Cabbage (2025)

This versatile vegetable can be crunchy, silky, pungent, or sweet, depending on how you choose to cook it. Don't be fooled by its humble reputation: Cabbage is a wonder food that's packed with flavor and nutrients.

Raw cabbage stimulates digestion as well as the immune system. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties and may help clear up ulcers and complexion problems. Both raw and cooked cabbage are great sources of vitamin C and calcium. Eating cabbage may reduce your risk of cancer: The red variety is especially rich in antioxidants.

Green and red cabbage both grow in round heads with smooth, thick leaves. Green pairs well with meaty flavors. When thinly sliced, red adds heft to salads. Napa, an Asian variety, grows barrel-shaped or elongated. It's delicate, juicy, and perfect for slaws.
Savoy has looser leaves that are green and crinkled. It appears most often in fall and early winter. You can use it in any recipe that calls for green cabbage.


Cabbage is available year-round, but it peaks in winter, when cold weather coaxes out its sweetness. A head of cabbage should feel heavy for its size. Go for small or medium-size heads that are firm and compact with unblemished leaves.


Pull off the very thickest outer leaves and rinse whole heads just before slicing. Use cabbage as soon as possible for the best nutritional bang, especially a partial head. Slicing amps up flavor and possibly nutrients, but the vitamin content diminishes when cabbage is stored after cutting-so stay away from the pre-cut packaged stuff.

Cabbage's less-than-sexy reputation has much to do with mishandling.

  1. Lose the odor: That cabbagey smell will stay away if you cook cabbage for a short time (5 minutes or less), uncovered and in lots of water.
  2. Keep it bright: Red cabbage retains that vivid purplish color when you slice it with a stainless steel knife (rather than carbon steel), use a nonreactive pan (rather than cast iron or aluminum), and add an acid, like vinegar or lemon juice.
  3. Crisp it up: Shredded cabbage stays perky if it's soaked in cold water. This also helps cut the pungent edge. Drain well before combining with other ingredients.

A few simple preparations:

  1. Simmer sliced green or savoy cabbage just until tender in enough water to cover, along with salt and a pat of butter. Drain. Toss with grated Parmesan cheese and cracked pepper.
  2. Sauté sliced red cabbage with butter, chopped onion, sliced dried apricots, and balsamic vinegar.
  3. Add sliced Napa cabbage to miso broth with cubed tofu, sliced green onions, and sliced shiitake or crimini mushrooms; drizzle with Asian sesame oil.


A whole head of cabbage will keep for a week or longer when stored unwashed in the fridge and sealed in plastic.

Cabbage (2025)


What is the riddle about the cabbage? ›

A farmer with a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage must cross a river by boat. The boat can carry only the farmer and a single item. If left unattended together, the wolf would eat the goat, or the goat would eat the cabbage. How can they cross the river without anything being eaten?

What is the fortune telling cabbage? ›

Kale or cabbage-pulling was a particular type of divination tied to one's marital future: unmarried men and women would go out to the patch and pull up a cabbage, and then bring it back to the farm to uncover its stalk–and the characteristics of their future mate: old or young, tall or short, strong (straight) or weak ...

What is the cabbage strategy? ›

Cabbage tactics is a militarily swarming and overwhelming tactic used by the People's Liberation Army Navy to seize control of islands. It is done by surrounding and wrapping the island in successive layers of Chinese naval ships, China Coast Guard ships, and fishing boats and cut off the island from outside support.

How do you solve a riddle answer? ›

Read the Riddle Carefully

Pay attention to the wording and look for clues or hints that could help you solve the riddle. Some riddles may use wordplay, puns, or metaphors that require some interpretation. Take note of the language used, and try to identify any double meanings or hidden messages.

What belongs to the cabbage family answer? ›

The family contains the cruciferous vegetables, including species such as Brassica oleracea (cultivated as cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli and collards), Brassica rapa (turnip, Chinese cabbage, etc.), Brassica napus (rapeseed, etc.), Raphanus sativus (common radish), Armoracia rusticana (horseradish), but also a ...

What is the saying happy cabbage? ›

The term "happy cabbage" was used in the early 1900s to describe a significant amount of money to be spent on self-satisfying things.

What do cabbages Symbolise? ›

While cabbages in general stand for abundance, this particular rendering symbolizes purity and fertility. The white of the leaves equal virtue while the leaves themselves mean fertility. The locust and katydid? Children of course.

What is the slang cabbage money? ›

Cabbage. The word “cabbage” originated from the Old French word “caboche,” meaning head. But according to the Huffington Post, it actually came into use as a money synonym thanks to the mob, contrary to popular belief it came from the green color of paper money.

Is cabbage for money or luck? ›

This eastern European tradition of eating cabbage on New Year's—either as a dish or as cabbage rolls—is meant to signify luck, particularly on the financial side of things.

What is the odd one out cabbage? ›

Explanation of the correct option:
  1. Cabbage is a leafy vegetable.
  2. It is a biennial (grown every two years) vegetable.
  3. Its scientific name is Brassica oleracea.
  4. It is the odd one out.

What culture eats the most cabbage? ›

China produces nearly half of the world's cabbage while Russia consumes the most per person. The average Russian eats about 44 pounds of cabbage a year. That compares to the 8.6 pounds eaten by Americans.

What is the purpose of cabbage? ›

It has an outstanding nutrient profile and is especially high in vitamins C and K. In addition, eating cabbage may even help lower the risk of certain diseases, improve digestion, and ease inflammation. Plus, cabbage makes a tasty and inexpensive addition to a number of recipes.

What is the cabbage regime? ›

The Cabbage Soup Diet is referred to as a rapid weight loss diet. Proponents' anecdotal claims include following the diet for 7 days can lead to weight loss of up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg), which they believe can jump-start a longer-term diet plan. The diet involves eating homemade cabbage soup for every meal for 1 week.

What is the riddle about fox rabbit and cabbage? ›

The answer is to take the rabbit so the fox will not eat the cabbage, go back and take the cabbage, taking the rabbit back so it will not eat the cabbage, then swapping it for the fox, then finally going back for the rabbit.

What is the red cabbage explanation? ›

The red cabbage (purple-leaved varieties of Brassica oleracea Capitata Group) is a kind of cabbage, also known as Blaukraut after preparation. Its leaves are coloured dark red/purple. However, the plant changes its colour according to the pH value of the soil due to a pigment belonging to anthocyanins.

What is the problem with the wolf and the cabbage? ›

Solution: The wolf does not eat cabbage, so the crossing can start with the goat. The man leaves the goat and returns, puts the cabbage in the boat and takes it across. On the other bank, he leaves the cabbage but takes the goat.

What is the saying not as green as cabbage looking? ›

To be cabbage looking means to be uneducated, plain and simple (minded). So ''I'm not as green as I'm cabbage looking' means that you're not as naive and ignorant as you appear, or they seem to think that you are.


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