Bean, Rice, and Lentil Recipes - Budget Stretching Strategies (2024)

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by Alea Milham 11 Comments

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Bean, Rice, and Lentil Recipes - Budget Stretching Strategies (1)

The most flexible part of my budget is groceries. You can’t cut back on the rent payment or insurance premiums, but you can make cuts in your grocery budget to stretch your budget. I would rather eat beans and rice a few more times in December than be faced with credit card bills in January.

I asked some of my blogging friends to share their favorite bean, rice, and lentil recipes with me. If you have a recipe you would like to share leave it in the comments and I will add it to my Bean, Rice, and Lentil Recipes Pinterest board. Let’s help all of our friends stretch their budget with frugal recipes!

Creating recipes with dried beans is even more frugal than cooking with canned beans. One pound of dried beans costs less than a can of beans, but makes the equivalent of 4 cans of beans. Are you new to cooking dried beans? Then try one of these Methods for Cooking Dried Beans.

Bean Recipes:

Rice Recipes:

Bean and Rice Recipes:

Lentil Recipes:

What is your favorite frugal bean, rice, and/or lentil recipe?

About Alea Milham

Alea Milham is the owner of Premeditated Leftovers and the author of Prep-Ahead Meals from Scatch. She shares her tips for saving money and time while reducing waste in her home. Her favorite hobby, gardening, is a frugal source of organic produce for her recipes. She believes it is possible to live fully and eat well while spending less.


  1. Cindy says

    I love all things beans and rice! Your post is a great recipe resource. Pinning it!


  2. April @ The 21st Century Housewife says

    This is a wonderful roundup of frugal and delicious recipes! Thank you for including mine too!


  3. Debbie says

    I love all of these ingredients and try to incorporate them into our diet frequently. Thanks for sharing all of these great links. I am giving away two great prizes on my blog: a $50 gift certificate to my favorite jeweler and a copy of a new book published by fellow blogger, Kat Robinson. It is called Arkansas Pie: A Slice of the Natural State. I just know you will love either one. Come link up to enter.


  4. Milehimama says

    Always love finding new bean recipes, and honored you included my recipes on the list! Thank you!


  5. mjskit says

    Dried beans are definitely an inexpensive protein and so easy to make them stretch into many dishes. I’m always amazed at how much you get from 2 cups of dried beans! Great post!


  6. robbiekay says

    This is my top choice:
    The smell of it cooking is heavenly and the taste is delicious. It makes me smile to dish up a serving. The only drawback to this recipe is that it doesn’t yield an infinite supply. 😉 Fortunately, it’s also a quick and easy recipe. (I substitute maple syrup for the molasses.)


  7. -h (@taste-buds) says

    Perfect post. My beautiful signi just informed me that she all of a sudden no longer likes meat. This will surely help keep her protein and iron levels where they should be.



  8. Pat says

    My favourite rice is rice pudding. All I do is take leftover rice, mix up a couple of eggs, mix in with the rice, add some sweetener ( sugar, honey, or what ever you use to your taste), and a little milk ( or soy milk, or almond milk… this was extra good), a little vanilla and bake it all in a casserole dish in the oven at 350 degrees F.
    I can’t really give a regular recipe because I do things to the amount of rice I want to use up. Sometimes I add rasins, or cranberries, and sometimes I add cinnamon. But not always any of those.
    This is a dessert, or our evening snack. Have also eaten it for breakfast.


  9. 'Becca says

    Great collection! Thanks for the new ideas.

    We have many favorite bean recipes, but the big winners we make over and over again are Honey Baked Lentils and Masoor Dal with Carrots. These both use lentils, which are easier than most dry beans because they cook more quickly.


  10. Judy@Savoring Today says

    What a great collection of frugal recipes! Thanks for putting all this together. 🙂


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Bean, Rice, and Lentil Recipes - Budget Stretching Strategies (2024)


How to make beans and lentils more digestible? ›

Soak before cooking

Soaking them reduces gas-causing compounds such as oligosaccharides as many of them leach out and are discarded in the soaking water. Less gas-causing oligosaccharides = less gas and bloating which is a big win if you ask me!

Are red lentils easy to digest? ›

Red lentils are an excellent product for diabetics due to their low glycemic index. In addition, it is more easily digestible than other varieties, and all its properties are easily absorbed by our body. In terms of preparation, it is definitely distinguished by the ease and short time of the entire process.

Can lentils be used like rice? ›

Similar to rice, lentils take on whatever flavors you add to the pot. Instead of plain water, cook lentils in a broth or stock. Adding aromatics like garlic, herbs, sliced browned onions, and a bay leaf can turn lentils into an easy and tasty dish.

How do you make lentils and beans less gassy? ›

Aim to soak your beans or lentils for at least 4 hours, and preferably overnight. Dump the soaking water (i.e. don't use it to cook the beans). Then be sure to give your beans/lentils a good rinse before cooking to wash away those gas-producing carbohydrates. Introduce them slowly.

Will I lose weight if I eat rice and beans every day? ›

The high satiety factors of rice and beans can help you lose weight or stay at a healthy weight over time. Satiety measures how satisfying a food is to eat and how long it keeps you full. Satiety is vital in maintaining a healthy weight.

Is it healthy to eat beans and rice every day? ›

The combination of rice and beans gives you even more protein and fiber, as well as other important vitamins and minerals, like folate. Although it probably won't harm you to eat rice and beans every day, it's best to include a variety of nutritious foods in your diet for complete nutrition.

Is rice and beans actually healthy? ›

Rice and beans, a classic comfort food combo in Latino and Caribbean communities and some parts of the American South, is one of the healthiest dishes you can eat. It's rich in plant protein—12 grams per cup—and it provides nutrients that most Americans don't get enough of. Top among them is fiber.

Which color lentil is healthiest? ›

Black Lentils (Beluga lentils)

Best of all, black lentils are the most nutritious variety of lentils, boasting the highest amount of protein, plus high levels of calcium, potassium, and iron.

Do lentils clean your gut? ›

Lentils are rich in a type of fiber that helps your digestive system work as it should and fuels good bacteria in your gut. Fiber may also help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. “Fiber plays an important role in regulating our bowels and protecting the immune system,” says Homan.

Are lentils good for bowel movements? ›

A 1/2-cup serving of boiled lentils contains an impressive 7.8 g of fiber. Eating lentils may also help increase the production of butyric acid, a type of short-chain fatty acid found in your colon. This could increase the movement of your digestive tract to promote bowel movements.

Do lentils soak up water like rice? ›

It is rare to find stones, but it does happen. When cooking, treat lentils more like pasta than rice – the lentils do not need to absorb every bit of cooking liquid the way rice does, but you also don't need to completely flood the lentils like you would pasta.

Can you eat lentils like pasta? ›

Cook it and serve as you would any pasta. McGiffin recommended trying it with a cilantro pesto. Modern Table, the lentil pasta brand, also offers a lot of recipes.

What makes lentils taste better? ›

Think more like you're cooking pasta- you just need significantly more water than lentils. You can also use broth instead of adding an extra layer of flavor. I like adding a bay leaf, an onion cut in half, and a clove of garlic to add flavor to the lentils.

How to improve digestion of lentils? ›

Soaking lentils for at least 4 hours, mostly overnight depending on the beans or lentils you choose helps in optimising gastrointestinal functions.

What helps beans digest better? ›

Add In A Acid. Adding a splash of acidic ingredients like lemon juice, vinegar, or tomatoes to your bean dishes can help improve their digestibility. The acid helps break down some of the tough fibers in beans, making them easier for your stomach to handle.

What helps digest lentils? ›

Soaking helps to break down the complex sugars found in lentils, making them easier for the body to break down. Soaking also reduces cooking time, improves texture, and enhances the flavor of the lentils. Soak lentils in cold water for at least 2 hours before cooking them to aid in digestion.

How do you make beans easier to digest? ›

Chewing beans and grains thoroughly, or savoring bean or pea soup broth in the mouth before swallowing, greatly reduces gas and makes digesting them a lot smoother. It also brings out more of their flavor and makes eating them more enjoyable.


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