captions – Page 2 – Contemplating the divine (2024)

Holiday special (6)

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I don’t seem to have been very good at getting the contrast between letters and background right in some of these very early captions (if it’s looking difficult, you make a square of the background into a blur, basically). Sorry about that. Hope it’s not doing your eyesight any harm. Wouldn’t want to add to that myth about masturbation turning you blind.

Turning points number eleventy-six

…well, I can’t remember if it’s exactly the eleventy-sixth in the series, but it’s certainly something like that. Yay! Turning points! Captioned imagesthat – unusually for a blog about femdom– do not depict femdom situations. Not yet, anyway.

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Just click on ‘turning points’ in the wordcloud thingy over there if you want more of this. Or on something else if you don’t. Clicking “Other world kingdom” for example, will take you to captioned images of situations that are rather unambiguously femdom. Clicking on ‘giant wooden dild*’ will take you to the only caption I have done featuring a giant wooden dild*. That kind of thing.

New year, same old…

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Actually, in most conversations it’s good to have a hairbrush handy. Just in case.
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Quite right. What’s the worst that can happen?

I don’t know who this lady is, but if anyone does, please let me know and I will crawl to her in person to beg forgiveness… and also credit the picture.

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Actually, all her dungeon equipment is.

This is Mistress Bella,presumably to be found at I wonder what that site’s about?

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Philosophy. It’s a girl thing.

And these lovelies are from a video by popular musical group White Flame. Easy enough to find. Harder to like.

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More turning points

This is the second in what is turning into a series, currently of two. Part 1 here. It’s captioned images of situations that aren’t femdom! Pretty exciting huh?If rather a risky development, for a blog about errr, femdom.

But the point is that these are situations that could develop into female domination. Rather quickly, in most cases. In some there is a choice, in others there isn’t. But whether you take the choice to turn, or the choice is made for you… these are turning points.

If it’s a bit too mild for you try…well, almost any page on this blog, really. This, for example.

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Locked in abasem*nt

It’s where you’ll usually find me. If you can be bothered to look.

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She feels your pain. But not quite as much as you do.
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It’s supposed to look like that. But then – you’re supposed to be caned, too.
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Let’s hope it’s not a third six. It can happen, though. I once rolled a huge pile of dice and almost all of them came up six. I can’t remember exactly how many, but it was at least seven of nine.
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You wouldn’t think dommes would be so indecisive, would you?

At least one of these magnificent ladies is the awesome* Madame Sarka, formerly of the OWK and now of herself. If any ‘readers’ can help identify the other lady, I will be grateful.

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One art critic described her work as ‘a joyful celebration of life, movement and freedom’, which is rather ironic, when you think about it.

* When I use the word ‘awesome’ it should be understood in its original sense, meaning ‘inspiring awe’, rather than it’s modern sense (pronounced ‘ossom’) meaning ‘quite good’.

Three colours

Variations on a theme…

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Despicable: capable of being despised.

Capable? I pay for the privilege. Hi – I’m Servitor!

Captioned images of female domination (what else?) follow.

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Ah, now, you can say what you like about Miss Taylor, but – oh, hang on. No you can’t.

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Thephrases “thank you mistress” and “piss off you evil cow”can soundvery similar to the untrained ear, too, so do be careful. Well worth studying before your visit, although if like me you do find yourself accidentally in for seven months hard labour, you’ll probably pick a few words up.

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Doesn’t she look sweet? I’m sure she hates having to do all those horrible things to you.

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I’m still quite sore from the last discussion we had to be honest.

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Oh no. I hate political chat. They’re just going to sit around all night, discussing supremacist theory, local council elections, castration methods for rapists – that kind of thing. I’d go out and leave them to it, but I’m grounded for the next month.

Learning to disrespect myself for who I am

I went on a course at workthis week that included a module on building self-esteem. Fortunately I’ll be visiting my Significant Other soon, and she can usually put it right back to where it should be. And it gave me an idea for one of the captions below.

On with the captioned images (of female domination)!

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I think she’s due a pay rise.

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How did you get on? Did you? So did I. Never mind – maybe next time.

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You don’t have an inferiority complex, you see – you actually are inferior.
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Never mind. These things happen.
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The worst of it is that she’s a multi-millionaire film star. It’s not as if she needs the money.

I worship her divine shadow

I am sorry to disappoint any Googlers seeking Lexx-related material after that title…I just thought it fitting for the theme of my blog. But admirers of Xev, or Zev are really quite likely to enjoy what they find here.

And anyone who does like the material in this blog, who has no idea what I am talking about, has somehow missed out on the perviest science fiction TV show ever, and really needs to go and have a look. Especially this episode.

Anyway, that’s that and now this is this:

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She doesn’t actually approve of corporal punishment. But she finds it does get the dishes washed and the clothes ironed, so she is prepared to make an exception in your case.
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And when she gets you home, I hope you’ll be doing your patriotic duty and helping to take away allthat built-up tension and aggression. Just bend over and think of England.
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I’ve heard that Nicole will shortly be getting married. It does mean she’ll have less time for Vincent, as she’ll have a husband to look after, a husband who she feels will need a lot of attention at first. But shehas a friend who is taking a greatinterest in Vincent, so who knows, perhapsthe wedding bells will be ringing for two rosy-cheeked bridegrooms?
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Makes a change from buying tampons, I suppose.
captions – Page 2 – Contemplating the divine (2024)


What is the quote about divine instruction? ›

Proverbs 16:9 – “A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” Psalm 37:23 – “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.” Psalm 25:12 – “What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose.”

What is the most famous quote from the Divine Comedy? ›

"'Abandon all hope, ye who enter. '" This ominous quotation is perhaps the best known line from Dante's Divine Comedy, and possibly the most familiar passage of all mediaeval literature.

What kind of love is divine? ›

It's the kind of love that God has for humanity and that He commands us to have for one another. It is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional, and everlasting. It's a love that isn't based on feelings or emotions but rather a decision to love without expecting anything in return.

What is the divine message? ›

Divine messages are transmitted to us (here on the physical plane) from higher realms of consciousness. You can envision these messages as coming from your higher self/intuition, guides, angels, higher dimensional beings, the Universe, God, etc.

What is a quote about the divine purpose? ›

Embrace who you are and your divine purpose. Identify the barriers in your life, and develop discipline, courage and the strength to permanently move beyond them, and keep moving forward.

What is the quote on divine strength? ›

"The Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart trusts him. I was helped, my heart rejoiced, and I thank him with my song. The Lord is his people's strength; he is a fortress of protection for his anointed one."

What is the divine principle quote? ›

In a way then, the Divine Principle, this new revelation, is the documentary of my life. It is my own life experience. The Divine Principle is in me, and I am in the Divine Principle. In my opinion, if we have not achieved peace, it is because people forget its most fundamental aspect.

What is the state of being divine? ›

, plural di·vin·i·ties.

the quality of being divine; divine nature. deity; godhood. a divine being; God. the Divinity, (sometimes lowercase) the Deity.

What is the sacred romance quote? ›

If God is the Pursuer, the Ageless Romancer, the Lover, then there has to be a Beloved, one who is the Pursued. This is our role in the story. Faith looks back and draws courage; hope looks ahead and keeps desire alive.

What is the most romantic quote in Romeo and Juliet? ›

My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.”

What is the quote in the book The divine Reality? ›

God created the heavens and the Earth for a true purpose: to reward each soul according to its deeds. They will not be wronged. Therefore, the search for truth was a means of trying to be more sincere with my own existence, as I would be seeking to establish the truth of this life and my place within it.

Is the divine romance biblical? ›

At the very end of the Bible we see that God will enjoy a married life with His people in eternity and for eternity. For eternity in the new heaven and new earth, the New Jerusalem will be the wife of the Lamb (Rev. 21:9). This is the fulfillment of God's romance revealed in the Scriptures.


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.