Broadway Ghost – The 5 Most Terrifyingly Haunted Theaters | Inside Broadway Tours (2024)

Broadway Ghost – The 5 Most Terrifyingly Haunted Theaters | Inside Broadway Tours (1)

Broadway is a staple of midtown New York and has been for over a century. Plenty of people involved with the Theatre District have passed on but not all of them have left…

Every night people come out to see Broadway shows by the thousands. Eventually, curtains comedown, the actors take their final bows and the shows come to an end. Everyone goes back out into the night and the theaters go dark. The only light that remains is a singular bulb artists callaGhost Light. Theaters all over the world use this lightboth as a safety measure and a means to appease any spirits that may inhabit their space. Broadway is no different and if you attend a show, you may be sitting with a Broadway Ghost.

So here are five, still active theaters on the Great White Way that many believe are home to some Paranormal Patrons.

The Palace

1564 7th Ave & W 47th Street, New York, NY 10036

Built in 1903 the Palaceis one of the oldeststill running theaters on Broadway. It has it’s fair share of plays, musicals and tragedy.

Legend has it that in the 1950’s, acrobatLouis Borsalino would attempt a tight rope walk without a net and fall to his death. While somedisputethis claim, saying that the high-flyer was only badly injured during the fall, stagehands and actors alike believe his ghost still has a taste for the stage. Therefore, Borsalino can be seen swinging from the rafters when the theater is empty. Like any good Broadway Ghost, he will let out a shriek of terror before reenacting his ill fated final act. Over and over and over again.

The New Amsterdam

214 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036

Right in the heart of Times Square, the New Amsterdam is over a century old! Disney revived it in the mid nineties and it is now home to some of the most extravagant productions aroundand a Broadway Ghost.

First of all, Olive Thomas was a Broadway chorus girl in the early 1900’s, known for her beauty. As a result, she caught the eye of many, like herhusband, Jack Pickford. The two did not have the greatest relationship and in 1920 they decided a trip to Paris would be the perfect cure. However, a heated exchange between the two lead to Olive’s tragic overdose on mercury bi-chloride, a topical ointment.

Very soon after her death, reports began that Olive was walking the halls of the New Amsterdam Theater. Clad in a green, beaded dress and carrying a bottle much likethe one she fatefully drank from in Paris. Sightings of Olive remain steady (even as recently as2005)since the need to perform cannot escape her. Even in death.

The Lyceum

149 W 45th St, New York, NY 10036

Few American Theaters are as old as the Lyceum. Granted landmark status in 1974, it is the oldest, continuously running Theater on Broadway. Hence it should come as no surprise that it also has a permanent phantom in the form of legendary Choreographer Bob Fosse.

Fosse, known for his distinct and innovative style of dance, worked with many actors and dancers over his career. One such actress was Chita Rivera. River starred in 2016’s The Visit, in the Lyceum. During the show,crew members claimedto hear strange sounds in addition to cigarette smoke coming from the balcony. Many of them assume that it was the ghost of Fosse himself. Due toFosse’s work relationship with Rivera and his apparent love of the Balcony seats, it makes sense that he would choose that show to haunt. Whether or not he stays around is the question.Needless to say, as a Broadway Ghost, he’s got plenty of time to decide.

The Imperial

249 W 45th St, New York, NY 10036

Sometimes you don’t need a storied history to be a ghost. You just have to scare a group of kids.

The Imperial Theatreopened in 1923 and various musicals and plays have graced its stage of the last century. The most noteworthy of those shows was Billy Elliot. A musical based on the hit film, its big draw was music by Elton John and a talented group of Tony award winning youngsters.Young girlsin the show claimed that their dressing room was haunted by a strange and powerful entity who would open and close doors at will and the name of that Broadway Ghost: Fred.

Therefore, while some believe that famed actress Ethel Merman probably haunts the old theater, the cast of Billy Elliot will tell you a much different story.

The Belasco

111 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036

Finally, the most noteworthy theatre on this list. David Belasco commissioned it to be built in 1907. While it isonly the sixth oldest theater on Broadway, it most likely takes the lead as far as sightings are concerned.

David Belasco died in 1931 and consequently became one of the Broadway Ghosts. He is said towatch rehearsalsand walk the halls whenever he pleases. Some crew in the theatre will say, “Goodnight, Mr. Belasco.” at the end of the night, just to appease him. Even I have had a spooky experience withthis legendary Broadway Ghost.

As a bar manager at the time, I had to stay late to count the night’s profits. Suddenly, in my non ventilated office, the airgrew cold. Just as quicklyas the cold began, it was gone, returning the room to its normal temperature. Even I have my skepticism towards ghosts and this incident shook me to my core. Many believe thatCold Spotswill often accompany ghosts and knowledge of this phenomenon gave me cause to leave the theatre early that night.

Those are the Broadway Ghosts that this intrepid blogger knows about and their are many others. Do you have a ghastly experience in a Broadway Theater? Let us know in the comments! If you wanna see some of these theaters first hand, check outInside Broadway Tours!

Broadway Ghost – The 5 Most Terrifyingly Haunted Theaters | Inside Broadway Tours (2024)


Is the Gershwin Theater haunted? ›


Ghostly appearances tend to occur mainly in the older theatres, built before 1930. But the 1971-vintage Gershwin seems to have picked up some paranormal activity as well, during the run of the witch-ridden musical Wicked.

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The Phantom of the Opera

With its haunting score and the enigmatic Phantom lurking beneath the Paris Opera House, this classic tale of love and obsession surely gets the title of Broadway's Best Spooky Show. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

Why is it called a ghost light? ›

While ghost lights are very practical and utilized in theatres around the world, they also have a spiritual meaning. The lights are said to ward away mischievous spirits. However, the light also serves as a guide for the ghosts that are believed to haunt every theatre.


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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.