57 Super Frugal Living Tips You Need To See (In 2024) (2024)

Table of Contents
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links and if you choose to sign up or purchase a product/service through our links we may receive a commission at no cost to you. Please read our full privacy policy for more information. Super Frugal Living Tips Track Spending Use Cashback Apps Separate Wants From Needs Dryer Balls Air Dry Clothes Save On Cellphone Bill Cut Out Cable Toilet Tank Displacement Shop Second Hand Make Cleaning Products Reusable Items Use Paribus Compare Prices Ask For A Discount Use Trim To Save Money Pack Lunch To Work Grow Your Own Food Eat Less Meat Use Ibotta For Groceries Buy Groceries Using Price Per Weight Cook More & Go Out Less Purchase Non-Perishable Items In Bulk Store Brand Items Use Cloths Instead Of Paper Towels Water Filter Instead Of Water Bottles Shop At Chewy For Pets Use CamelCamelCamel Don’t Buy Sales Items Just Because Cloth Diapers Weatherstrip House Energy-Saving Lights Unplug Unused Electronics Utilize Blinds For Temperature Low Flow Showerheads Change Filters & Clean Vents Shopping Cart Hack Calculate Spending In Hours Car\House Maintenance DIY Projects Buy A Used Car Find Cheaper Car Insurance Bike Instead Of Drive Find The Best Gas Prices Use Less & Waste Less Utilize Local Libraries Free Entertainment & Activities Borrow Items Buy Discounted Gift Cards 72-Hour Rule Get Roommates Downsize House Save Money When Traveling Separate Two-Ply Toilet Paper Get Some Help Bank Round-Up Savings Use Acorns Embrace Minimalism Bonus Rebaid Conclusion References

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Looking for some super frugal living tips to save money? Want to know how to live frugally?


This is the post for you! You will get 57 of the best super frugal living tips to save more money fast!

Just to say…

Some of these are extreme frugality tips while others are pretty easy to do, so don’t think you have to do all these frugal tips. Choose the ones that work for you.

Frugal living shouldn’t be about deprivation, while it might mean delayed satisfaction in some circ*mstances you shouldn’t be miserable just to save some money.

As you’ll see in this post, there are simple changes you can make RIGHT NOW that will help you save more money without affecting your quality of life.

You can start living a frugal life and enjoying it right now!

Let’s now learn how to live super frugally…

Super Frugal Living Tips

If you want to see the extreme frugal tips then click the links below to take you to the section where you can learn more:

  • Toilet Tank Displacement
  • Toilet Paper Ply
  • Cloth Diapers
  • Downsize House
  • Buy Groceries In Weight

These tips above are some of the more extreme frugal tips to save money. Now let’s get to the full list so you can learn how to live frugally…

Track Spending

57 Super Frugal Living Tips You Need To See (In 2024) (1)

If you really want to live a frugal lifestyle then you better make sure you are tracking your spending and keeping up with a budget!

You need to know where you are spending and how much, as well as where you can cut costs.

A simple spreadsheet will do the trick if you want to manually get this done or you can use an app like Mint which will automatically track your spending and allows you to set a budget.

You need to do this since it’s one of the best ways to be frugal and save money.

If you only choose to do one thing on this list, this is the one!

Start living a frugal life and enjoying it with this tip!

Use Cashback Apps

One of the best money-saving tips is to simply use cashback apps to get some money back for items you are purchasing anyway!


No matter how frugal you are you will need to spend money at times so why not get cashback for doing so?!

Here are my favorite cash back apps:

  • Dosh
  • Rakuten
  • Ibotta

Each one of these apps is different and will help you save money in different ways so I recommend signing up for all three. I mean, it’s free so why not?!

Using cashback apps is one of the best tips for living frugally!

Separate Wants From Needs

The ultimate money-saving tip out of all the super frugal living tips is to separate your wants from your needs!

It is one of the best ways to be frugal and save money and it is so simple yet so effective!

Take a look at your spending (we already went over tracking your spending) and find what is necessary to spend on and then the things you want to spend on.

You can enjoy some “wants” but cut some out so you can live a frugal life and save money.

Definitely implement this tip now if you want to learn extreme thrifty living!

Dryer Balls

A simple frugal living tip is to invest in dryer balls for when you are doing your laundry.

Dryer balls are wool balls that you use to toss in the dryer with clothes, they are used to significantly reduce drying time which saves you money in the long run!

They also last a very long time which makes them a great investment.

You can find highly reviewed dryer balls on Amazon for less than $20!

It’s one of the most simple tips for living frugally.

Air Dry Clothes

If dryer balls aren’t your thing then one of the best super frugal living tips is to skip the dryer completely and hang your clothes out to dry.

Now, obviously, this will only work when the weather permits it. You can’t air-dry clothes when it’s raining or super cold out.

So, if the weather is nice out then consider air-drying your clothes to save some extra money.

However, you can purchase a drying rack from places like Amazon or Walmart and air-dry clothes in your house!

It’s a simple and easy frugal living tip you can implement right now!

Save On Cellphone Bill

If you are paying an arm and a leg for your cell phone plan then it’s probably time to switch to a cheaper alternative.

I highly recommend checking out Republic Wireless which is an awesome budget cell phone service provider that will allow you to save money right now!

Plans at Republic Wireless start at just $15 a month and they have 99% coverage in the U.S!

One of the best frugal living tips I can give is to switch to Republic Wirelessand save $100’s on your cell phone bill!

Save With Republic Wireless!

Cut Out Cable

A simple frugal tip to save money is to cut cable and opt for another service like Sling TV which is much cheaper!

Having cable is pretty expensive and you probably don’t watch most of the channels anyway.


Why continue paying for cable? You can get Sling TV and then another streaming service which will still cost less than cable.

I highly recommend cutting cable out and getting Sling TV or Hulu Live.

Check Out Sling TV Here!

Toilet Tank Displacement

An interesting frugal living tip that you can do in your home right now is to displace the water level in your toilet to save money on water.

This tip is more on the extreme frugality side and it is not for everybody but it might work for some and it is super easy to do.

All you have to do is get a water bottle or two and fill it with sand, gravel, or even water and then open up the toilet tank, flush, and then place the bottles in the tank avoiding all the components.

What this does is make the water in the tank fill up faster with less water being used thus saving you money!

Play around with the number of bottles you should use because you want to avoid an issue where the toilet doesn’t flush properly leading to two flushes which completely defeats the purpose.

This is an extreme thrifty living tip and one of the most frugal ways to save money!

Shop Second Hand

One of the best ways to save money and live a frugal lifestyle is to shop second hand.

I know there are some items that you would never buy used and that is perfectly fine but there are a lot of items that can be bought used at a significant discount!

You can get practically new clothes at thrift stores, get lightly used furniture on Craigslist, etc…

Consider shopping second hand, you can end up saving $1,000’s easily!

Make Cleaning Products

A simple frugal living tip is to make your own cleaning products to use around your house.

You can make some really cheap and effective cleaning products out of items like lemons, baking soda, vinegar, etc…

Plus, these products are healthier than the cleaning products sold in stores that have bleach and other harmful chemicals.

There are many blog posts online that teach you how to make your own cleaning products, so when you are ready, give them a try!

It’s one of the most simple tips for living frugally!

Reusable Items

One of the best ways to save money and live a frugal lifestyle is to buy products you can reuse.

It’s that simple!

Instead of buying bottled water all the time, get a reusable bottle and a filter. Use cloths instead of paper towels. Things like this.

Save money by investing in reusable items, plus it’s much better for the environment too!

It’s one of the best frugal ways to save money!

Use Paribus

If you hate buying products only to see the price drop soon after then Paribus is the app for you.

Paribus is an app that works with companies and credit card providers to pay you the difference if a product you recently purchased drops in price within a certain time.

Price protection policies are a hassle to deal with so why not let Paribus do all the work for you and you only pay a fee if they refund you the difference!

It’s one of the easiest ways to be frugal and save money automatically!

I definitely recommend checking Paribus out.

Compare Prices

If you really want to be frugal then never buy the first thing you see!

Always compare the prices of items and compare similar items to see which one is the best value for you.

Check out WikiBuy where you can search for the product you want and WikiBuy will compare the prices from different stores showing you where you can get the best deal!

This is one of the best frugal living tips for seniors and everyone else!

I highly recommend using WikiBuy, it’s free and simply an awesome way to save some money!

Ask For A Discount

A really effective way to save money is to simply ask for it!

Yes, seriously… Sometimes if you simply ask for a discount then you can get it.

No, of course, this doesn’t work all the time but certain places like small businesses will offer discounts to keep you as a returning customer.

Next time you are shopping don’t hesitate to ask, it doesn’t hurt!

This is one of the best frugal living tips for seniors since most places provide a senior discount!

Use Trim To Save Money

Even if you are a frugal person you still might be paying for some subscriptions that you don’t even use.

This is just as bad as throwing money out the window!

Now, you can analyze your spending to see where you are wasting money (I definitely recommend doing this) or you can also use Trimwhich is an awesome app that will find and cancel old subscriptions for you!

Trim is really cool, it is a free app that can help you cancel unwanted subscriptions and also negotiate some of your bills, saving you more money!

There might be a fee if Trim saves you money but it is money you wouldn’t have had anyway so definitely check out Trim.

If you really want to know how to live frugally then you should definitely check out Trim to save money automatically.

With Trim, you can start living a frugal life and enjoying it!

Save Money With Trim Here!

Pack Lunch To Work

One of the best frugal living tips you can do to save money is to simply pack lunch to work.

Try to shoot for every day but 4 out of 5 days is still a big accomplishment for bringing lunch to work instead of buying lunch every day.

Eating out can get pretty expensive and work is no exception! Do your best to bring lunch and save your money.

Grow Your Own Food

One of the best super frugal living tips ever is to grow your own food so you can save a lot of money!

Food is one of our biggest expenses so why not grow your own food?


Of course, you most likely can’t grow all the food you want but start off with a simple garden with some fruits and vegetables and take it from there.

Save some money and start growing your own food, it can be a fun hobby also!

It’s one of the best frugal ways to save money!

Eat Less Meat

A great and pretty healthy way to save money is to less meat and more vegetables and fruit.

Meat is expensive and you can save a good chunk of money by eating less meat or even go meat-free.

This is a great frugal tip and it is a healthy tip as well!

Use Ibotta For Groceries

If you shop for food, which you definitely do then you should be using Ibotta.

Ibotta is a cashback app that will help you save $1,000’s a year on food!

All you have to do is sign up for your free Ibotta account here and then unlock the offers in the app then scan your receipt.

That’s it!

Plus, you can get up to $20 for free when you sign up for Ibotta with my link!

I highly recommend using Ibotta to save money on food!

It’s one of the easiest tips for living frugally!

Get Up To $20 With Ibotta!

Buy Groceries Using Price Per Weight

One of the best super frugal living tips out there is to shop based on unit price instead of the retail price.

If you don’t know what unit price is, it is the retail price divided by the amount of product you are getting (usually in ounces).

For example, if you see a 32oz yogurt for $2.00 and a 10oz yogurt for $1.00 you’ll probably go for the $1 yogurt right?

You might but if you calculate the unit price you will see that the unit price for the 32oz yogurt is $0.06 and the unit price for the 10oz yogurt is $0.10.


You will actually be getting more for your money if you buy the 32oz yogurt!

Most stores have the unit price listed already so you don’t have to do this calculation for every item you want to purchase but you can always do the calculations yourself.

This is an awesome tip to ensure you are getting more for your money! With this tip, you can start living a frugal life and enjoying it!

Cook More & Go Out Less

A simple way to live a frugal life is to cook more and stop going out to eat or getting take out!

Food is expensive when you buy out all the time but if you cook your own meals you can save a lot of money!

It is a simple way to keep your money in your pocket.

Purchase Non-Perishable Items In Bulk

One of the best super frugal living tips ever is to simply stock up on non-perishable items when they are discounted!

So for example, if toilet paper has a big sale then pick up more than you normally do to take advantage of the sale.

Only do this for products you will use such as toilet paper, toothpaste, etc… and make sure you have a place to store the extra items.

This is an awesome frugal living tip that will save you a lot of money in the long run!

Store Brand Items

One of the biggest misconceptions is that store brands are much worse than the name brand item.

While in some cases this might be true, most items are just as good in the generic brand and it costs much less too!

So the next time you are shopping check out store brand items and save money.

Use Cloths Instead Of Paper Towels

We went over this briefly in the reusable items section but this tip is important because you can save a lot of money by not spending money on paper towels.

These little costs can add up really fast so you should use cloths instead of paper towels!

This is one of the extreme frugality tips on this list but reusable cloths are just as effective and can save you money.

Water Filter Instead Of Water Bottles

A super-easy way to save money is to get a water filter instead of purchasing bottled water all the time.

The planet will thank you too for reducing the amount of plastic waste!

You can find great water filters at places like Amazon or Walmart, just attach it to your faucet to get clean water!

Save money with this simple tip.

Shop At Chewy For Pets

57 Super Frugal Living Tips You Need To See (In 2024) (7)

If you have pets then you know they can get pretty costly at times.


There is no need to spend an arm and a leg on your pets.

Check out Chewy where you can get discounted pet food, products, and supplies!

Chewy is awesome and I highly recommend them to save money!

Use CamelCamelCamel

Do you shop on Amazon? Chances are that you most likely do and there’s nothing wrong with that but you shouldn’t overpay on Amazon.

Check out a site called CamelCamelCamel where you can track the price of a product on Amazon to see if you are getting a good deal!

You will be able to see price trends so you can see if you should purchase the product now or wait for the price to drop.

Definitely check out CamelCamelCamel before purchasing on Amazon!

Don’t Buy Sales Items Just Because

One of the best ways to save money and live a frugal life is to simply stop buying things just because they are on sale.

It’s crazy that when people see items on sale they “just gotta have it” without any real reason behind it!

Sale signs don’t mean that you need or even really want the item, don’t waste money on things you don’t really want.

Only buy sale items if you really want them or need them, otherwise, just save your money!

Cloth Diapers

If you have a newborn or are expecting a newborn then one of the wildest super frugal living tips is to use cloth diapers.

I personally would never be this frugal but hey if you want to try it out then go for it.

Pampers can cost a lot of money and by using cloth diapers you will save yourself a lot of cash!

This is one of the most extreme frugality tips but it’s a simple way to save some money.

Weatherstrip House

A quick way to waste money is to turn on the heat or AC and then leave the windows and doors open.

Makes no sense at all right?!

While most people won’t do this, most people don’t weatherstrip their house which means they are just throwing away money!

Air leaks in houses are a big money waster and they are pretty easy to fix.

For doors get door snakes to block air leaks, caulk air leaks by windows, etc…

If you want to know how to live frugally then check out this simple way to save more money!

Energy-Saving Lights

57 Super Frugal Living Tips You Need To See (In 2024) (8)

One of the easiest ways to save some money is to simply replace all the light bulbs in your house with energy-saving bulbs.

The U.S Department of Energy states you can save up to $75 a year by using energy-saving lightbulbs.

You can invest in energy star LED lightbulbs that last longer than regular light bulbs and saves you money, win-win!

It’s one of the easiest frugal ways to save money.

Unplug Unused Electronics

A scary fact is that even when you are not using your electronics, they are still using some energy which ends up costing you money!

It’s not a jaw-dropping amount of money but these costs do add up year after year.

By leaving your electronics plugged in they are using vampire energy or standby power which costs you money!

Simply unplug these electronics when you are not using them or better yet plug them into a surge protector and simply flip the switch to turn them off and on.

Save money by stopping the usage of standby power!

Utilize Blinds For Temperature

A simple tip to use to reduce heating and cooling costs is to open or close your blinds depending on the weather.

If it’s hot out then close the blinds to minimize the amount of heat coming into your home or if it is cold out open it up to let heat in.

This can help raise or lower the temperature in your home naturally without cranking up the heat or AC!

Definitely start using this tip to save money now!

Low Flow Showerheads

Being frugal and being less wasteful pretty much go hand and hand and using low-flow showerheads helps you do both!

One of the best super frugal living tips I can give you is to install low-flow showerheads in your home.

It is such a simple way to use less water which is great for your pockets and the environment.

You can find great low-flow showerheads on Amazon or at Walmart.

Change Filters & Clean Vents

A really simple and easy way to save money on your energy bill is to clean the vents and filters on your appliances.

Appliances such as dryers, fridges, AC units, etc… all collect dust in their vents and filters which makes them work harder by using more energy.


This just means that you have to spend more money!

So, simply clean your appliances so they can run better by using less energy which will save you money.

Shopping Cart Hack

A great frugal tip when shopping online is to leave the items you want in the shopping cart for a day or two.

The reason is that online stores track your activity and if they see that you went to purchase something but abandoned your cart, they might offer a discount for you to follow through with the purchase!

It’s a simple trick that might not work all the time but is definitely worth a try.

Calculate Spending In Hours

A neat frugal living tip that I use all the time is to spend in terms of hours instead of time.

The trick is that you only have a finite amount of time but money comes and goes, so you will be more cautious to spend your time rather than money.

For example, if you make $20 an hour and you see a pair of shoes you want for $120, ask yourself if those shoes are worth 6 hours of your time.

6 hours of your time is a lot so it will definitely make you think twice about getting these shoes!

You might still want them and that’s fine but use this tip to be sure you really want the item and it’s not just an impulse purchase.

If you really want to know how to live super frugally then you need to use this tip!

Car\House Maintenance

One of the best frugal living tips is to simply maintain your home and cars.

This is a preventative measure that you can take to save money in the long run by avoiding repairs, emergency fixes, etc…

Simply take care of your assets and save money in the long run!

DIY Projects

57 Super Frugal Living Tips You Need To See (In 2024) (9)

If you own a house or car then you know that one of the most expensive things you can ever pay for is labor costs.

I mean it’s seriously crazy!

For example, you might need a $50 part installed to fix your water heater but add on labor and this job now costs you $400!

This seriously happens and one way to combat this is to learn to do these types of things yourself.

Now, of course, you can’t do everything yourself but a lot of repairs and maintenance tasks can be done without needing to pay anyone.

If you really want to learn how to live frugally then you should definitely learn to do things yourself.

Check out YouTube and other blogs for DIY guides and learn to save money!

This is one of the best great frugal living tips for seniors since seniors usually have more time for DIY projects.

Buy A Used Car

If you want to live a frugal lifestyle then you should never ever buy a brand new car.

I would never recommend buying a new car due to how fast they depreciate in value!

So, you should look for a used car that is about 3 to 4 years old because the first 3 to 4 years of a car’s life is when it depreciates the most.

There are many used cars in great condition so look into these ones, not brand new cars which are a waste of money.

Find Cheaper Car Insurance

One of the worst things about owning a car is that you have to pay for car insurance which can be super expensive!

A lot of the big car insurance companies charge a lot for their insurance policies just because they can but it shouldn’t be this way.

Check out a site called Gabi, this site will help analyze your current policy and then compare different car insurance quotes to get you the best deal!

It’s free to use so check out Gabitoday.

Get A Free Quote Here!

Bike Instead Of Drive

Cars are expensive but we need them at times to get around and just carry on with life.


In some areas and some situations, you can use a bicycle instead of a car which can save you a great deal of money and it is much healthier!

Consider biking whenever you can and save money on gas and wear & tear on your car.

Find The Best Gas Prices

We already went over using a bicycle or even walking instead of using a car but there are times when you will need to use a car.

This leads to buying gas which sucks and is pretty expensive!

Don’t just go to the first gas station you see to fill up your tank, use the GasBuddy app to find the best prices for gas near you.

GasBuddy is a really simple way to save money on gas. Get the free app now!

Use Less & Waste Less

One of the best super frugal living tips is to simply use less and waste less.

Sounds simple right? Well, it is!

All you need to do is realize that you can survive and be happy with less stuff and that you should be less wasteful with the things you have.

For example, take shorter showers, use less shampoo/soap, don’t throw out food, etc…

By simply being less wasteful you can save a lot of money and it is better for the environment too!

Utilize Local Libraries

If you want free entertainment just head to your local library where you can read books for absolutely free and even borrow movies for free as well.

It is one of the best frugal living tips for entertainment!

Some libraries also offer free classes, check out your local library to see what they offer.

Free Entertainment & Activities

57 Super Frugal Living Tips You Need To See (In 2024) (11)

Just because you are trying to save money and live a frugal life doesn’t mean you have to cut out all the fun from your life.

Look around for free entertainment and activities to do!

Things such as park dates, picnics, sports, etc… are all free and fun to do.

There might also be some free events going on in your neighborhood, so keep an eye open for these.

Borrow Items

The simple fact is that you don’t need to purchase every single little thing!

There are some things that you only need for a short period of time or one-time use so why not just borrow the item instead of purchasing it.

If you know that you will only need a certain item for a short period of time check with friends or family members to see if they have the item for you to borrow.

You can also check with stores to see if they will let you borrow the item for a cheaper price.

This is a great way to save money!

Buy Discounted Gift Cards

57 Super Frugal Living Tips You Need To See (In 2024) (12)

A unique frugal living tip is to buy discounted gift cards from Raise.

The way it works is like this…

If you are going to Target to shop, for example, you can go on Raise and then purchase a gift card for a lower price. For example, you can get a $50 gift card for $45!

You just saved yourself $5 easily!

Make sure you only buy gift cards to places you know you are going to shop at soon before the gift card expires.

Check out Raise now!

Save Money On Raise Now!

72-Hour Rule

57 Super Frugal Living Tips You Need To See (In 2024) (13)

One of the best frugal tips ever is to use the 72-hour rule when shopping.

The way it works is like this…

When you are shopping and see something you want (not need) you should wait 72 hours before purchasing the item.

This simple trick will help you save money because most of the time you will realize that you do not really want the item and it was just an “in the moment” kind of situation.

There are a lot of people who waste money on these impulse purchases and the 72-hour rule helps to stop these impulse purchases!

Get Roommates

If you live alone and you are finding it hard to save money then consider getting a roommate to help split the living costs.

It is a simple but very effective way to save more money and while it might not be the ideal situation it can help you save up for a better living space later on.

Check with some friends or family members to see if they want to split a place with you, if not check sites like Roomies or roommates.

Downsize House

One of the most intense super frugal living tips you can do is to downsize your home.

I know… I know… This is a huge step but it is probably the best tip on this list to save the most money.

Most people buy more house than they need which ends up costing them a lot of money in the long run.


If are looking for a way on how to live super frugally then this tip might be for you, just make sure you plan out this big change.

Save Money When Traveling

Even if you are frugal you should still enjoy your life and one of the best ways to enjoy your life is to travel!

I love traveling but it can honestly get pretty expensive.

This is what I recommend using Airbnb whenever you travel. You can save $100’s on each vacation by simply staying in an Airbnb!

Plus there are some really beautiful places on Airbnb which is a fraction of the price of a hotel or resort.

Sign up for your free Airbnb account here and get $40 off your first booking!

This is a great tip for everyone but it’s one of the best frugal livingtips for seniors who are traveling more frequently in retirement.

Get $40 From Airbnb Here!

Separate Two-Ply Toilet Paper

A super frugal tip that some people use that I will probably never do myself is to buy two-ply toilet paper and then separate it.

To me, this seems like overkill and something you will see on the extreme cheapskate’s show!

This is one of the most extreme frugality tips I came across and honestly, you aren’t saving that much money by doing this but hey if it works for you then carry on.

Get Some Help

You might be struggling to make ends meet and finding it very hard to save money then you should get some help from the government.

The government has some financial assistance programs that you might be eligible for if you are struggling financially.

Check out this site to see if you are eligible to get help from these programs.

There is no shame in getting some help when you need it!

Bank Round-Up Savings

An awesome money-saving tip you can use right now is to check if your bank offers roundup savings.

Roundup savings is where your bank rounds up your purchases to the dollar and then transfers your spare change into your savings account.

So, you will save money without even realizing it!

Check with your bank to see if they offer round-up savings.

Use Acorns

57 Super Frugal Living Tips You Need To See (In 2024) (15)

Related to roundup savings is Acornswhich actually invests your spare change in the stock market!

While roundup savings from your bank is a great idea, your money is most likely just sitting there not earning much interest.

Why not make this money work for you?

With Acorns, you can set up your bank accounts to round up the purchase and invest the difference in the stock market!

While you might think a few cents here and there are not much, they sure do add up and there are people who have $1,000’s in their Acorns account from just spare change investing.

I recommend checking out Acorns here, plus you will get $5 if you sign up with my link.

Claim Your $5 From Acorns Here!

Embrace Minimalism

One of the absolute best super frugal living tips I can give you is to embrace minimalism.

Now, this is not as easy as the other tips on this list because minimalism is a lifestyle change, not just a hack that you do from time to time.

Being a minimalist means living a life filled with less stuff. This doesn’t mean that you are depriving yourself, it is the opposite actually.

Minimalism is a life where you realize that more “stuff” doesn’t make you happier and you learn to be happy with only the things that truly make you happy and you will realize that there is not much “stuff” that makes you happy.

If you’re looking for an extreme thrifty living tip then check out minimalism and see if this lifestyle change is right for you.


Here is a bonus service I highly recommend using to save money easily!


57 Super Frugal Living Tips You Need To See (In 2024) (16)

Do you shop on Amazon? How would you like to save 50% or more on items on Amazon? Better yet, would you like to get free items from Amazon?!

It sounds too good to be true but with a free service called Rebaid, you can get products from Amazon for major discounts and even free!

Rebaid is completely free and it’s super easy to use.

All you need to do is sign up for a free Rebaid account and then browse their site for products you want. After you find an item you want just click the link and you will be taken to Amazon.

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These are the best super frugal living tips that you can use right now to save money!

There are many ways to save money and these tips on this list are some of the best ways to do so.

You don’t need to implement all of these tips in your frugal strategy but I definitely recommend doing multiple of these frugal tips so you can maximize your savings.

If you enjoy these super frugal living tips check out my post on awesome ways to Save Money Each Month and my post onWhat To Do If You’re Tired Of Being Poor

What are your favorite super frugal living tips? Have any frugal tips to add? Let me know in the comments below!

Are you ready to take control of your money?Check out these awesome money resources which will help you to make and save $1,000’s!

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57 Super Frugal Living Tips You Need To See (In 2024) (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.