Azeroth Pilot Reloaded - Addons - World of Warcraft (2024)

Azeroth Pilot Reloaded - Addons - World of Warcraft (1)

The continuation of Azeroth Auto Pilot, a leveling AddOn.

If you wish to contribute, head to our Github here.


  • Waypoint Arrow - Directs you using built in coordinates, no need for TomTom
  • Quest Objectives - Tells you your current quest objective, and keeps track of how many items you picked up and the mobs you killed.
  • Quest Objective Notes - These display a specific note for that quest such as 'Inside the Cave' or 'Click on the item next to the NPC'.
  • Auto Gossip* - Selects the gossip option for your quest.
  • Auto Pick up and Hand In of Quests* - Automatically accepts the specific quests, and hands them in to the NPC.
  • Auto Skip Cutscenes* - Automatically skips a cutscene to save time (if it can be skipped).
  • Group Questing - APR shows your party members, and syncs with them to show their step(s), if they are also using APR.
  • Keybind of Quest items - Supports the binding of a key for quest items, as well as setting the quest item to your cursor.
  • Movable and Scalable UI - The UI elements are movable and scalable (Quest List [objectives], Quest Order List [steps], and the Waypoint Arrow)
  • Chat Commands - using the /apr prefix (see 'Settings/Commands' Section)
  • Multiple Routes - Routes through previous and current expansions. More are being developed and created (or fixed).

Note: The Auto Quest Pickup and Hand In, Gossip/NPC Chatting, and Cutscene skips can be temporarily disabled by holding down the 'Control' key when interacting with the NPC.


Settings can be found through Interface > Addons > Azeroth Pilot Reloaded or launching the Options panel via /apr.

Using the /apr prefix the following commands are available, with their shorthand versions:

/apr help, h - This command displays the commands in game.

/apr skip, s - This skips one step forward in your currently displayed Task/Objective.

/apr rollback, rb - This will roll back one step (opposite of skip, useful if you skipped one too far).

/apr reset, r - This will reset your steps for your current zone. Useful if you accidentally went off track or skipped way too far ahead.

/apr forcereset, fr - This will reset APR's saved character cache, this is useful if you run into a major issue with syncing, or started questing, deleted the character and remade a new one using the same name.

/apr discord, d - This displays the URL for the Discord to copy

APR also lets you know you can train your riding when you get to the appropriate level(s).

/apr hideriding, hr - This hides the 'You can now learn [Riding]' messages.

/apr showriding, sr - This shows the 'You can now learn [Riding]' messages.

Here's how Azeroth Auto Pilot became Azeroth Pilot Reloaded.

Hi, my name is Rycia, and while using Azeroth Auto Pilot, I encountered various issues. At a point during the Warlords of Draenor campaign at level 35, I ended up coming to a hard stop due to a bug that completely broke the leveling process with the addon. I decided to go to AAP's Discord to get help, and I was told that AAP has gone unmaintained and its author/developer has ghosted their own support team. The addon has been left abandoned and, in some parts, broken, and so I was told, that it was way too messy for anybody to want to deal with. I was interested to see how messy it was, and believe me; it was messy!

I don't blame anyone for not wanting to touch it, but I had 8 alts to level!

Azeroth Auto Pilot's own support team suggested I take a look at the code and see what I could do with it.

So here I am!

Come visit us on the APR Discord

APR Credits:

Rycia - Maintainer and Core Developer (Discord Rycia#2115), my WoW characters here.

Neogeekmo - Full Stack and Core Developer

Deathmessinger - Route Corrections and additions

Pahonix - Route Design and Support

NightOfStarrs - QA and Support

Special thanks to Ola on the APR Discord, who went out of their way and mapped the Dragonflight Route.

AAP Credits:

Zyrrael - The original developer of Azeroth Auto Pilot

The AAP Team - Huge thanks to the AAP development and Support team in general! They helped me get this started and encouraged me to take over.

DesMephisto - Worked on the original 'Speed' leveling routes for 10-50 through Warlords of Draenor.

BrutallStatic - Assited in creating, and testing the original 50-60 route through Shadowlands, with Teddyruxpins.

Azeroth Pilot Reloaded - Addons - World of Warcraft (2024)


Is Azeroth auto pilot allowed? ›

It does not control your character in any way, though, which is why it's allowed, since you have to do combat, non-flight path travel, and object interaction on your own.

How to reset azeroth pilot reloaded? ›

/apr rollback, rb - Rolls back one step (opposite of skip, useful if you skipped too far). /apr route - Open the route option. /apr reset, r - Resets your steps for your current zone. Useful if you accidentally went off track or skipped way too far ahead.

Does Azeroth Auto Pilot work for classic? ›

NOTE: This is a direct port of the following add-on made to work in TBC Classic: This is only provided for those that have an undying love for this particular guide.

Can auto pilot mode land a plane? ›

Yes, a passenger plane can land by itself using the autopilot through a system that is often referred to as 'autoland'. The pilots can program the autopilot to carry out the landing automatically whilst the pilots carefully supervise the manoeuvre.

Can you fly in Azeroth? ›

Starting at level 60, you can learn Flight Master's License which allows you to fly in Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and Deepholm (one of the new Cataclysm zones). Flight Master's License will not teach you to fly if you don't already know the skill.

What level can you start battle for Azeroth? ›

If your character is level 61 or above, go to any Kul Tiras or Zandalar zone to have the Battle for Azeroth banner and instructions for where to go next appear in your quest log.

Can you skip battle for Azeroth mission statement? ›

Right before you take a potion after you meet your team, you can speak to Nathanos and take the option to skip the scenario!

How do you skip the intro quest in Shadowlands? ›

  1. Get the quest Shadowlands: A Chilling Summons / Shadowlands: A Chilling Summons in your capital.
  2. Talk to Nazgrim / High Inquisitor Whitemane.
  3. Choose the option to skip the intro.
Dec 27, 2022

Do Star Wars ships have auto pilot? ›

An autopilot (or auto-pilot) was an on board computer system on most starships which piloted the vessel on a predetermined trajectory that could be plotted by the pilot or imputed from a catalog of trajectories stored in the ship's computer. For example, the N-1 starfighter had a on-board auto-pilot.

Is there such thing as auto pilot? ›

An autopilot is a system used to control the path of a vehicle without requiring constant manual control by a human operator. Autopilots do not replace human operators.

Do pilots fly on auto pilot? ›

This system, which can follow the flight plan, can stabilize speed and height as well as the location of the front of the aircraft (heading). Pilots mostly lead the aircraft in a controlled manner by autopilot except for departure and landing. Autopilot is mostly used on passenger aircrafts.

Does a ship have auto pilot? ›

Autopilots. Marine Autopilots were originally the realm of Ships or very large Sailboats, but today Autopilots for Boats are integral to any properly equipped vessel.


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