Best Dog Dewormers | For Dogs of All Shapes & Sizes (2024)

Opening up a can of worms . . .

Best Dog Dewormers | For Dogs of All Shapes & Sizes (1)

Unfortunately, dogs, just like humans’, contract worms and other revolting parasites from the environment, which can have numerous health implications, both to your pet and to their fellow housemates.

If these worms are allowed to grow unchecked, they will adversely affect the life of your dog and can lead to malnutrition and other health-related problems. It is, therefore, crucial to get rid of these parasites by administering dewormers as part of your dog’s health routine.

Taking preventative measures

Most pet parents will buy dewormers only after they receive a prescription from the vet, or when they have a new puppy in the house. This should not always be the case. Deworming your pooch should be done regularly in order to keep them healthy at all times.

Even if the dog does not display any symptoms of worm infestation, most authorities recommend that you should at deworm your dog at least every six months.

Importance of treating a parasite infestation

Once in a while, life-threatening illnesses can result in a dog plagued by worms. The two most common examples are roundworms in puppies whose immature immune system allows the worms to reproduce in the intestines to such as extent that they can cause a devastating infestation; and some cases of lungworm.

Lungworms can cause coughing and difficulty in breathing, and also prevent the blood from clotting. This can result in unexpected bleeding, and in extreme cases, a dog can die from a sudden brain hemorrhage.

Symptoms of a worm problem in dogs

There are numerous health implications if your dog should have a worm infestation, so knowing the signs of a worm problem is more important than ever. Symptoms include:

  • a ravenous appetite
  • weight loss
  • gastrointestinal upsets (such as vomiting or diarrhea)
  • a pot-bellied appearance
  • and a dry or scurfy coat.

Can dog worms be passed on to humans?

The common dog roundworm (Toxocara Canis), can be passed on to humans. A healthy adult human’s immune system can usually effectively deal with the challenge; children are another story.

If a young child should ingest worm eggs, the larva can move through the tissues. Should a larva end up in the brain or eye, serious complications, such as seizures or blindness can follow.

Popular dog deworming products examined

There are very many different products on the market that promise to work wonders for your dog, but not all are as good as the packaging claims; and many of them may not work at all!

We’ve taken the stress out of choosing the correct product and reviewed the five best dewormers on the market to save you the precious time.

Safe-Guard | Canine Dewormer Excel 8-in-1

Best Dog Dewormers | For Dogs of All Shapes & Sizes (2)

Rated as the best overall dewormer, this product contains Fenbendazole as the active ingredient and it is the most effective anthelminthic – according to most veterinarians. It may rid the body of tapeworms, hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms.

It contains granules that are easy to mix with the dog’s food making it very easy to administer. This dewormer is safe for most puppies over six weeks of age, pregnant females, and dogs that have a heartworm infection. It provides protection for at least six months.


  • Helps with common worm infections
  • Available in different dosages according to the size of your dog
  • Easy to administer
  • Safe for most puppies and pregnant dogs
  • Affordable


  • May cause mild vomiting as a side effect

Customers feedback

This product received excellent reviews from most customers that used it, and they claimed it worked wonders for their dogs. With a rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars, this can be a good product for deworming your precious pooch at home.

See it on Amazon

Bayer | Tapeworm Dewormer

Best Dog Dewormers | For Dogs of All Shapes & Sizes (3)

An effective product for dealing with common tapeworms, hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms that infect dogs.

Presented as a chewable tablet that ensures easy administration, and has a delicious flavor which most dogs love. It is available in many dosage sizes for different sized dogs, and each package contains four tablets that should have you covered for a long time.

Note: This product is ideal for dogs over four weeks of age.


  • Effective for tapeworms
  • Reasonably priced
  • Delicious flavor
  • Easy to administer


  • May bring about a temporary loss of appetite.

Customers feedback

This product has many positive reviews and a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. The customers that used it were pleased with the results as it was able to help protect their dogs from common infestations such as tapeworms as well as other types of worms.

See it on Amazon

Related: Maintain excellent ear health in your dog with a good dog ear cleaner.

Durvet | Triple Medium & Large Dog Wormer

Best Dog Dewormers | For Dogs of All Shapes & Sizes (4)

This dewormer is one of the most trusted in treating many different infections such as roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms and is the best overall product for large and medium-sized dogs.

It is recommended to give the total dose to your dog in order for it to work effectively, and if you give only one treatment, then you could be forced to repeat the process after only a few months as it may not be adequate enough to protect your precious puppy.

Note: Consult with your vet first, every situation is unique. Dosage instructions must be followed to the letter


  • Chewable
  • Easy to administer
  • Has a delicious flavor
  • Tablet form makes it easy to follow instructions


  • Only for medium and large dogs

Customers feedback

Feedback regarding this dewormer was mostly positive, and the rating given by the customers was a solid 4.5 out of 5 stars, with most users praising it and saying that it was extremely effective in eradicating the common worms that kept afflicting their dogs.

See it on Amazon

Sentry HC | Worm X Plus for Small Dogs

Best Dog Dewormers | For Dogs of All Shapes & Sizes (5)

This product is especially useful when used on smaller pooches weighing between 6 lbs. to 25 lbs and protects against hookworms, tapeworms, and roundworms.

You can buy it over the counter and without a prescription and is recommended for dogs that are 12 weeks and above in age.


  • Protects against tapeworms
  • Does not require a prescription
  • Ideal for small dogs


  • Can only be used on small sized dogs

Customers feedback

Most customers gave this product a rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars, and they were delighted after using it on their dogs. It was able to help protect their pets against various diseases that are caused by tapeworms, hookworms, and even roundworms. Most uses confidently recommended this product to other dog owners.

See it on Amazon

Bayer | Quad Chewable Dewormer

Best Dog Dewormers | For Dogs of All Shapes & Sizes (6)

This is a chewable dewormer that helps with common parasites such as roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and whip-worms.

Being chewable means that they are easy to administer to the dog, and ensures that the right dosage is given. Plus, you can watch the dog eat the tablet and be confident that the medicine is ingested. It is ideal for large dogs that are over 45 lbs. in weight.


  • Does not require a prescription
  • Reasonably priced
  • Chewable


  • Does not treat all worm infections

Customers feedback

The rating for this product is 4.4 out of 5 stars and customers were happy with the results after administering the dosage to their pets. They claimed that it was able to help deworm their pets and eliminate common parasites such as tapeworms. It comes highly recommended.

See it on Amazon

Final take on deworming your dog

Best Dog Dewormers | For Dogs of All Shapes & Sizes (7)

If you are a parent, then you understand what deworming means, and why it is essential to deworm your children every three months. Puppies are no exception, and you must do the same for them too. Maybe a good way to always ensure you remember to do it would be to deworm both your children and puppies at the same time.

Keep your dog safe and healthy at all times by ensuring you deworm them at least every six months. Take care and we wish you many more happy years with your best friend!

Best Dog Dewormers | For Dogs of All Shapes & Sizes (2024)


What is the best wormer for big dogs? ›

Drontal® Dog Tasty Bone XL Tablets are highly-effective and make worming easy. You might not know if your dog has intestinal worms, but you can trust Drontal® to help combat them.

What dog dewormer kills all worms? ›

Our top pick for a broad-spectrum dewormer is Drontal Plus Taste Tabs. One dose can kill four types of intestinal parasites, which is more than any other treatment. Before you begin treatment, your veterinarian should do a fecal test to determine what type of worms your dog has.

What dewormer do vets use? ›

Pyrantel Pamoate | VCA Animal Hospitals.

Can I deworm my dog without going to the vet? ›

Carrots. It may come as a surprise, but carrots are another excellent deworming agent. Because of the texture of raw carrots, they can help to gently scrape the lining on your dog's stomach and intestinal wall and work to remove worms. Plus, carrots are packed with vitamin A and other nutrients for your dog to enjoy!

What is the most effective dewormer? ›

Use an anthelmintic tablet or suspension, such as Cipex, which contains the active ingredient, Mebendazole. Mebendazole is a broad spectrum treatment that assists in treating most types of worm infestations. It kills worms by depleting their uptake of glucose.

How do you deworm a large dog? ›

Your vet will give your dog medicine by mouth , a shot or use a topical dewormer (like Advantix, or Revolution) to kill the worms. Many of these drugs are described as “broad-spectrum,” because they're good for treating a wide range of parasites, including worms that live in the gut.

How do you get rid of worms in dogs asap? ›

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are an extremely effective deworming agent because they contain an amino acid called cucurbitacin. This paralyzes the worms making them easily eliminated from the intestine. They can be fed whole as a treat or you can grind them into a fine powder and add to Fido's food.

What type of worms are the worst for dogs? ›

Heartworm is a life-threatening parasite spread by mosquitoes and causes significant damage to the heart and lungs. Heartworm disease is one of the most serious conditions seen in small animal practice.

How long does dewormer take to get all the worms out? ›

A deworming treatment takes only 24 hours!

In this case, it takes a few weeks for adult worms to redevelop in the dog's intestine and for contagious eggs to be excreted. For roundworms this is approx. four weeks, for tapeworms this is usually longer and less than four weeks for the more rarely occurring hookworms.

What do vets recommend for worming dogs? ›

There is also a wide range of spot-on medications containing imidacloprid against fleas and moxidectin against worms; or selamectin against both, that are capable of killing roundworms.

What is the safest dog dewormer? ›

Panacur is generally considered a very safe medication and is one of the safest dewormers on the market.

What is the FDA approved dewormer for dogs? ›

Fenbendazole is FDA-approved for use in veterinary medicine to treat a wide variety of worms in horses, cattle, swine and goats. In dogs, it is FDA-approved to treat roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms.

Does apple cider vinegar get rid of worms in dogs? ›

Apple cider vinegar has numerous health benefits and is known to be effective in treating worms in dogs. Unlike other vinegar, apple cider vinegar increases the alkaline levels in the intestines of the dog. As a result, it creates an inhospitable environment for worms and other parasites.

How to make homemade dewormer for dogs? ›

Anti-Worm Food Supplement

You can mix remedies to use as a general worming solution. Herbs For Pets recommends this combination for worms in dogs. 2 parts unsalted, raw pumpkin seeds 1 part garlic powder 1 part fennel seeds 1 part yucca root Mix the ingredients together.

Does coconut oil get rid of worms in dogs? ›

Coconut oil can also be used as a natural dewormer for dogs. Your dog's body will convert the lauric acid in coconut oil to monolaurin, which is known to be effective against tapeworm, giardia, and other parasites. For coconut oil, work up gradually to 1 teaspoon/day per 10 lbs body weight.

How often should you worm a large dog? ›

How often should I treat my dog for worms? At least every three months. Depending on your pet's lifestyle, more regular worming may need to be undertaken and it is recommended this be discussed with your vet if you are concerned.

What dog wormer lasts 3 months? ›

  • A quarterly (every 3 months) worming tablet which cover against the common intestinal roundworms and tapeworms A product with active ingredients Pyrantel, Febantel & Praziquantel.
  • (These are the same ingredients as market-leader Drontal)


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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.