Body-guarding The CEO's Daughter - Chapter 6 - AizawaIsCrazy - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

You sit on your bed, laptop on your lap, and snacks on your bedside table you grabbed a few minutes ago. You put headphones on, and began your research. You begin by looking up and gathering info about Aizawa. How he's been a bodyguard for a few good years, started gonig to the same camp he teaches at, at the age of 15. He was one of the top in his class, being good for both the physical parts, and the education parts.

He was good at rescuing, saving, and so forth. But that's all the past info you could find on him. You found some of his old clients, Tsunagu Hakamada, who owned a popular hair and clothing store. Selling clothes he made, and being a hairstylist. He's also protected kids. A child he had to protect was name Eri, and she nearly got abducted but he luckily saved her in time.

You keep scrolling, looking and writing down any info you can. It wasn't much, only being able to find like 5 clients since he preferred to stay out of the public, little on his background and history. There's just barely anything about this guy. Times like this, you wished you knew a bit about computers, maybe you could hack your way into some secret place, or look up better words to find what you're looking for, but it all comes to dead ends.

You begin to look up some famous people who died around the time Aizawa failed at his mission. Each person you looked up though, didn't explain if Aizawa was there.

"If he's 22 right now, and he began 7 years ago, then it must've been when he was a teeanger.. could've been when he first joined a camp, though I don't know why they'd let some 15 year old protect someone important, unless the dude wasn't important.." You mutter yourself, groaning as your brain begins to hurt.

You were tired, but dedicated, you didn't care how long you'd have to stay up if it meant finding out about Aizawa. Aizawa got to know all your info, what's the harm in you knowing a bit of his?

"UA Bodyguard Camp failed missions." You look up, scrolling and scrolling. You found articles about bodyguards who went to the same camp, how they died, or went missing, didn't complete a mission, got arrested for some crime they comited, but still nothing on Aizawa. Did the police not post anything? Clearly something was posted if you found out he failed it before.. but who the hell did he not save?

Your frustration at every useless thing you worked up grew and grew, you were about to throw your laptop against the wall when you notice an article that read "Mission Gone Wrong: Death of Oboro Shirakumo." You quirk your eyebrow and click it. You've heard of Shirakumo, he was the son of someone famous, though you don't remember who. He died a few years back during a construction accident. He died 6 years ago.

Aizawa began his career 7 years. Failed at protecting someone early, and in the article it's stating that Shirakumo did have a bodyguard, but the name of them is unclosed.

You scroll, waiting for something to catch your sight.

"Some believe that Shrakumo's bodyguard was a friend before bodyguard. There's photos of the pair, even if some of them were blurried, or the guard's face wasn't visible, it was clear the two had a bond beyond a bodyguard and client."

You write that down, and write down how Shirakumo was originally given a bodyguard who was who you assume is Aizawa, but someone different, yet Shirakumo wanted Aizawa, at least from what his father said in an interview. There's not much on what happened, he and the guard was just walking when the builders were destroying a building, they didn't exactly measure the cones correctly and part of it fell and crushed Shirakumo.

It would make sense why Aizawa didn't want to talk about it if they were friends, he saw a friend of his get crushed by a beam when he was suppose to protect him, anyone wouldn't want that brought up again. It made you frown and question just how much Aizawa has gone through. You've stumbled in on him changing a few times, most you ever saw was his upper body, but it was littered in scars.

You stare at your notes after reading the rest of the article, and you were pretty sure Shirakumo's is Aizawa's failed mission, but it wasn't Aizawa's fault really, no wonder he's harsh on himself and others, he just wants to keep them save. Also why he walks close to you, instead of further behind or away like some of the guards you've had.

You slowly close your laptop, tossing your items on the table beside you after moving all your trash in the can. You fall backwards on the bed, letting out a sigh, and the moment your eyes shut, you fell asleep.

- Aizawa -

When he finally heard your snoring, he groaned and stood up. It was nearly 4 in the morning, and they had to be up soon, so why the hell were you awake so late? He groggily made his way to the bedroom, changing out of his clothes and soon followed your steps, falling on the bed and sleeping within seconds.

"Aizawa! C'mon, hurry up, we gotta get to it before it closes!" Shirakumo yells to Aizawa who fell behind. Aizawa rolled his eyes but caught up to the bright blue hair."Not my fault you're moving so quickly.." He tiredly remarked and Shirakumo only laugh, patting his back.

"I'm just tryna catch up to Yamada, he got way to excited and ran ahead, c'mon, let's go."

Aizawa watched as he started a light jog, and Aizawa was bout to say something about being careful since there were workers nearby, but he couldn't mutter a word when another loud "BANG" sounded. Aizawa looked over at the construction site, where they were currently destroying a building to put up a new fast food restaurantsince the building had been abandonedfor months.Aizawa turns back to Shirakumo, and started to jog after him, another loud bang happened and Aizawa looked up to see the building collapsing, but they didn't hit the building down so the rubble would fall down, they swung from the side, and the building was falling towards Aizawa and Shirakumo."Shirakumo!" Aizawa yelled and ran after him, the building was surely going to hit him if he didn't move out the way, but he just stopped and turned around, so clueless and happy as he smiled, waiting for Aizawa. He tried to warn him, tried to get him away, but he was just seconds off, when the only thing in his path was a giant rock that nearly crushed him into two. Panic boiled in Aizawa, and he felt himself staring down at the thing his friend was below, crying out his name, trying to get the piece of rock from off his friend.


Aizawa sits up when his alarm goes off, and rubs his sleep filled eyes, he just wanted to continue to sleep, but he hated that dumb nightmare.. He's been getting it more and more lately, he's always gotten nightmares, but that one he assumed was his minds favorite to haunt him and insure he has the worst nights of sleep ever.

His tensed up body slowly moved around his room, preparing for a shower and the day ahead.

When he left the room with his clothes, he was immediately stopped when you were in front of his door. Usually you weren't up for another hour, and with how late you stayed up last night, he expected you to be in bed for a longer period of time.

"Sorry! Just- wanted to see if you were awake!" You explain quickly, but run back to your room before another peep. Aizawa raised a brow, but didn't question it further as he made his way to the bathroom.

Body-guarding The CEO's Daughter - Chapter 6 - AizawaIsCrazy - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Views: 6145

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.