Baldur’s Gate 3: Malus Thorm Fight Guide (2024)

Malus Thorm is a boss you will face duringAct 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3. He is the owner and principal doctor ofthe House of Healing in the Shadow Cursed Lands. This area is to the north of theMoonrise Towers.

He is a part of the Wake Up Art Cullagh side quest. Once you start the quest, you must approach theHouse of Healing. You can defeat him and be rewarded with XP and a special key to free the patient.

Baldur’s Gate 3 offers multiple ways to defeat your enemies. The same is true for Malus Thorm, as you can defeat him in two ways. An achievement named “Non-Invasive Procedure” will be awardedto the players who will defeathim without letting him use any of his “Surgery Skills.”

Malus ThormLocation in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3: Malus Thorm Fight Guide (1)

Malus Thorn can be found inside the House of Healing. He will be conducting surgery on a distressed patient with his assistants there.Start from the Reithwin Town Waypoint and then proceed northeast. The exact location of Malus Thorm is marked on the map.

You will notice Malus Thorm alongside four nurses performing surgery on a patient in the central room. Entering the room will trigger a cutscene, and you can proceed with the boss battle, depending on how you play your cards.

Malus Thorm boss fight, Step by Step

If you have opted for the conventional method, you should be prepared. Malus Thorm is a strong boss with a devastating set of abilities. Furthermore, the assistants are also very annoying to fight as they tend to run around.

But before you start to fight Malus Thorn, you must remember that he is resistant to Slashing, Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Fire Damage. You must use other types of damage to defeat Malus Thorm in Baldur’s Gate 3.

1. Defeat the nurses

Your focus should be on defeating the nurses first and foremost, as they can heal and support the boss during battle. Defeat the four Nurses first, then move to the boss. But be aware as the nurses resist the following types of damage.

  • Necrotic damage
  • Fire damage


Defeating Malus Thorm in combat without allowing him to perform surgery will earn you a Non-Invasive Procedure achievement.

2. Focus on Malus Thorm

After defeating the sisters, you can focus on Malus Thorm. Radiant damage is best here since Malus Thorm and his nurses are all undead.Shadowheartis the companion to use in this battle because she has Cleric spells. If your main character also belongs to theCleric class, they can use Radiantspells.

Keep attacking him and use the Witch Bolt and Ice-based spells to inflict massive damage. But beware, he will start to attackmultiple times in a turn after he goes below 40% health.Keep your weak characters away from him and use your tanky characters, such asLae’zelorKarlach.

Using this method, you will make short work of him. But be careful when fighting Malus Thorn, as he is a formidable opponent.

How to defeat Malus Thorm without fighting

You must pass certain dialogue checks to defeat Malus Thorm without fighting. These dialogue checks are hard to pass, so make sure to save beforehand quickly.

Step 1

Baldur’s Gate 3: Malus Thorm Fight Guide (2)

When the dialogue starts, you are given your first option. Select the “A student. Yes, please do enlighten me” option. Doing this will trigger the dialogue options needed to defeat him without fighting. Beware, as failing checks in the conversation will immediately lead to a fight.

Step 2

Baldur’s Gate 3: Malus Thorm Fight Guide (3)

After this dialogue, he will go on for a bit. You will be presented with four additional options. You can proceed with the Investigation or Religion options further down the line. They will lead to the same conclusion.You will need to pass a check of DC14 to succeed.

Step 3

Baldur’s Gate 3: Malus Thorm Fight Guide (4)

After passing the check, you will be offered another dialogue option. Select the first one, “The blades are uneven. Effective surgery will require further training”.Malus Thorm will get confused and become dazed in his thoughts. Select the “Why not have them test the skill on each other?”when the next prompt comes up.

If you pass the DC21 Charisma check, the nurses will kill each other.

Step 4

Baldur’s Gate 3: Malus Thorm Fight Guide (5)

Now select Deception by saying, “My magic has blinded me. Now I see Shar is the only path. Please show me. I beg of you.” pass another DC21 Charisma check, and Malus Thorm will kill himself.

Alternatively, you can select the Intimidation option after step 2 and pass a checkfor DC18. Doing this, the self-proclaimed doctor will fling the corpse out of the operation tableand lay on it himself. Then, the nurses will proceed to perform surgery on him and kill him in the process. The nurses will then flee, and you can quickly loot Malus Thorm’scorpse and continue.


Even if you kill Malus Thorm without fighting, you will earn the same amount of XP or experience points.

After defeating Malus Thorm

In House of Healing, you can save the Distressed Patient after defeating Malus Thorm. You need to collect the key from Malus Thorm’s body once he is dead.


Malus Thorm’s body also contains the Battered Lute, an item required to Wake Up Art Cullagh in the Last Light Inn.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Malus Thorm Fight Guide (6)

Take the sameback to the distressed patient,where you will find a place to put it and free the patient from his cuffs. To unlock the cuffs, you need to use the Knock Spell. By doing so, you can save the Distressed patient of Malus Thorm. The patient will then run away to live in the Shadow Cursed Land, a fate much worse than dying.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Malus Thorm Fight Guide (2024)


How to respond to Malus Thorm? ›

Once you find Malus Thorm, you have options when it comes to taking him down. Either you attack and kill him the usual way, or you can talk him into ending his own life, or getting his own nurses to kill him, thus avoiding the whole fight.

How to get Malus Thorm achievement? ›

Non-Invasive Procedure

Kill Malus Thorm without him using any of his surgery skills on you. It takes two turns for Malus Thorm to use his surgery skills - one turn of setup, and then one turn using the skill. Try to disable Malus after the setup to waste as much of his time as possible.

What does the Malus Thorms key unlock? ›

what does it open? it opens the side doors to that office there, nothing special really. It ajould propably open the surgical table. Side door key is on table on back room.

Can you save the patient in bg3 house of healing? ›

You can save the distressed patient as long as you've got the patched version of Baldur's Gate 3. Before patch 1, you couldn't save them, no matter what you did. And if you've been playing Baldur's Gate 3 offline, never updating it, that may still be the case.

Can you side with Thorm in BG3? ›

Joining forces with Ketheric Thorm, the leader of the Absolute's army, is not possible, as the encounter ultimately goes haywire and leads to a boss fight. While there are other options to serve the goals of the enemy, no major outcome in the game revolves around serving the Absolute.

Who is the true evil in BG3? ›

Orin is willing to kill anyone and anything that stands in her path, in the most gruesome ways, making her the most evil character in Baldur's Gate 3.

Do you have to fight Malus Thorm? ›

Malus Thorm is one of the three optional Thorm bosses in Reithwin Town during Act 2. Dealing with him is one of the things you should do before entering Shadowfell in Baldur's Gate 3.

What is the hardest achievement in BG3? ›

Leave No One Behind is by far one of the hardest achievements in BG3 as throughout an entire playthrough every single Tiefling refugee must be saved. This is not a mission contained to just one event or even act, as Tieflings need saving throughout the entire game.

Are there missable achievements in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The thing you need to be aware of in Baldur's Gate 3 is that there are an insane amount of missable achievements. That's in part down to the structure of the game, in that once you've done an Act you leave the previous area behind completely, and post-game, you can't go back into the open-world.

Can I free a distressed patient in BG3? ›

He can be spared by convincing Malus to have his nurses kill each other, then kill himself. When freed from his restraints, he will flee in a terrified stupor. The player can subsequently lie down in his surgical bed. Lockpicking the surgical bed does not work, but Knock can be used to free him from the bed.

What does the Hercules key do? ›

Uses. The Hercules Key fits into the wearer of the Hercules Necklace. True to its name, the key makes the wearer three times as strong as they are usually. In the Netflix series, the Key goes into a belt with the symbol of a lion on the buckle.

What does the golden key unlock? ›

Golden Keys are required to unlock the Locked Gold Chests found in the Dungeon, Old Shaking Chest in the Cavern Layer, and Golden Lock Boxes obtained by fishing in the Dungeon. A Golden Key is consumed upon use, so unlocking each Gold Chest will require an additional key.

What is the best healer in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The best healing class in Baldur's Gate 3 is the Cleric. They gain access to higher-level healing spells sooner than other classes, and they have the spell slots needed to keep using them. Clerics that choose the Life Domain gain healing spells that are always prepared, so you're free to choose other spells too.

Should you tell Arabella her parents are dead? ›

If players want to continue Arabella's quest, they should tell her to wait back at camp with Withers while they search for her parents, as discovering her parents' corpses before talking to her can result in players breaking the news too soon and Arabella running off never to be seen again.

Can you save Arabella in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Save Arabella is a side quest in Baldur's Gate 3 where you're tasked with rescuing a child from Kagha, the leader of the druids in Druids' Grove. She attempted to steal a sacred relic, and is being held captive, so you can offer to save her.

How to defeat Ketheric Thorm? ›

He's susceptible to spell effects like Hold Person, and he's easily knocked Prone thanks to his lackluster Dexterity stat. Team up on him, using Ice spells or Shield Bash attacks to knock him Prone, use Hold Person, and generally go all out against Ketheric.

How to not fight Thorm? ›

You'll have an additional option if you successfully complete the persuasion checks on the rooftop. If you successfully pass the latest persuasion check, you won't have to fight against Thorm.

What can you get from Malus Thorm? ›

Eventually, though, you'll see the light at the end of this surgery, and you'll be able to defeat Malus Thorm once and for all. You can take all of Malus's dangerous weapons, his unique amulet, and the important Battered Lute you came for.

How to respond to Hajimemashte? ›

When somebody said to you HAJIMEMAsh*tE, you also say, HAJIMEMAsh*tE.


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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.