precise message modeling and requires custom coding for interoperability.

What protocol does HL7 use? ›

HL7 messages can be sent over a variety of transport protocols including LLP, FTP, SOAP and SMTP. If you are looking to send and receive HL7 messages, you may need an integration engine that supports data exchange regardless of what specific transport protocols the endpoints are designed to accept.

How to create HL7 messages? ›

To create a sample HL7 message, click the Test > Message constructor menu link. When the page opens, select a transaction type from the drop-down list. Two additional fields appear: Message - Select whether the message is making a Request or providing a Response.

What are the HL7 FHIR standards? ›

What are the key differences between HL7 and FHIR standards? The main difference between FHIR and HL7 (Health Level Seven) is that HL7 is a set of messaging standards for exchanging medical and administrative data, while FHIR is a modern standard for exchanging healthcare information electronically.

What is the ISO standard for HL7? ›

The HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) is an XML-based markup standard intended to specify the encoding, structure and semantics of clinical documents for exchange. The standard was jointly published with ISO as ISO/HL7 27932.

What is the difference between HL7 and FHIR standard? ›

Understanding HL7 and FHIR

In essence, HL7 is an international standard for exchanging healthcare data, while FHIR is an open standard that facilitates the exchange of data between new applications and legacy systems.

How many HL7 message types are there? ›

There are over 80 different types of HL7 messages. Each type has a specific purpose and structure, which is designed to relay distinct sets of information within the healthcare system.


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