Amazing Pine Needle Syrup Recipe & How to Use 100% Natural (2024)

Want to know the pine needle syrup recipe and how to use the pine syrup at home? Continue reading and find out.

Pine needle syrup is one of the most healing natural syrups for a wide array of upper respiratory tract infections, including dry and whooping cough, as well as adrenal problems. The reason is that pine leaves have an antiseptic, analgesic, and microcirculation activation action. Administered in the form of an infusion, decoction, syrup, or tincture, they serve to treat cough, chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the respiratory tract, diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelitis, urethritis), neuralgia and rheumatic diseases.

In This Article You Will Find:

Pine Tree Types for Therapeutic Use

When looking to gather fresh pine needles, know that Pinus is a generic name for over 80 species of pine trees. Here are at least a few pine trees that can are popularly used for therapeutic properties:

  • Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus)
  • Scot pine (Pinus sylves­tris)
  • Black pine (Pinus nigra)
  • Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica)
  • Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis)
  • Chinese white pine (Pinus armandii)
  • Chinese red pine (Pinus massoniana)
  • Mexican pine (Pinus cembroides)
  • Colorado pine (Pinus ponderosa)
  • Himalayan pine (Pinus wallichiana)
  • Yellow pine (Pinus jeffreyi)

Pine Needle Syrup Recipe

  • Step 1. Separate the pine needles from the freshly picked pine branches (can be done only a few hours after harvesting, so that the essential oils/terpenes from the pine needles do not have time to evaporate). Chop them on a wooden board as finely as possible.
  • Step 2. Pour a finger-thick layer of raw honey into a wide-mouth glass jar, then add a thin and uniform layer of chopped pine needles, then another layer of honey, and continue until you almost fill up the entire jar. Finally, pour a 2-3 finger thick layer of raw honey on top. Seal the jar and leave it in the pantry for 2-4 weeks.
  • Step 3. Strain the fragrant pine syrup and store it in small amber glass bottles for later use.

Pine syrup can also be made in the spring, from the pine buds, but the one made from pine needles harvested in January has the most amount of powerful essential oils and has the strongest healing properties in respiratory as well hormonal conditions.

4 Pine Needle Syrup Uses

1. Cough and Whooping Cough

Pine needle syrup is a great adjuvant in alleviating cough and whooping cough, wheezing, asthma, and pneumonia. For this, you can take 3-4 tablespoons of pine needle syrup throughout the day. Do not dilute the syrup, but allow it to slowly slide down your throat. Alongside, take pine branch baths in the evening. For this, boil a cup of fresh pine branches with the needles in 5 liters of water for 5 minutes. Steep for a few minutes, then strain through a clean piece of cheesecloth and pour into the warm bathwater. Bathe for 15-20 minutes to allow the active substances to be absorbed through the pores of the skin.

2. Tracheitis, Tracheobronchitis, Dry and Whooping Cough

Add a teaspoon of pine resin tincture in half a cup of water and gargle for 10 minutes a few times a day. After gargling, slowly swallow a teaspoon of pine needle syrup. This helps reduce cough symptoms and reduce upper respiratory tract infections, including tracheitis.

3. Adrenocortical Hypofunction, Impotence, and Sterility

Pine needle syrup is an amazing natural remedy for adrenocortical hypofunction, impotence, and male sterility. For this, you can have 4-8 tablespoons of pine needle syrup a day, on an empty stomach. The effects usually show after a minimum of 2 months of daily use, but they are very stable. This cure can help after diseases that cause secondary sterility because it has very strong effects on the male reproductive organs. Pine needle syrup cure is also recommended for health problems that may arise due to dysfunctions of the adrenal glands: eczema and skin diseases, so-called autoimmune conditions, and dryness of the mucosa.

4. Low Immunity

For frequent colds, recurring cystitis, and weakened immune system, you can consume 2 teaspoons of pine needle syrup three times a day for a longer period of time. This simple natural syrup helps boost natural immunity and prevent viral conditions such as cold and flu, and other infectious conditions due to low immunity.

More Natural Recipes with Pine

Pine Resin Tincture
Pine Needle Tea Recipe

Pine Resin Salve
Pine Pollen
Pine Buds

If you’ve enjoyed learning how to make pine needle syrup at home and how to use it at home, please share this article so more people know the pine needle syrup recipe. Let us know if you’ve used natural remedies with pine and what is your experience with pine products. Stay healthy, naturally!

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Amazing Pine Needle Syrup Recipe & How to Use 100% Natural (4)

Andreea Laza

Andreea Lazais our chief editor, with a BA in English language and an MA in Media Communication. She is passionate about herbal medicine and she believes in the natural healing power of plants, just like her ancestors from the Danube Valley of Eastern Europe. Thus, she made it her mission to share her knowledge with the rest of the world and help humankind. ? The information on this website is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a pediatrician or your family doctor.

Amazing Pine Needle Syrup Recipe & How to Use 100% Natural (2024)


How to make medicine out of pine needles? ›

  1. Boil the pine needle tops in the water for twenty minutes.
  2. Turn off the heat and add the peppermint and catnip.
  3. Cover and let steep for an additional twenty minutes.
  4. Strain and add honey if desired.

What is pine needle syrup good for? ›


To relieve a cough, chest congestion, or a dry and scratchy throat, take one tablespoon (15ml) every two hours as needed. For young children I would start with about 1 teaspoon every 2 hours as needed.

Can you make syrup out of pine needles? ›

If you want to bottle the essence of Christmas then Pine Syrup is the way to do it. Made by steeping chopped pine needles in sugar syrup it is a wonderful way to add some Christmas cheer to your festive co*cktails.

How do you use pine needles at home? ›

If you have a lot of pine needles on the ground in your yard, use them in your compost pile or as mulch around your plants. They are on the acidic side, so if your soil is already acidic you may want to mix the pine needles with some other material to offset that.

What happens when you put pine needles in vinegar? ›

Studies have shown that pine needles have some antimicrobial properties, making a pine-scented vinegar cleaner a good anti-bacterial spray for general use around your home. Here is how to make it in only three steps.

Who shouldn't drink pine needle tea? ›

While most people can safely consume the tea, if you have pine allergies you should avoid drinking pine needle tea because it could result in skin rashes, respiratory issues, nausea or diarrhea. If you're new to pine needle tea, it's best to start with small amounts to see how your body reacts.

What does pine needle do for the body? ›

Pine needles are also rich in vitamin C, which helps boost your immune system and reduce inflammation. Pine needles contain the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. These vitamins help support healthy eye function, blood clotting and bone development.

What pine needles are safe to drink? ›

A lot of pine varieties are safe to consume, including:
  • Eastern white pine — Pinus strobus.
  • Japanese red pine — Pinus densiflora.
  • Himalayan cedar — Cedrus deodara.
  • Spruces.
  • Firs.
Nov 11, 2022

Is pine sap a natural antibiotic? ›

2. First aid: Pine sap is a natural antiseptic with antibacterial properties. Survivalists put these qualities to good use by utilizing sap to help seal wounds in the wild. They use sap oozing from damaged coniferous trees or melt down hardened globs of pitch or resin to create a medical superglue.

Can you use syrup straight from the tree? ›

Many drink sap straight from the collection bucket, but it is highly recommended you boil your sap prior to any use to kill bacteria that may be present. To effectively kill bacteria, bring the sap to a rolling boil and then let it boil one additional minute.

How much syrup can you make from one tree? ›

The average yield for a taphole is from five to 15 gallons. However, under favorable conditions, a single taphole can produce as much as 40 to 80 gallons of sap in a single year. It takes about 10 gallons of sap to produce one quart of syrup.

How much tree sap does it take to make a gallon of syrup? ›

Generally the ratio of sap to syrup for the sugar maple is 40 to 1 (40 gallons of sap yields one gallon of syrup). Other species of maple have lower concentrations of sugar in their sap. For example; it may require 60 gallons of box elder sap to produce one gallon of syrup.

What are the disadvantages of pine needles? ›

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to using pine straw. The needles can be sharp, making it challenging to work in the garden. In addition, pine straw is flammable and should be used cautiously around fire pits or grills. It can be messy and difficult to remove once it's wetted by rain or irrigation.

How do you prepare pine needles for consumption? ›

  1. Wash the white pine needles in cold water. ...
  2. Cut the woody end off where the needles come together, and then cut the needles into 1-inch lengths. ...
  3. Steep 2 tablespoons of pine needles in the water for 10-15 minutes. ...
  4. The tea will become a pale-yellow color after steeping. ...
  5. If desired, strain the pine needles out of the tea.

What happens when you boil pine needles? ›

Pick some pine needles and let them soak in boiling water on your stove and it will add a crisp pine smell all over the house. Perfect for Christmas.

Are pine needles medicinal? ›

Pine needles are one of the most widely used herbs in the world. They have been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years, and are a great source of vitamin C and can be used to treat many ailments, including headaches, stomachaches, arthritis pain, inflammation (including swelling) and much more.

Can pine be used for medicine? ›

Pine is used for upper and lower respiratory tract swelling (inflammation), stuffy nose, hoarseness, common cold, cough or bronchitis, fevers, tendency towards infection, and blood pressure problems. Some people apply pine directly to the skin for mild muscle pain and nerve pain.

How to make pine needle salve? ›

Heat oil and pine needles just to warm for 30 minutes, do not allow to simmer. Remove from heat and infuse for 30-60 minutes. Repeat the warming and infusing process three times. Strain through a double layer of cheesecloth and squeeze out as much oil as possible.

How to make pine needle tincture? ›

Cover the pine sprigs with grain alcohol or 100 proof vodka (the vodka will take longer, however). Shake it up and place it in a cool, dark cupboard. Shake it at least once a day and start checking it after a couple of weeks. You'll know it's ready when the smell of pine replaces the smell of alcohol.


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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.