Academic Regulations < Wayne State (2024)

Page Contents

  • Academic Regulations Terminology
  • Attendance
  • Examinations
  • Time Limitation
  • Authorized Leave of Absence
  • Licensure Preparation
  • Scholarship
  • Probation
  • Exclusion
  • Grade Appeals Policy
  • Graduation Residency Requirement
  • Graduation with Distinction
  • Dean’s List and Honors List
  • Student Rights and Responsibilities

For complete information regarding academic rules and regulations of the University, students should consult the Academic Regulationssection of this bulletin. The following additions and amendments pertain to College of Nursing students.

Academic Regulations Terminology

  1. Professional course is any course required in the professional nursing curriculum.
  2. Satisfactory grade is a grade of C (2.0) or better.
  3. Unsatisfactory grade is a grade below 2.0.
  4. Probation is a restricted status in the nursing program.
  5. Exclusion from the program means that the student may not register in the program. (Continued registration in the University will necessitate that the student processes a Change of College to another academic program.)


Regular punctual attendance in classes and clinical practice is expected. It is imperative that students maintain a perfect or near-perfect attendance record. Tardiness and/or failure to report to class can result in a lowering of the final course grade or exclusion from the course.

First Day of Class: Due to the nature of clinical courses and time requirements, first day class attendance is MANDATORY. Unexcused absences from the first day of any course may result in an administrative withdrawal for the student for that class and could delay progression in the program. If a student is removed from a class for non-attendance, clinical space in the subsequent class offering is not guaranteed.

Travel Requirements: It is the responsibility of the student to make all travel arrangements necessary to complete degree requirements. This includes travel arrangements required to reach all clinical agencies.


Final Examinations

Final Examinations for courses are offered on two occasions only; the day the University sets as the final examination date, and usually the Wednesday immediately following this date. The College will make no other arrangements for final examinations. If students miss both examination opportunities due to circ*mstances covered by one of the Special Circ*mstances (see below), they will receive an incomplete (I) grade for the course. They will have twelve months to convert the "I" grade into a passing grade (A to C). If the course is a clinical course, the College will make every effort to enable the student to take the next offering of the course, subject to space availability. However, the College makes no guarantees when a place will become available.

Other Examinations or Assessments (e.g., Midterms)

The regulations for other examinations will be specified in the course syllabus. However, the regulations for notifying the College of missing an examination and the need to fulfill the Special Circ*mstances Rule (see below) to take a make-up examination will still apply.

Online Learning Assessments

The College of Nursing uses various educational software packages that is integrated into the Nursing curriculum. It consists of tutorials, reviews, and assessments that will be included in certain courses. In the event that assessments are not completed as required in the syllabi, students will receive an incomplete "I" grade for that assignment/course unless stated otherwise in the course syllabus. Students will have twelve months to convert the I grade into a passing grade (A to C). While carrying an I grade students will not be permitted to progress in their studies.

Missing an Examination

It is the students' responsibility to contact their faculty of record before any examination date to discuss arrangements for the missed examination.

Special Circ*mstance Rules

The following are examples of events that qualify as a Special Circ*mstance for the purposes of missing examinations as well as the documentation (when appropriate) expected of students claiming these circ*mstances:

  • Illness on the day of the examination or receiving health treatment: healthcare provider note must be provided upon return to campus
  • Death in the "immediate" family only, providing valid obituary information or: Death Certificate
  • Jury Duty or Court Summons: Jury duty notification or Court notice of summons
  • Incarceration: Court notice
  • Military Service: Service notice
  • Natural Disasters

If a student finds themselves in any of these circ*mstances, they must notify the faculty of record immediately. Such students must supply the appropriate documentation as evidence of their need to sit for the make-up examination. Documents must be presented to faculty within forty-eight hours of missing the examination.

Time Limitation

The Traditional Program (including B.S.N. Direct Admit for Freshmen students) is ideally completed within three calendar years of admission to professional course work, unless an extension is granted by the Scholastic Policy and Admissions (SPA) Committee.

The Second Career/Second Degree Program (including B.S.N. for Veterans students) is ideally completed within five consecutive semesters following admission to the program unless an extension is granted by the Scholastic Policy and Admissions (SPA) Committee.

All students whose progress is delayed because of academic failure and/or leaves of absence beyond the time limitation for the program may be required to repeat and/or take additional coursework to ensure graduation with appropriate preparation for current professional nursing practice. Such cause of academic failure and/or leaves of absence beyond the time limitation for the program may be required to repeat and/or take additional course work to ensure graduation with appropriate preparation for current professional nursing practice. Such determinationwill be made by the Scholastic Policy and Admissions (SPA) Committee.

Authorized Leave of Absence

A leave of absence may be requested by a student when personal circ*mstances interfere with the student's ability to devote enough time to academic pursuits to assure reasonable expectation of success. Leaves of absence are requested from and granted by the Associate Dean for Academic and Clinical Affairs, in consultation with the Scholastic Policy and Admissions Committee. The student should contact the Office of Student Affairs for the necessary materials and deadline dates regarding leaves of absence. A leave of absence is granted to students in good academic standing only. A student who is granted an approved leave of absence may return only if there is available space in their program of study. A student who takes an unauthorized leave of absence will be considered to have voluntarily withdrawn from the program and must apply for readmission to the College.

Licensure Preparation

All students entering the undergraduate program in Fall 2002 and thereafter (who are not already RNs) are required to complete nationally normed tests throughout their undergraduate program of study, e.g., HESI. Individual course syllabi will indicate how this requirement is applied and what part of the course grade will be assigned to these tests. Successful completion of these course requirements is integral to successfully passing the courses.Additionally, successful passing of the HESI Comprehensive Exit Exam, which occurs during the senior year, is a program requirement necessary for degree certification by OSA.

For the HESI Comprehensive Exit Exam, a mandatory score of 900 is requisite on their first attempt of this exam. In the event that a score of <900 occurs on the first attempt, each graduating student (who is not already a Registered Nurse) must also complete an approved NCLEX Review course in preparation for the NCLEX licensure examination as part of the program and degree certification. Students who achieve a score of 900 or better on the first HESI Comprehensive Exit Exam are exempt from the required NCLEX Review course although they may elect to participate in this review. The responsibility for the cost for the NCLEX Review course is that of the individual student. The cost of the NCLEX review course varies from year to year but typically is around $93.00. All program requirements must be met before a student can be certified as completing their degree requirements with the State of Michigan Licensing Board.

Students are allowed three attempts at successfully achieving a passing score on the HESI Comprehensive Exit Exam. The costs associated with the first two attempts are included in the students' fees and there is no additional charge. However, if a third exam is required, all costs associated with this exam are the student's responsibility prior to registering and sitting for the exam. Students will receive an "Incomplete" grade until the 3rd attempt has been scheduled, which could interfere with the degree certification required to sit for the NCLEX exam. If the student still fails to achieve a score of 900 on the HESI Exit exam, the student will receive a grade of "C" in NUR 4060, predicated on completion of all course specific work in NUR 4060 and be counseled by the ASO as to the possible implications of the score on successful completion of the NCLEX exam.Lastly, these program requirements must be met before a student can be certified as completing their degree requirements with the State of Michigan Licensing Board.

To begin a professional nursing career, successful writing of the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) is required. The NCLEX-RN is administered by state boards of nursing as part of the process used to determine whether registered nurse candidates meet licensure requirements. The examination is developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) to measure a candidate's ability to practice safely and effectively as a generalist registered nurse in an entry-level position. It is designed to test the practical application of knowledge and skills in health care situations that occur frequently in entry-level nursing practice.

Graduates must satisfactorily complete the licensing examination before practicing as professional registered nurses (RNs).


  1. All students must maintain a satisfactory (2.0) grade point average (g.p.a.) in both:
    1. Cumulative grades (general education and nursing); and
    2. Professional nursing courses.
  2. Students must achieve a 2.0 g.p.a. in each nursing course. A student may not continue in subsequent courses for which the failed course is a prerequisite until a minimum of 2.0 has been achieved.
  3. A grade below C (2.0) in a nursing course is unsatisfactory for progression in UG programs.
  4. Students may apply to repeat a nursing course, if space is available. The course may, only be repeated one time to raise the grade to the 2.0 g.p.a. level or above.
  5. A maximum of one UG nursing course within the program may be repeated.
  6. No UG nursing course for which a student has received a passing grade may be repeated without written approval of the Associate Dean for Academic and Clinical Affairs.
  7. A student receiving a C- minus (1.67 g.p.a.) grade or less in either the theory or the clinical portion of any nursing course will have recorded no higher than a C-minus for the total course and will be required to successfully complete the re-entry process to repeat it before progressing to the next clinical course.
  8. The mark of "I" is appropriate if the student encounters a catastrophic situation which prevents completion of the final requirements of a course. The mark of I is not appropriate for unsatisfactory scholastic performance. In the event a mark of ‘I’ is given, the time limit for completion will be determined by the instructor, but may not exceed one year. In the event the mark of "I" is received for a prerequisite course, the ‘I’ must be removed prior to enrollment in the subsequent course. After one year, if the incomplete is not completed the grade will automatically change to an F (failure) and will be treated as a failing grade.


Probationary status is a warning to a student to improve theiracademic performance to remain in the program.

  1. A student is placed on probation if he/she does not maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (g.p.a.).
  2. A student is placed on probation if he/she does not maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (g.p.a.) in professional nursing courses.
  3. A grade point average must be returned to a minimum of 2.0 (g.p.a.) to remove probationary status. Probationary status must be removed within one calendar year.
  4. Students on probation are not eligible to represent the College in any student activity.


A student will be excluded from the College if any of the following conditions occur:

  1. Failure to satisfactorily complete a nursing course aftertwoattempts;
  2. Failure of more than one professional nursing course;
  3. Failure to remove probationary status within one calendar year;
  4. Irresponsible attendance or irresponsible performance/behavior at any time while enrolled in the program;
  5. Failure to meet any special conditions required by the College Scholastic Policy and Admissions Committee for the student’s continuation in the program;
  6. Failure to complete the program within the time limitations outlined above, unless granted an extension by the Scholastic Policy and Admissions Committee.
  7. Unsafe practice and/or unprofessional/unethical conduct as outlined/defined in the BSN student handbook and the WSU Student Code of Conduct.

Grade Appeals Policy

Basic Principles


Students/faculty may contact the College of Nursing, Assistant Dean, Enrollment and Student Services and/or the Wayne State University Ombuds Servicesat any time for assistance with any problem associated with a final course grade decision or grade appeal.

Timeliness of appeals process

Failure of the faculty member or any appeal officer to respond within the designated time frame of the formal appeal entitles the student to proceed to the next level of appeal. In no case should there be any assumption that a failure to respond at any level signifies a granting of the appeal. Failure of the student to adhere to the time-frames specified in the policy will result in the appeal process being nullified; i.e., the appeal will not be heard.


All steps of the formal grade appeal must be done in written letter format; email correspondence is acceptable. Information submitted should be time stamped and dated as it is received.

Academic dishonesty

These policy guidelines do not apply to allegations of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty matters are addressed under the WSU Student Code of Conduct and Undergraduate BSN Student Handbook.

Patient safety

Students may be removed from a clinical course at any time in which the faculty, clinical faculty, or clinical agency staff identifies an issue that would constitute unsafe/unprofessional practice in the clinical setting that may jeopardize patient safety.

*Notethat"days"are counted as Sunday-Saturday, excluding University holidays.

Appeal of Grade

Prior to implementing the formal appeal process, the student must discuss in person the disputed grade with the instructor of the course within ten days of notification of the grade (final grade posted in Academica). The faculty member will respond in writing with a copy to the student and the Associate Dean of Academic & Clinical Affairs and the Assistant Dean, Enrollment and Student Services. If the dispute remains unresolved, the student may then initiate a formal appeal.

All steps of the appeal process must be followed within the stated time frame or the appeal process is nullified (will not be heard).

Grade Appeal Process

Only the manner in which the final grade was assigned can be appealed. Instructors are expected to evaluate student work according to sound academic standards. If the student believes the manner in which the grade was assigned was done in an unfair manner and the student is able to demonstrate that the unfair manner is based on one of the three criteria stated below, then the student may file an appeal pursuant to the process set forth below. The student assumes the burden of proof in the appeals process.

Grounds forappeals are: (1) the application of non-academic criteria in the grading process, as listed in the university’s non-discrimination/affirmative action statute: race, color, sex (including gender identity), national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, height, weight, disability, or veteran status; (2) sexual harassment or discrimination; or (3) evaluation of student work by criteria not directly reflective of performance relative to course requirements.

Steps to Initiate a Formal Appeal

  1. Student must submit a written statement detailing theirobjections to the faculty response, along with supporting documentation, to the Associate Dean of Academic & Clinical Affairs with copy to the Assistant Dean for Enrollment and Student Services. Documentation of any communication between student and faculty outlining the concern should be included. This statement must be submitted within 30 days following the response of the faculty member who assigned the grade.
  2. Upon review of the documentation, the Associate Dean of Academic & Clinical Affairs will notify the student in writing within 21 days of receiving the student’s written appeal of the decision. As the Dean’s designee, the decision of the Associate Dean of Academic & Clinical Affairs shall be the final decision at the College level.

  3. Student/faculty may contact the College of Nursing, Assistant Dean, Enrollment and Student Services and/or the Wayne State University Ombuds Servicesat any time for assistance with any problem associated with a grade decision or grade appeal.

According to the Provost: If, after your School/College appeal path is exhausted and youwish to continue with the grade appeal process, per the University Academic policy, you may request a Provost Review within 30 days of this decision.The request should be submittedviathe online appeal form.For assistance with the appeal process, you may contact Ombuds Services.

Graduation Residency Requirement

The last thirty semester credits of the degree must be taken in residence at Wayne State University.

Graduation with Distinction

A candidate eligible for the bachelor’s degree may receive a special diploma with Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Summa Cum Laude indicated. For the University guidelines regarding these distinctions, see Graduation with Distinction.

Dean’s List and Honors List

Students completing twelve semester credits in study at Wayne State University are eligible for appointment to academic recognition lists each semester. The semester grade point average at Wayne State must be 3.75 or above to qualify for the Dean’s List, or a 4.0 g.p.a. for students registered for six to eleven credits. The Honors List requires a minimum grade point average of 3.50. Lists of students on the Dean’s List and Honors List will be posted in the College of Nursing. Students who receive marks of I or W or X and grades of N or U are not eligible. (For explanation of grades and marks, see Grading System, University.)

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Continuance in the College is contingent upon compliance with official rules, regulations, requirements, and procedures of the University and the College of Nursing.The student is responsible for reading this bulletin's contents pertinent to the College of Nursing and otherwise becoming informed and fulfilling all course and degree requirements in proper sequence with satisfactory scholarship.In case of doubt regarding any matter affecting theirstanding as a student, the student should consult with a College of Nursing ASO. The faculty reserves the right to amend or revise the policies and requirements outlined in the College of Nursing section of this bulletin.

A student may be required to withdraw from the College when, in the faculty's judgment, behavior demonstrates that the student is unsuited for nursing, unsafe practice, and/or unethical conduct in the program without having been previously warned. (See also Exclusion, above.)

Academic Regulations < Wayne State (2024)


What's the lowest GPA Wayne State accepts? ›

To be admitted to a general degree program, you must:
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
  • Meet Wayne State's English proficiency requirements.

What happens if you fail a class at Wayne State University? ›

A student who receives any grade of "F" (failure) or "U" (unsatisfactory) will be dismissed and prohibited from completing additional coursework. A student who receives more than one grade of "WF" (Withdrawal Failing) will be dismissed.

What is the academic exclusion for Wayne State University? ›

Undergraduate Academic Probation

At the conclusion of the two terms, a student who has not achieved a cumulative g.p.a. of at least 2.00 shall be excluded from his/her program. A student excluded from the University may not apply for readmission or reinstatement for one calendar year.

What's a passing grade at Wayne State? ›

Undergraduate: A grade point average of 2.00 is required for graduation. Graduate: A grade point average of 3.00 is required for graduation.

What GPA is too low for college? ›

Some colleges have GPA cutoffs where if you score lower than their requirements, they will not consider your application. These cutoffs usually fall between 2.0 and 2.5, but every college is different.

Is Wayne State hard to get into? ›

Wayne State University has an acceptance rate of 75%. Half the applicants admitted to Wayne State who submitted test scores have an SAT score between 980 and 1230 or an ACT score of 20 and 28.

Can you graduate with 1 failed class? ›

It's important not to panic, as there are usually options available to students who fail a class. In most cases, you can still graduate on time, but you may need to put in extra effort to make up for the failed class during your senior year or by taking summer school.

Will failed classes show up on transcript? ›

The Consequences of Failing a Class

A failing grade will likely hurt your GPA (unless you took the course pass/fail), which could jeopardize your financial aid. The failure will end up on your college transcripts and could hurt your chances of getting into graduate school or graduating when you originally planned to.

What is the GPA of a failed class? ›

When you fail a course, the grade you receive is often an F, which carries no grade points. As a result, failing a course can significantly lower your GPA, especially if it is worth several credits. For example, if you have a 3.5 GPA and fail a 4-credit course, your GPA will drop to 3.08.

Is Wayne State College a dry campus? ›

Alcohol is not permitted on Wayne State College property.

What is academic disqualification? ›

Academic disqualification occurs when a student fails to meet standards for academic performance and progress and they are involuntarily separated from the University.

How does Wayne State calculate GPA? ›

The GPA is computed by dividing total quality points by the number of semester hours earned with grade (note that the grade of P is not calculated in the GPA). In this semester, the student's semester GPA is 3.33 (53.332 quality points/16 semester hours). Note that grades of P or Credit are not used in computing a GPA.

Is a 60% still passing? ›

Most colleges and universities generally consider a "D" (or a 60% to 69% score) as a passing grade. It's important to note that this minimum or lowest passing grade standard can significantly vary depending on the institution or major. For instance, some universities may require a "C" or better to pass.

What grades do you need to get a graduate degree at Wayne State? ›

To be awarded a graduate degree, a student must have achieved at least a 'B' (3.0) overall grade point average. Grades of 'B-minus' and below are unsatisfactory for graduate level work.

Is 60 or 65 a passing grade? ›

U.S. Letter Grading System: The standard grading system in the U.S. uses letters A to F, with A being the highest (90-100%) and D being the lowest passing grade (60-69%). F denotes failure.

What is the lowest GPA you will accept? ›

Unofficially, 2.0 is the lowest GPA accepted into a standard college, so while there's a chance that college admission is possible, it's not likely at more than a few institutions.

What is the lowest GPA Michigan will accept? ›

Ten of Michigan's public universities have banded together to broadly market a 3.0 grade point average as a uniform standard for admission to those institutions.

Can you get into Michigan State with a 2.7 GPA? ›

A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher with strong grade performance. 24 or more credits deemed transferable to MSU, earned after high school graduation. Applicants with less than 24 transferable credits are required to provide final high school transcripts.

What is the lowest GPA you can get and still graduate? ›

for an undergraduate at most colleges, the lowest GPA accepted to graduate is a 2.0, and on the secondary level a student can graduate with a GPA as low at a D average or 1.0, and a passing grade on your state's competency exam.


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.