Blackheads on the Nose: Treatment Options, Do’s and Don’ts, Prevention (2024)

  • Blackheads are a result of clogged pores.
  • They commonly appear on the nose because the nose has more oil glands than other parts of the body.
  • There are many treatment options for removing and preventing blackheads on the nose.

Blackheads are a type of acne. They appear as little dark spots and develop on the surface of the skin. Blackheads on the nose can be particularly frustrating to deal with as they are more noticeable and seem to reappear for no apparent reason.


What Causes Blackheads to Appear on the Nose?

Blackheads occur when dead skin cells and sebum (oil that helps keep skin and hair lubricated) accumulate in pores.

Unlike other acne lesions, which are usually closed and protected by a thin layer of skin, blackheads are open and exposed to the air. Oxygen reacts with the debris trapped in the pore, turning it black and creating a blackhead.

While blackheads can appear anywhere on the body, they are most commonly found on the nose. The nose has a relatively high concentration of oil glands, which means there is usually more sebum, and therefore a higher risk of a clogged pore.

Deep blackheads on the nose

Some blackheads develop deep beneath the surface of the skin. Trying to extract blackheads that are deeply embedded can damage skin and lead to scars.

The safest option for treating deep blackheads on the nose is to see a dermatologist for targeted treatment.

Treatment Options

There are many over-the-counter, DIY and professional options for removing and preventing blackheads. Treatments generally fall into one of the following categories:

  • Cleansers: A gentle cleanser can help stop the buildup of oil and prevent breakouts.
  • Exfoliants: Help remove dead skin cells, sebum and other contaminants that can clog pores.
  • Extraction: Physically removes blackheads.
  • Professional treatments: Dermatologists and cosmetic professionals might use chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser therapy, chemical peels or manual removal to treat deep blackheads.
  • Home remedies: Makes use of readily available ingredients to treat blackheads.

Before and afters

  • Blackheads on the Nose: Treatment Options, Do’s and Don’ts, Prevention (1)
  • Blackheads on the Nose: Treatment Options, Do’s and Don’ts, Prevention (2)
  • Blackheads on the Nose: Treatment Options, Do’s and Don’ts, Prevention (3)
  • Blackheads on the Nose: Treatment Options, Do’s and Don’ts, Prevention (4)

Cleanse and Exfoliate the Nose

The first step in getting rid of blackheads on the nose is to start using a gentle cleanser. Cleansers play a key role in eliminating excess oil and keeping pores free of debris.

For best results, cleanse your nose and the rest of your face twice a day. Avoid washing excessively, as it can lead to dry skin which may contribute to more breakouts.

Exfoliating is also crucial for preventing blackheads. Exfoliating gently scrubs away dead skin cells to minimize the risk of debris becoming trapped in your pores.

There are many types of exfoliants available on the market, but it is important to avoid harsh products that might irritate your skin. Instead, look for products that contain alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), which work by gently exfoliating the top layer of your skin.

Exfoliate with a chemical peel

Chemical peels are normally used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, discoloration and scars but they can also be effective in dealing with blackheads on the nose. A chemical peel involves applying a solution on the skin, which gradually removes the outermost layer to reveal the smoother, healthier skin underneath.

You can purchase over-the-counter mild chemical peels, but for stronger peels and more noticeable results you will need to see a professional.

Use a Mask

Masks work by absorbing the excess sebum and dirt that contribute to blackheads. Masks can be quite harsh on sensitive skin, so it is best to use them in moderation and restrict your use to once or twice a week.

There are several different types of masks available. For example, clay masks are designed for oily skin types, and can help soak up sebum and draw out impurities from deep within the pores. Charcoal masks work along similar lines but contain activated charcoal, which is believed to help draw bacteria, toxins and other micro-particles to the surface of the skin.

Use Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a BHA found in many blackhead treatment products. It works by loosening and removing dead skin cells from deep within pores.

Salicylic acid is also an effective anti-inflammatory, which can help clear up breakouts and soothe inflamed acne. Although research shows that salicylic acid is considered very safe, it can be irritating for people with dry skin.

Other ingredients to look for:

  • Glycolic acid: Although this AHA does not penetrate pores, it is very effective for exfoliating skin and removing the debris that can clog pores. It is used in a variety of products, including serums, peels, cleansers and exfoliants.
  • Retinoids: Commonly used to fight the signs of aging, retinoids (compounds derived from vitamin A) can also help with blackheads. Retinoids stimulate cellular turnover, which prevents the buildup of dead skin cells.

Blackhead Extraction

DIY blackhead extraction involves using a simple tool to apply pressure to the skin surrounding the blackhead. This brings the blackhead to the surface, where it can be easily removed.

However, there are a number of risks involved with attempting to do your own blackhead extraction.

Applying too much pressure can damage the surrounding skin, which may take a long time to heal or leave a scar. There is also a risk of transferring bacteria from your fingers to this area of skin, which can increase the risk of infection or make the breakout worse.

Treatments to Avoid


Squeezing blackheads with your fingers or an extraction tool can irritate skin and lead to further skin issues.


Some websites claim that toothpaste can absorb excess oil. Regardless of whether or not this is true, many types of toothpaste contain substances that can damage skin and potentially clog your pores.

Pore strips

Although pore strips can help temporarily remove debris from pores, they are also quite abrasive and can damage and irritate the sensitive skin on your nose.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is sometimes recommended for acne, but its effectiveness in the treatment of blackheads has not been well studied. It also has a strong drying effect, which can be too harsh for sensitive skin.

Home Remedies

There are a number of home remedies said to be used in targeting blackheads. Some of the most popular home remedies include:

  • Baking soda
  • Oatmeal
  • Lemon juice
  • Honey
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Tea tree oil

In reality, most of these treatments are overly drying and can actually make skin worse.

Can You Get Rid of Blackheads on the Nose Permanently?

Ultimately, there is no solution that will completely eradicate blackheads. No matter what you do, you will continue producing sebum and losing skin cells from your nose, which means there’s always going to be a slight risk of a clogged pore and a subsequent blackhead.

Prevent Blackheads from Reappearing on the Nose

While you may not be able to eliminate blackheads entirely, a proactive approach can reduce the risk of developing blackheads on the nose in the future:

  • Avoid comedogenic makeup and skin care products.
  • Wash your face regularly with a gentle cleanser.
  • Exfoliate once a week.
  • Avoid picking, squeezing or popping blackheads and whiteheads.
  • Keep hands clean to reduce the risk of transferring dirt and bacteria to your face.
  • Enlist the help of a cosmetic professional.


Blackheads are a form of acne that occur when pores become clogged with sebum and dead skin cells. The nose is particularly prone to blackheads due to its concentration of oil glands.

While there is no permanent solution, taking a proactive approach to blackheads can help you manage breakouts. Regularly using a gentle cleanser, exfoliating and practicing good personal hygiene can go a long way toward reducing the risk of developing blackheads on the nose.


  • Saint‐Léger, D. , Lévêque, J. and Verschoore, M. (2007), The use of hydroxy acids on the skin: characteristics of C8‐lipohydroxy acid. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 6: 59-65. doi:10.1111/j.1473-2165.2007.00296.x
  • Zander E, Weisman S. Treatment of acne vulgaris with salicylic acid pads. (1992) Clin Ther. Mar-Apr;14(2):247-53.
  • Kafi R, Kwak HS, Schumacher WE, Cho S, Hanft VN, Hamilton TA, King AL, Neal JD, Varani J, Fisher GJ, Voorhees JJ, Kang S. (2007) Improvement of naturally aged skin with vitamin A (retinol). Arch Dermatol. 143(5):606-12.
  • Mathur P. (2011). Hand hygiene: back to the basics of infection control. The Indian journal of medical research, 134(5), 611–620. doi:10.4103/0971-5916.90985
  • MATSUOKA, Y. , YONEDA, K. , SADAHIRA, C. , KATSUURA, J. , MORIUE, T. and KUBOTA, Y. (2006), Effects of skin care and makeup under instructions from dermatologists on the quality of life of female patients with acne vulgaris. The Journal of Dermatology, 33: 745-752. doi:10.1111/j.1346-8138.2006.00174.x

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Blackheads on the Nose: Treatment Options, Do’s and Don’ts, Prevention (2024)


Blackheads on the Nose: Treatment Options, Do’s and Don’ts, Prevention? ›

To prevent blackheads before they form, use noncomedogenic skin care and makeup products. It's also recommended to reduce physical irritation to the skin, including touching or tugging at your skin with your hands and excessive washing. Aside from topical treatments, it's best to nourish your body from the inside out.

What is the best treatment for blackheads on your nose? ›

“If you have blackheads, your go-to ingredient should be salicylic acid,” a type of beta-hydroxy acid (BHA), says Joshua Zeichner, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and director of cosmetic and clinical research at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.

What not to use for blackheads? ›

Blackhead Treatments to Avoid

You should avoid oil-based and alcohol-based cleaners. If you have oily skin, products that have these ingredients can irritate your skin. If you have normal skin, moisturizers that contain some light oil should be fine. If you have dry skin, oil-based moisturizers may help.

How do you prevent blackheads products? ›

Avoid comedogenic products

If you're trying to prevent blackheads from returning, use noncomedogenic, oil-free products in your skin care routine. Look for cleansers and moisturizer products that are lightweight and gentle on the skin. Heavy, skin-irritating products can make you more prone to acne spots.

How to remove blackheads from nose naturally? ›

Apply salt or sugar to the affected region. Massage them on the skin in small, circular/round motions for about 30 seconds. When finished, thoroughly rinse your face with water to remove all traces of the scrub. You will be able to see that the blackhead has been removed entirely.

Why is my nose full of blackheads? ›

Blackheads on your nose are caused by clogged pores due to an excess of oil, dirt, and an accumulation of dead skin cells. Your nose is a prime area for these factors because we touch our noses often, and it comes into contact with glasses and sunglasses.

Should I push out blackheads on nose? ›

It's best to avoid popping blackheads, as this can cause scarring and increase your risk of infection.

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Exfoliate Your Nose with Acids

“Salicylic acid has a particular predilection for pores,” says Howe. “It gets right in there and loosens them so the plugs come out on their own.” Regularly exfoliation will keep all the dead skin moving out and off your face.

How to remove blackheads in 5 minutes with toothpaste? ›

Mix 1 part toothpaste with 1 part salt. If the mixture is too thick, add a few drops of water to thin it out. Rub the mixture onto your face and leave it for about 5-10 minutes. Gently rub the toothpaste mixture around to remove the blackheads from your nose pores before washing it off.

How do I stop blackheads from forming on my nose? ›

Many things can cause blackheads to form, including increased oil production, hormones, and the presence of bacteria on the skin. To get rid of blackheads on the nose, experts recommend washing your face twice daily, using non-comedogenic skin care products, and avoiding squeezing blackheads.

Which serum is best for blackheads? ›

Salicylic acid at 2% is ideal and safe for all skin types. Apply 2-3 drops to a cleansed face at night to slough off clumped dirt, debris, and sebum from the pores. While using this serum, don't forget to use sunscreen every day.

How do I make blackheads on my nose less visible? ›

Exfoliate Your Nose with Acids

Use a chemical exfoliant (also with salicylic acid or other beta hydroxy acids) once or twice a week for even better results. And if you've already noticed blackheads forming, Howe recommends a sheet mask that contains salicylic acid to give your skin a boost.


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