7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (2024)

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Here are 7 easy no bake recipes for Christmas Candies your kids can make! Christmas is a great time for fun family traditions and kids love to get involved in making treats, decorating and making and wrapping gifts for everyone!

7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (2)

In our family we love to make Christmas Candies! I’m chronically ill and just don’t have the energy to spend hours baking cookies so I like recipes that you can make and be done and out of the kitchen in 30 minutes or less. All these Christmas Candies are easy for the kids to make and you can supervise without wearing yourself out!

7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make

7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (3)

Homemade Gum Drops Recipe
(called Applesauce Candy in our Dining on A Dime Cookbook)

1 cup applesauce*
1 cup sugar
1 sm. pkg. fruit gelatin (3 oz.)
extra sugar for coating

Combine applesauce and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook 2 minutes. Dissolve the gelatin in the applesauce mixture. Pour into an 8×8 inch pan. After 24 hours, cut into 1 inch squares and roll in sugar. Roll in the sugar a second time 24 hours later. Makes 64 pieces.

*Puree fruit co*cktail, peaches or pears instead of applesauce

7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (4)

Chocolate CoveredPretzels

12oz. melting chocolate (wafers or almond bark)

Melt chocolate in microwave, stirring every 20 seconds. When melted dip pretzels into chocolate and lay on waxed paper or silpat to harden. You can put them in the freezer for a few minutes to speed up the hardening process.

7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (5)

Chocolate Covered Oreos

Oreo Cookies
12oz. melting chocolate (wafers or almond bark)

Melt chocolate in microwave, stirring every 20 seconds. When melted dip Oreos halfway or all the wayinto chocolate and lay on waxed paper or silpat to harden. You can put them in the freezer for a few minutes to speed up the hardening process.

7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (6)

Peppermint Marshmallows

38-40 large marshmallows
1 package white chocolate coating
5-6 Peppermints crushed

Place marshmallows on a pan that is covered with wax paper and place in the freezer. They will be ready by the time you need to dip them.

Pour crushed peppermints in bowl.

Melt chocolate in microwave for a couple of minutes, stirring every 30 seconds until melted.

Place frozen marshmallows on skewer or tooth pick and dip in white chocolate and then in roll in peppermints.
Use a fork to slide them back on the wax paper. Chill.

7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (7)

2 Ingredient Easy Fudge Recipe

3 cups of chocolate chips*
1 can sweetened condensed milk

Pour both ingredients into a microwave proof bowl. Melt in 30 second increments. Stir after each 30 seconds. When melted, pour into a greased 8×8 inch pan. Let cool in the fridge and then cut into pieces.


  • Add Nuts as desired
  • Cherry Mash: Use cherry chips to make to the fudge. Then pour melted chocolate chips on top with peanuts.
  • Peanut Butter: Use peanut butter chipsto make to the fudge. Then top with chocolate or don’t, if you prefer not to.
  • Dark Chocolate:Use dark chocolate chips
  • Mint-Use mint chips,mint pieces or 1 tsp. mint flavoring

7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (8)

2 Ingredient Nut Bark ( Mr. GoodBars)

12 oz meltingchocolate
2 cups roasted peanutsunsalted

Pour chocolateinto a microwave proof bowl. Melt in 30 second increments. Stir after each 30 seconds. When melted, stir in peanuts and pour into a lightly greased cookie sheet with edges. Let cool in the fridge and then cut into pieces.

7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (9)

No Bake Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe

Ritz crackers
Peanut butter
Chocolate almond bark

Spread peanut butter on a cracker and top with a second cracker. Melt the almond bark in the microwave and then dip crackers in the melted almond bark. Lay on wax paper.

Try spreading different things that sound good on the crackers like marshmallow fluff, Nutella, or even a combination of these.

You can make EASY and delicious meals at home in less time than eating out! You’ll save a ton of money on food and your family will thank you!

Click here to get our Dining On A Dime Cookbooks 25% Off NOW! They’re filled with tasty recipes and tips to make your life easier!

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Reader Interactions


  1. 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (14)Patricia

    I plan on making some of these today or tomorrow.


  2. 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (15)Bea

    All the recipes look real good. They would make good Christmas gifts.


  3. 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (16)Bea

    The 2 ingredient Nut Bark has how much CHOCOLATE?


    • 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (17)Jill

      Bea it should be 12 oz of chocolate. You can really adjust it to what you have or need. For example it you like it with less peanuts and more chocolate you can adjust it by either using least peanuts or adding more chocolate etc. Haven’t forgotten you. : )


  4. 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (18)Eleanor McKinney

    My Mom used to make these candies:

    Mix sifted powdered sugar with milk (or cream)and a little vanilla extract until it clings together in a ball. Roll out, using more powdered sugar to “flour” the board. Roll until about 1/4 inch thick.

    Spread with peanut butter. Crunchy works best. You can also use chocolate or even Nutella and you can also spread with whatever you can dream up! Including jam…

    Roll up into a cylinder and cut across into pieces. They should look like little “whorls.” You can also add food coloring to the milk to make different color candies.


  5. 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (19)Bea

    Hi Jill, I know you are busy. I just love all these recipes and can’t wait to make some of them. THEY ALL LOOK GOOD.


  6. 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (20)Bea

    Eleanor those candies sound good. I love sweets and they sound YUMMY.


  7. 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (21)CJ

    Another easy one for the kids – combine 1/2 c. honey with 1/2 c. peanut butter until uniform in colour. Add 3/4 c. skim milk powder and 3/4 c. crisp rice cereal, combine well. Roll into little balls and then roll in coconut, crushed cereal, finely chopped nuts, etc. Keep in fridge or freezer. My 6-year-old can make these herself from beginning to end, and recruited her 4-year-old friend as her “helper” the other day.


  8. 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (22)CJ

    What is fruit gelatin? Do you mean pectin, like you would use for canning? Or do you mean gelatin-gelatin, like Knox gelatin?


    • 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (23)Jill

      Now many times the recipes have fruit gelatin so they don’t have to use a name brand. What they mean is good old fashion Jello. It’s the same as it isn’t correct to say I need a Kleenex when you are using a Puff but you are suppose to say tissue. I still call my Puffs Kleenexes and I like to call Jello Jello not fruit gelatin but it isn’t I guess the correct thing to do. : )


      • 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (24)CJ

        Ah, gotcha. I think my brand of generic Jello says something completely else, hence why I was confused. Thanks!


      • 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (25)holly

        My gum drops after 24 hours is too sticky doesn’t form nothing. What to I do I followed the recipient.


        • 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (26)Jill

          It could be any number of things Holly. Here in Kansas if the humidity isn’t just right it can effect the way it turns out. In Colorado the high altitude can do the same. Other things are whether or not it was boiled the exact amount of time, if your applesauce was a little more or less runny and things like that. I don’t make a lot of boiled or cooked candy any more myself because it can be a little touchy. To fix what you made you could maybe try to put it back in the pan, reheat and melt it and sprinkle another Tbsp. or two of Jello in it and let it cook for 30 sec. to a minute more. If you don’t want to do that you may have to try again. You could use what didn’t turn out as syrup on pancakes or over ice cream.


  9. 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (27)Mary Jane

    When my grand kids come and stay overnight, we have started making simple recipes together. I can’t wait to try the gumdrops when they come next time.


  10. 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (28)Lynn

    Hello we don’t sell jello were I live does anyone no what I could get they sell jelly what u put water in and it sets in fridge is that the same I’m hopeless


    • 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (29)kimberly sims

      lynn that is what we call jello. you must be british. i think they call it jelly. we all call it somthing different.


  11. 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (30)Wendy

    We make the Ritz crackers with peanut butter but dip it in white bark. My family likes them better than them dipped in chocolate bark. It’s one of our favorites we make for Christmas. I also make them for church functions and decorate them with sprinkles or candy toppling for a more sophisticated look.


  12. 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (31)Jodiann Graham

    The homemade gumdrops didn’t say to refrigerate. They didn’t set up. When I made some more and put in the fridge they stuck to the glass pan and came out all messy and were all gooey. I was so disappointed. I was excited to have these for the grandchildren. 😢


    • 7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (32)Jill

      Sorry they didn’t work for you Jodiann. Sometimes for candies the humidity and other things can affect it setting up.


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7 No Bake Christmas Candy Recipes Kids Can Make (2024)


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