5 Best Practices for Incorporating New FLSA Overtime Rules and Salary Regulations | Asure Software (2024)

If an employee is an executive, administrative, or professional employee, you are legally allowed to pay them a salary and not pay them overtime. The same thing is true for employees who are considered highly compensated employees (HCEs). Thanks to a finalized rule in April 2024, employers will soon need to pay higher salaries to both classes of workers.

The rule doesn’t take effect until June, so it’s important to start figuring out ways to incorporate these changes now. Your workplace will need to consider which employee contracts need to be adjusted and how you will afford to pay salaried workers more. Additionally, this is a good time to overhaul your overtime policies so that they are in line with all federal and state regulations.

The New FLSA Salary Changes for Exempt Workers and HCEs

For many organizations, the new FLSA rule will be challenging to navigate. Currently, employers are expected to pay salaried employees $35,568 per year. Fortunately, the Department of Labor (DOL) decided to take a stepped approach to increasing the salary. After jumping to $43,888 in July 2024, it will increase again to $58,656 on January 1, 2024.

Meanwhile, HCEs will see a similar pay increase. Currently, HCEs are paid $107,432. On July 1, 2024, their salaries must increase to $132,964. Then, the salary level will rise to $151,164 in January 2025.

After these initial increases are complete, the DOL will institute regular increases at three-year intervals. The next salary increase will occur on July 1, 2027.

5 Best Practices for Incorporating New FLSA Overtime Regulations

Incorporating these new salary requirements can be financially difficult for small businesses. In addition to paying your workers more, there are a few other things you should do to follow FLSA salary and overtime regulations.

1. Employee Handbook

A well-written employee handbook is more than just an onboarding tool. It can also protect your business in the event of an HR- or compliance-related dispute. By training employees and getting them to sign off on relevant sections in the handbook, you can demonstrate that the training sessions were completed.

Overtime Policies

As a part of your overtime policies, you must hang up a DOL poster explaining the FLSA. Then, you can add other overtime policies to your employee handbook. For example, you may want to discuss situations when overtime is mandatory and how employees should go about getting an overtime request approved.

You should discuss situations when overtime is allowed and any limitations on overtime hours. The policy may also include other information, like the standard workweek, so employees can figure out if they are entering overtime hours or not.

Paid Time Off (PTO)

The FLSA overhaul will likely have an impact on the PTO you offer. If you change some of your salaried workers to hourly employees, this will impact what it means to take a day off and how PTO is accrued. You should incorporate any PTO and vacation time changes into your updated employee handbook.

2. Making the Determination: Exempt or Nonexempt

Once the FLSA salary update is completed in 2025, it’s estimated that it will cost employers an extra $1.5 billion per year. Because of this, there are undoubtedly some businesses that will decide to reclassify some of their overtime-exempt workers as non-exempt.

Before you make this determination, you may want to talk to a labor attorney to see what your options are. If you are only reclassifying workers to avoid salary payments, you might get in trouble with the DOL. However, the ruling was also made because so many restaurants and retail establishments were classifying low-level managers as salary employees, which allowed them to work almost unlimited hours. In these cases, it may make sense to reclassify low-level management as hourly workers.

3. Be Positive

No matter how you decide to classify an employee, you should be positive and transparent about the change. For example, some employees view being changed to an hourly wage as a loss of status. In these cases, you’ll need to walk the employee through the math to show how their new hourly rate works out to the same wage once you account for all of the overtime hours they previously performed.

If you will be able to increase wages in the future, express that to your workers. You can also talk to employees about the types of extra responsibilities they would need to take on to be paid more.

4. Explain Clocking-In Policies

If you have changed an employee’s status, you may need to have a discussion with them about when to clock in and out. As a salaried worker, it didn’t matter if an employee showed up early or stayed late just to chat with their co-workers. Now, employees can’t just clock in and work extra hours.

In addition, you should talk to managers and employees about policies around texting and calling during after-work hours. This type of communication counts as work, so the employee is essentially clocked in as soon as they receive a text from a manager. Because of this, it’s important to discuss when it is acceptable to message an employee and when a question should wait for the next day at work.

5. Pay Exempt Employees Properly

The most important practice for incorporating new FLSA rules involves wages. You must make sure that your exempt workers and HCEs are paid appropriately.

It’s important to keep in mind that employees can see your job listings and ask new hires how much money they make. While it can be challenging to afford a higher salary, you should keep in mind that your existing workers should be paid more than the minimum salary. If your loyal workers get the same as your new hires, you will likely see a lot of churn among your workers.

Taking the First Step in Incorporating the FLSA Ruling

While navigating the FLSA update can be stressful, it will gradually get easier. To get started, you will need to incorporate the new salaries into your payroll and update your overtime policies. By following the previous steps, you can make sure your company is fully prepared for the salary change.

If you need help updating your policies for the FLSA ruling, we can help. To learn more about our HR and payroll services, reach out to our small business experts today.

5 Best Practices for Incorporating New FLSA Overtime Rules and Salary Regulations | Asure Software (2024)


What is the new overtime rule for the FLSA in 2024? ›

FLSA overtime rule update: Fast facts

Beginning July 1, 2024, the salary threshold increases from $35,568 per year ($684 per week) to $43,888 per year ($844 per week)

Which 3 employment practices are regulated by the Fair Labor Standards Act FLSA )? ›

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting employees in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments.

What are the new rules for overtime? ›

Recently, the US Department of Labor (DOL) released their final rule, updating the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)'s overtime pay requirements. The rule increases the minimum salary threshold to $43,888 on July 1, 2024, and then to $58,656 on January 1, 2025.

What is the overtime provision of the FLSA requires most employers pay? ›

The federal overtime provisions are contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Unless exempt, employees covered by the Act must receive overtime pay for hours worked over 40 in a workweek at a rate not less than time and one-half their regular rates of pay.

What are the OT rules for 2024? ›

Effective July 1, 2024, the threshold will increase to $844 per week, which is the equivalent of an annual salary of $43,888. Effective January 1, 2025, the threshold will then increase to $1,128 per week, which is the equivalent of an annual salary of $58,656.

What's the difference between overtime and FLSA overtime? ›

Under FLSA, employers are required to pay overtime wages only when employees work over 40 hours in a single workweek. However, under the California Labor Code, employers must pay workers overtime wages for working more than 40 hours in a week.

What are 5 of the major provisions of the Fair Labor Standard Act? ›

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments.

What were the three unfair labor practices? ›

The Labor Relations Act (LRA) gives three general categories of conduct considered to be unfair labor practices: retaliation, wrongful pressure, and termination while under collective bargaining agreements.

Which of the following is required by FLSA? ›

The Fair Labor Standards Act's (FLSA) basic requirements are: Payment of the minimum wage; Overtime pay for time worked over 40 hours in a workweek; Restrictions on the employment of children; and.

What are the rules for overtime in the workplace? ›

Calculating Overtime

Modern awards sometimes have special overtime rates for shift workers and working extra on the weekend or public holidays. Otherwise, overtime is typically paid: Time and a half (150%) of ordinary rate in the first 2-3 hours; and. Double time (200%) of ordinary rate after the first 2-3 hours.

Is the new overtime rule being challenged? ›

April 26, 2024 | Allen Smith, J.D. With the likelihood of lawsuits challenging the Department of Labor's (DOL's) new overtime rule, some HR professionals are wondering whether they should wait until just before the effective dates to comply.

What is the final rule overtime update? ›

The rule, which takes effect on July 1, 2024, will raise the minimum salary threshold to $43,888, then on January 1, 2025 the threshold will be raised to $58,656. Any eligible employee earning under these thresholds would be eligible to collect overtime pay for any work completed over 40 hours.

How to calculate FLSA overtime? ›

Under the FLSA, overtime pay is determined by multiplying the employee's “straight time rate of pay” by all overtime hours worked PLUS one-half of the employee's “hourly regular rate of pay” times all overtime hours worked. All overtime work that is ordered or approved must be compensated.

What is the most hours a salaried employee can work? ›

Are there maximum or minimum salaried hour requirements? There are no maximum or minimum hour requirements for salaried employees. If an employee works more than 40 hours, their pay will not reflect overtime hours. Likewise, if an employee works fewer than 40 hours, an employer can't reduce their pay.

What are the three factors to determine exempt or nonexempt? ›

In most cases, there are three simple requirements to determine whether a worker is an exempt employee under California law:
  • Minimum Salary. The employee must be paid a salary that is at least twice the state minimum wage for full-time employment. ...
  • White Collar Duties. ...
  • Independent Judgment.
Feb 16, 2023

What are the salary changes in July 2024? ›

Final Rule Overview

Effective July 1, 2024: The exempt salary increases to $844/week ($43,888 annually). Employees who make less than $844/week are not exempt and are eligible to receive overtime for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week.

What is the overtime rate for Fair Labor Standards Act? ›

Employees covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) must receive overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek of at least one and one-half times their regular rates of pay.

What is a highly compensated employee in 2024? ›

For the 2025 plan year, an employee who earns more than $155,000 in 2024 is an HCE. This information is not intended to provide tax or legal advice. Please consult a tax or legal professional as necessary.


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