Baked Granola Bar Recipe - Easy Homemade 4 Ingredient Bars & Video (2024)

Baked Granola Bar Recipe – How to make easy homemade 4 ingredient DIY simple granola oat bars – school friendly with no nuts & gluten free – with the video.

Baked Granola Bar Recipe - Easy Homemade 4 Ingredient Bars & Video (1)

Baked Granola Bar Recipe

This Baked Granola Bar Recipe has only 4 ingredients and are quick and simple to whip up.

I’ll regularly make these to enjoy as a snack, for road trips, dessert or even a quick breakfast that’s always a family favorite.

Easy Recipe Ingredients

Baked Granola Bar Recipe - Easy Homemade 4 Ingredient Bars & Video (2)

Here are the 4 ingredients you’ll need:

Oats – You can used rolled oats, porridge oats, quick oats or old-fashioned oats in these bars, just depends on what you find at your local grocery store, what you’ve got in your kitchen and the texture you’d like your bars to be.

Be sure to use gluten free oats if you’d like to make gluten free granola bars.

Butter – unsalted butter is used in this recipe to make them lovely and rich and bind the ingredients together. You can swap some of the butter for peanut butter or almond butter for nutty bars full of healthy fats.

To make dairy free healthy granola bars, swap the butter for coconut oil or a dairy free butter alternative.

Baked Granola Bar Recipe - Easy Homemade 4 Ingredient Bars & Video (3)

Golden Syrup – to give a sweet flavor and golden hue, you can feel free to use your choice of natural sweeteners from honey, maple syrup, date paste, date syrup or brown rice syrup instead.

Brown/Coconut Sugar – I’ve gone for coconut sugar in this instance but you could use brown, raw or any other granulated sugar that you like instead.

And yes, there are two kinds of sugars in these bars. The syrup and coconut sugar complement each other perfectly and work to create a bar that packs plenty of energy in every bite, without being overly sweet.

More Ingredient Ideas

Baked Granola Bar Recipe - Easy Homemade 4 Ingredient Bars & Video (4)

Here are ideas for more wholesome ingredients that you can mix in to make the healthiest granola bar recipe that your family will enjoy:

Chocolate – you can also add in chocolate chips or melt dark chocolate to drizzle over the top of the bars, if you’d like chocolatey granola bars.

Seeds – for delicious bars full of seeds, you can stir sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, hemp seeds or chia seeds through the dry ingredients or over the tops of the bars.

Nuts – mix through your favorite nuts, such as a handful of chopped almonds, cashews, brazil nuts or macadamia nuts. (An important thing to note is to be aware of nut allergies if including nuts in the bars.)

Baked Granola Bar Recipe - Easy Homemade 4 Ingredient Bars & Video (5)

Fruit – for easy granola bars that are enriched with fruit, mix through chopped dried fruit such as raisins or sultanas.

Coconut – mix through unsweetened coconut, coconut flakes or shredded coconut for coconut infused bars.

Vanilla Extract or Salt – to enhance the flavor of my favorite granola bar recipe, I’ll sometimes add in a pinch of salt or a half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Baked Granola Bar Recipe - Easy Homemade 4 Ingredient Bars & Video (6)

Baked Granola Bar Recipe

  • 125g/4.4 ounces Unsalted Butter
  • 1/3 Cup Coconut Sugar or Brown Sugar
  • 3 Tablespoons Golden Syrup
  • 2 Cups Rolled Oats
  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F and line a square baking pan with well greased baking parchment paper.
  2. Place the butter, sugar and golden syrup in a small saucepan over medium heat.
  3. Heat until the butter has completely melted and the mixture is smooth and creamy.
  4. Place the oats into a large bowl and pour over the creamy butter and golden syrup/sugar mixture.
  5. Stir well until fully incorporated and them move the oat mixture to the prepared pan.
  6. Press the granola mixture down well with a spoon to flatten, then place into the preheated oven and bake granola bars for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown and cooked to your liking.
  7. Remove from the oven, allow to cool slightly, then cut into bars, allow to cool completely to harden and then enjoy.
  8. Store in an airtight container at room temperature and enjoy within a few days.
Baked Granola Bar Recipe - Easy Homemade 4 Ingredient Bars & Video (7)

Homemade Granola Bars Recipe Video

Here’s the video where you can watch the homemade granola bar recipe being prepared, step by step. Hit play below orclick here to watch on YouTube.

More Easy Oats Delicious Recipes

Apple and Cinnamon Oatmeal

Chocolate Baked Oats

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Easy Baked Oats

Oatmeal Crumble Topping

Overnight Oats With Banana and Kiwi

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Yield: 8

Baked Granola Bar Recipe - Easy Homemade 4 Ingredient Bars & Video (8)

Baked Granola Bar Recipe – How to make easy homemade 4 ingredient DIY simple granola oat bars – school friendly with no nuts & gluten free – with the video.

Prep Time5 minutes

Cook Time20 minutes

Total Time25 minutes


  • 125g/4.4 ounces Unsalted Butter
  • 1/3 Cup Coconut Sugar or Brown Sugar
  • 3 Tablespoons Golden Syrup
  • 2 Cups Rolled Oats


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F and line a square baking pan with well greased baking parchment paper.
  2. Place the butter, sugar and golden syrup in a small saucepan over medium heat.
  3. Heat until the butter has completely melted and the mixture is smooth and creamy.
  4. Place the oats into a large bowl and pour over the creamy butter and golden syrup/sugar mixture.
  5. Stir well until fully incorporated and them move the oat mixture to the prepared pan.
  6. Press the granola mixture down well with a spoon to flatten, then place into the preheated oven and bake granola bars for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown and cooked to your liking.
  7. Remove from the oven, allow to cool slightly, then cut into bars, allow to cool completely to harden and then enjoy.
  8. Store in an airtight container at room temperature and enjoy within a few days.

Nutrition Information:

Amount Per Serving:Calories: 98

Disclaimer – this post is meant for informational post only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with your health professional before making any dietary changes.

Disclosure – this post contains affiliate links.

Baked Granola Bar Recipe - Easy Homemade 4 Ingredient Bars & Video (2024)


What is the best binder for granola bars? ›

While there are several different sticky ingredients that you can use, we've found that the binding agent that works the best is honey! When added to your homemade granola bars, honey acts as glue that sticks all the pieces together.

How do you bind granola bars together? ›

Honey or maple syrup

These natural sweeteners also help bind the bars together, and make these bars deliciously sweet (though not too sweet).

Why do my no bake granola bars fall apart? ›

to not go overboard with your mix-ins otherwise your bars will fall apart (always happens to me..). that if your mixture seems too dry to add a bit of water (start with just 1 tsp) to get a stickier consistency. that if your mixture seems too wet to add more oats/oat flour/shredded coconut/or other dry ingredient.

What ingredient makes granola stick together? ›

Clumpy Granola Method: Add Whole Wheat and Almond Flour

First, it adds a combo of whole wheat flour and almond flour (or almond meal), which act as a binder to hold the oat mixture together. Second is the bakeware. This recipe opts for a 9×13-inch baking pan instead of the standard rimmed sheet pan.

How do you fix granola bars that fall apart? ›

If your granola bars are falling apart or seem too crumbly, here are a few tips. Make sure you use honey or another sticky sweetener such as maple syrup in the liquid part of the recipe; this recipe calls for honey. This will help bind together the ingredients and keep that signature bar shape.

Should you soak oats before making granola bars? ›

Fill the bowl up with water to completely cover the mixture – enough that you can stir to combine. This soaking process will help the oats and seeds digest better. After the oat/seed mixture has soaked 8-12 hours, add the rest of the ingredients and combine.

How to make homemade granola clump together? ›

You need to stir the granola as it bakes to encourage even toasting. But, about halfway through the total bake time, just let it be. As the sugars caramelize, they cause the ingredients to stick together and eventually form those oh-so-desirable clusters. Stirring breaks up the clusters, so leave it alone.

What do you wrap homemade granola bars in? ›

These bars will soften at room temperature so keep them in the fridge, or wrap in parchment paper or saran wrap and freeze individually. However you eat them them, I hope you love these homemade chewy granola bars!

Is it cheaper to make your own granola bars? ›

They save well (wrap and freeze them for up to two months), are more affordable than store-bought bars, and don't contain the long list of unpronounceable ingredients. Plus, your kitchen will smell like a bakery while these granola bars bake. Ahhhh.

What is the glue in granola bars? ›

While the oats and nuts bake, you can make the sticky glue that holds our bars together. You'll melt butter, honey, and brown sugar in a saucepan and simmer until the sugar dissolves. Mix this sticky mixture with the toasted oats and nuts. Allow everything to cool, and then toss in dried fruit and chocolate chips.

How do you know when granola is done baking? ›

If the granola is clumpy, use a spatula to press it into the pan. Bake for 20 minutes, stirring halfway through. Bake, stirring halfway through, for about 20 minutes total. The granola is ready when golden-brown and the almonds have toasted — it will still feel wet coming out of the oven but will dry as it cools.

Why is my homemade granola not crunchy? ›

I aim to let it hit room temperature, whatever that may be; the real point is to give it ample time to shed excess heat and steam. This should take about 45 minutes; if left out indefinitely, the granola can turn sticky or soft, so do try to put it away as soon after cooling as you can.

What is the main ingredient in chewy granola bars? ›


What is granola with a hint of cinnamon? ›

Kellogg's® Granola Crunchy. Indulge with the delicious Kellogg's® Granola Crunchy. It is the perfect combination of rolled oat clusters with shredded coconut and a hint of cinnamon.

What are natural binders for protein bars? ›

Overall, raisins are an excellent binder that perform well when used in protein bar applications and could be used as a binder in many other applications. BENCHTOP PROCESSING METHOD: In a food processor or buffalo chopper, blend whole raisins, half the nuts, all the egg white, salt, vanilla, and yogurt powder.

What are the binding agents for cereal bars? ›

There are other binding agents which are low in calories. You can try some hydrocolloids or modified starches. You can experiment with some nut butter (peanut butter), starches (tapioca, corn or potato starch), honey, gums (xanthan, guar), gluten free flours (sorghum flour), and gelatin.

What are the natural binding agents for food? ›

Materials used as binders included egg, wax, honey, lime, whey, linseed oil or bitumen.

What foods can be used as a binder? ›

Binding Agents: In a Nutshell
  • Cracker crumbs.
  • Eggs.
  • Evaporated milk.
  • Gelatin.
  • Ground flax.
  • Guar gum.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Milk.
Aug 17, 2021


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.