Are Prop Firms Good for Beginners? | Forexlive (2024)

Proprietary trading firms have become increasingly popularover the last few years, with retail traders all looking to increase theirtrading capital and become funded traders.

This begs the question, are prop firms good for beginners?The short answer is yes, prop firms are great for beginner traders to learnrisk management, discipline and grow their trading capital.

So, let’s find out more…

Prop Firms - Are They Good for Beginners?

Prop firms are often thought of by new traders as somethingthat is only reserved for traders with a huge amount of experience and yearsunder their belts. The reality is, this isn’t true!

The barrier of entry to becoming a funded forex trader islower than ever and this is providing a huge amount of opportunities fortraders, both new and experienced.

In fact, there are more benefits of prop firm trading fornewbie traders and beginners, due to the strict risk management and disciplinethat is pushed upon you by the rules set out by prop firms.

The Benefits of Prop Firm Trading For Beginners

So, what are the benefits of prop firm trading for newbietraders?

TeachesRisk Management

All prop firms have rules that limit traders with respectto losses, drawdown, risk and trading performance. This forces traders to learnand consider risk management in their trading strategy - something that mosttraders do not consider when trading their own capital.

LimitsPotential Losses

When traders are trading their own capital, there are nodrawdown rules or limits - meaning an inexperienced trader can easily blowthrough their whole account in just weeks. With prop firms, your losses arelimited to just the money you spend on the prop firm challenge - meaning youcannot get into a position whereby you lose your whole trading account.


Prop firms usually provide education resources andmaterials for traders to upskill in their craft and further developthemselves.

AccessTo Higher Levels of Capital

The majority of newbie traders are coming into the industrywith a few thousand dollars. With conservative risk management, it’s notpossible to earn a considerable income with this money. Therefore, prop firmsallow traders to have access to much larger volumes of capital than they wouldbe able to deposit - increasing their potential earnings if profitable.

AvoidGetting Scammed By B-Book Brokers

Newbie traders struggle to differentiate a reputabletrading broker from a scam trading broker, of which there are many! By using areputable prop firm, you can avoid the risk of being scammed by one of theseunreputable brokers, whilst still finding your feet in the industry.

The Drawbacks of Prop Firm Trading for Beginners

Although there are a huge amount of benefits, you must alsobe aware of the potential drawbacks for new traders looking to trade with aprop firm:

TradersCan Lose Their Funded Accounts

If traders violate the rules, for example, maximumdrawdown, they will lose access to the funded trading account. This would meana trader looking to be funded again would need to pay for another tradingchallenge. Obviously, this can prove costly if you are not a profitable traderand lose many accounts.

It MayBe Challenging to Hit the Profit Targets

If you’re an inexperienced trader, it can be hard to hitthe profit targets required by the prop firm. However, firms like The5Ers donot have a maximum timeframe, meaning you can take your time and focus on goodquality trades - without the stress of trying to get funded in 20 days.

It MayBe Stressful

New traders might find trading a prop firm account morestressful and emotionally challenging. Although, I would say that it should beless stressful as it’s not all of your money on the line, as it would be if youwere just trading a brokerage account!

What Should You Check Before Starting to Trade With A PropFirm?

Although prop firms are clearly very beneficial for newbietraders, you should still check a number of factors before you jump in anddecide to pay for a trading account challenge!

Firstly, you should understand the rules set out by theprop firm as some prop firms will be better suited for you than others. It’seasy to violate the rules and lose your trading account if you don’t fullyunderstand them - so ensure you take time to sit down and familiarize yourselfwith the rules of engagement.

Secondly, you should have a trading strategy in place. Propfirm trading will be very stressful if you don’t have a trading strategyfigured out. We’d recommend taking your time to research, backtest and build atrading strategy before you pay for your trading account challenge.

These two steps may take a little while but they’re veryworth doing prior to becoming a funded trader!

Tips To Trade with Prop Firms

Although trading with prop firms is a great idea - it’s notalways easy! Here are some tips for trading with a prop firm…


Ensure you brush up on the risk management rules offered bythe prop firm you’re looking at working with. Once you understand the rules,you can set your risk per trade at an appropriate level for the prop firm -meaning you stand a good chance at managing your risk properly and notviolating any rules!

Price OfChallenge

Ensure you shop around and take a look at the price of thechallenge account too. Some prop firms are charging extremely steep prices forprop firm challenges, whilst the offering is no better than some otherfirms!


Make sure that you put a solid trading plan in place, withas many rules as you can - to avoid subjectivity. You want the trading plan tobe easy to follow and allow you to focus on just executing the trades, ratherthan stressing about whether a trade fits your strategy or not.

Reliable Prop Firms for Beginners

Whether a beginner or experienced, it’s crucial to workwith a reputable prop firm.

ForexProp Firms -


The5ers is one of the most reputable prop firms in theindustry, with over 1600 reviews on Trustpilot, up to $4,000,000 in realtrading capital for traders and one of the most complete offerings in themarket for traders!

Out of the numerous offerings, the best option for newbietraders will be the Bootcamp program. Thebootcamp program is extremely cheap and offers traders the opportunity to starton a lower amount of funded capital, whilst scaling up to a much larger amountin a relatively short time frame.

StockProp Firms -


Trade The Pool is themost reputable stock trading prop firm in the industry, with over 12,000stocks, ETF’s and penny stocks to trade. They’re a relatively new firm but havea great reputation and are leading the way for stock trading prop firms!

FuturesProp Firms -


TopStep is the most reputable Futures trading prop firm inthe world, offering traders funded capital to trade the Futures markets.TopStep have a glowing reputation and have long been known in the industry asthe best prop firm for traders that use NinjaTrader to trade Futures.

Alongside capital, they offer some educational materialsfor traders looking to upskill and take their trading to the next level.

In Summary - Are Prop Firms a Good Idea For BeginnerTraders?

In conclusion, prop firms are a great option for beginnertraders looking to grow their skillset and reduce their potential risk in themarkets.

Prop firms force risk management and discipline upon newbietraders, whilst giving them the potential to increase their capital undermanagement.

If you’re looking to become a funded trader, work withThe5Ers now!

Are Prop Firms Good for Beginners? | Forexlive (2024)


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