Broccoli Casserole Recipe (2024)

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Broccoli Casserole Recipe (1)


Rating: 5 stars


I made this with a few changes because I have an old recipe like this that I've used for years but could not find it. Left out the eggs completely, used fat free sour cream instead of mayo, used cream of chicken soup bcuz family doesn't like mushroom, cut into pieces and sauteed 3 boneless chicken breasts, added salt, pepper, sage and rosemary & used panko breadcrumbs instead of crackers. I also split it between two medium glass rectangle snapware bakers. No butter but sprayed the panko breadcrumbs with Pam Light spray to brown. Turned out great and was more like my old recipe but my son said he thought the other one had rice in it. He may be right and I'll probably add that too next time I make this.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (2)

Maria Silva

Rating: 5 stars


I been making this Casserole for years, its a staple in our holidays, absolutely love this, cannot have a holiday without it, every one loves it

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (3)


Rating: 1 stars


This is a fat laden way to ruin any health benefits of broccoli. Almost 500 calories per serving! You can do better.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (4)


Rating: 2 stars


Felt like there was entirely too much butter. The butter kept separating from the soup mix and it became really soupy after baking. Tasted good, but not something I'd be likely to serve someone. Hubby and I were fine, wouldn't serve it to guests.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (5)


Great recipe. A huge hit, but I tweaked it, so it's a main meal: -2 packages of frozen steamed broccoli-2 packages of chicken breast tenders cut into small pieces (cook before combining)-1 can cream of chicken soup-2 large eggs, lightly beaten-1 cup mayonnaise-2 packages of Cheddar cheese-2 packages of white steamed rice-2 sleeves Ritz crackers, crushedCombine all, except 1/2 packet of cheese, sprinkle 1/2 packet of cheese on top, and then sprinkle the Ritz Crackers on the very very top, and then bake for 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (6)


Rating: Unrated


Do mix soup with a can of water or just straight out of the can???

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (7)


Rating: 5 stars


I added the white rice to the recipe and it was absolutely a delicious dish. The dish was fluffy as well as very tasty. It went very well with any meat preferably Steaks.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (8)


Rating: 5 stars


I've made this dish several times, and I've been steadily tweaking it to turn it into a main dish. I've added two cups of white rice (the measurement 2 in my rice cooker measuring cup) and a can of chicken, sauteed in spices of choice before being put in the dish. It's always a huge hit!

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (9)


Rating: 3 stars


I cooked this for dinner tonight Iv'e been trying to get my 3 1/2 yr. old. to eat veggies this recipe actually worked my husband and I thought It was good to.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (10)


Rating: 5 stars


Definitely my new go-to recipe for broccoli casserole--made it twice over the holidays & it was a huge hit & got rave reviews! It's super-creamy, has amazing flavor, & even reheats well without drying out! Only change I had to make was I had to use 2 lbs of broccoli b/c 1 lb only covered just over 1/2 of the 13x9 pan. However, I will also admit that I took a shortcut & used bagged frozen broccoli cuts, so you may not get quite as much pieces as you might get from fresh broccoli. Other than using 2 bags of broccoli, I didn't & wouldn't change anything else!

Rating: 3 stars


This rating says it all. it's a good solid recipe. Though, a little rich and fatty. Something about mayo being mixed in sounds really gross to me but the flavors worked. just a classic home style dish. yum!

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (12)


Rating: 4 stars


I found this on Pinterest, came here for the recipe, and took it to a Christmas potluck. I made a few changes to adapt to what I had on hand: light mayo, cream of chicken soup, 2 bags frozen chopped broccoli (steamed in microwave), less butter, and only half a sleeve of Ritz. Very good!

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (13)


Rating: 5 stars


Terrific dish for Thanksgiving. I substituted cream of broccoli soup for the mushroom soup and it was delish!! No leftovers here!

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (14)


Rating: 4 stars


This recipe has great flavor, likely due to all of the fat. There is way too much sauce for just one pound of broccoli. Instead of reducing the proportion of ingredients, I added vegetables that I had on hand: carrots, mushrooms, and trio (a blend of onion and peppers). I also used only one-half sleeve of Ritz, that was sufficient to make a nice topping. I would make this again, especially for non-broccoli eaters, but would want to adjust some of the fat.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (15)


Rating: 5 stars


I also do this with cauliflower or combination of both. Zucchini and cooked rice are good too. Save calories without the crackers. I put a little cheese on top.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (16)


Rating: 4 stars


DELICIOUS! Even the people that don't like broccoli enjoyed this. Definitely no leftovers. Also good with the frenchs fried onions.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (17)


Rating: 4 stars


This is one of my husband's favorite to make - except he uses cheddar cheese soup instead of cream of mushroom, and no mayo. It is a great go-to for big dinners.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (18)


Rating: 4 stars


Great recipe with a few alterations. I halved the butter and mayonnaise and exchanged the crushed crackers for a can of fried onion rings. I liked that the sauce was not overwhelming. It is easy to make. Will definitely make again.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (19)


Rating: 1 stars


...This was just.. weird. The consistency of the sauce after baking was kind of strange. It almost looked like something was curdling? Perhaps I baked it too long. It tastes ok, but is really nothing special. I would never serve this to anyone, but I suppose its okay to feed myself with when I'm running low on cash.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (20)


Rating: 5 stars


Very good and comforting to eat. Its easy to do. I used Peppridge Farm Stuffing Mix on top instead of Ritz.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (21)


Rating: 3 stars


I liked this recipe but i think it asks for to much mayo and butter and you can really taste it. The only changes i would make next time is to cut back by a 1/4 of those two ingredients.

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (22)


Rating: 5 stars


I made this recipe for Thanksgiving the same year it issued in All You. I have made it every year on Thanksgiving since and my whole family loves it!! Very fast and simple and tastes delicious =) No room for leftovers with this one!

Broccoli Casserole Recipe (2024)


Is it better to use fresh or frozen broccoli in a casserole? ›

Fresh vegetables contain less water

Frozen vegetables release moisture as they cook and when they're used in a casserole that moisture has nowhere to go but into your dish. If you want your casserole to have the best texture, it's best to use fresh vegetables.

What is broccoli casserole made of? ›

The ingredients? Broccoli of course, then bacon, flour, milk, cream, eggs, cheddar cheese, a little Dijon, salt, and lots of freshly cracked black pepper. The tricks to this broccoli cheese casserole are to: Pre-cook the broccoli florets a bit so they cook up tender in the casserole.

Do you cook vegetables before putting in casserole? ›

Par Cook Pasta and Vegetables

"Partially cooking these ingredients is the only way to make a casserole with a satisfying texture," says LaClair. She stresses you should undercook rather than overcook them, as they will continue to cook in the oven—and will dry out quickly if already fully cooked.

How do you make a casserole not soggy? ›

To prevent a soupy casserole, be sure to fully thaw any frozen vegetables in a colander over a bowl, and pat dry, squeeze excess moisture out of greens like spinach or chard, and quickly precook watery fresh vegetables like onions, mushrooms or squashes just until they release their moisture.

Does frozen broccoli need to be cooked before adding to casserole? ›

add small onion saluted in butter- use a sweeter Mayo ( so it will add favor instead of grease), use frozen broccoli and don't cook it before hand.

What are 5 components of a casserole? ›

Let's talk anatomy: A standard dinner casserole usually includes a protein, a starch, a vegetable, a sauce (or other binding ingredient), and cheese. But making a casserole is not an exact science, and you can definitely break away from this formula. Check out some fun side-dish casseroles and desserts below!

Why is my broccoli casserole watery? ›

You might not realise it, but those perfectly ripe, bursting-with-moisture-veggies that you're tossing into your casserole are most likely the culprits when it comes to a watery bake, which is why it's important to heed the recipe when it comes to prepping your vegetables and cooling your finished product.

What is the main ingredient in a casserole? ›

In the United States, a casserole or hot dish is typically a baked food with three main components: pieces of meat (such as chicken or ground meat) or fish (such as tuna) or other protein (such as beans or tofu), various chopped or canned vegetables (such as green beans or peas), and a starchy binder (such as flour, ...

Do I bake my casserole covered or uncovered? ›

Uncovering the foods promotes browning and crisping, and reduces the amount of liquid in the finished dish. If a casserole looks soupy when it's ready to bake, bake it uncovered unless the ingredients include pasta or rice, which absorb liquid.

Should you cook onions before putting in casserole? ›

While certain vegetables can work just fine added directly to simmering soups and stews (say, carrots and celery), other vegetables (onions, garlic, and the like) will almost always need at least a brief sweat in a fat-based liquid before adding the remaining ingredients.

How do you make a casserole taste better? ›

Try different herbs for added flavour: sage or lemon thyme work wonderfully well. For a meatier casserole, add chopped sausage or pancetta when cooking the chicken. Stir wholegrain mustard through the casserole at the end of cooking (to taste); this is especially good if you have sausage in the casserole.

Is it better to cook casserole the day before or? ›

Putting a casserole together a day or so before baking ensures that everything is ready to go when dinner time rolls around. That means no rushing at the last minute. Along with greater convenience, making a casserole ahead of time also results in a richer, deeper taste.

How long should a casserole be cooked for? ›

The time a casserole takes to cook will vary from 2-2½ hours for chuck, blade and thick flank, up to 4 hours for shin, leg and neck. Pork cuts for braising and casseroling normally take 1½ hours, and lamb much the same.

What thickens a casserole? ›

The three main thickening agents for gravies are flour, cornflour and arrowroot. The first two are normally used in savoury dishes while arrowroot tends to be used in sweet dishes – that said, arrowroot will work in a savoury dish as it has no flavour.

Can you substitute frozen broccoli for fresh broccoli? ›

You can sauté frozen broccoli just as you would fresh broccoli. Add oil to a skillet on medium-high heat. Add your frozen broccoli and season as desired.

Does frozen broccoli taste as good as fresh? ›

Buying frozen vegetables can be more convenient, more affordable and taste just as delicious as fresh. I love adding frozen broccoli to this Creamy Broccoli Pasta or to a homemade soup.

Does fresh broccoli cook faster than frozen? ›

Frozen broccoli cooks up faster than fresh broccoli. It's already cleaned and trimmed into perfect sized broccoli florets, ready for cooking. Forget about the boring steamed broccoli. Let's turn on the stove top and start cooking.


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.