5 Best Artillery Nations in EU4 (Ranked) – FandomSpot (2024)

EU4 has a complex battle system. One that makes heavy use of artillery in the later stages of the game.

But there are only a handful of nations with buffs aimed specifically at their artillery units. As your main source of damage in the late game, artillery is very important.

All nations, regardless of their technology groups, share the very same artillery units throughout the various technology levels. This doesn’t mean that all nations utilize it equally, though.

Artillery is impacted by discipline and morale modifiers, which apply to your entire army. Generals’ skills also affect it, and so do shock and land fire damage modifiers. Fire damage bonuses can help your artillery a lot.

But let’s see the few nations that come with great artillery buffs in their national ideas.

5. Bengal

5 Best Artillery Nations in EU4 (Ranked) – FandomSpot (1)

The Bengal Sultanate national idea set comes with some powerful bonuses overall.

Handy buffs to your military in general, paired with development cost reduction and extra goods produced, all means that it’s one of the best national ideas one can ask for.

Amidst these buffs lies one of the most unique modifiers in the game.

You’re rewarded with it only after you unlock all Bengali national ideas, which means it’ll come online after your completing your third idea group.

This modifier is a +15% artillery damage from back row.

Unless you’re attempting some weird challenge run, your artillery will be doing its job from the back row. In fact, after recent changes, it’s automatically put there even during weird reinforcement sequences.

This means you need to be actively trying to end up with artillery on the front row!

So the bonus will always be applicable to your artillery.

The rich lands of Bengal can fund your artillery units from very early on.

If you find yourself playing as the Bengal Sultanate, I recommend the Economic-Offensive-Quality idea groups for starters. Upon reaching MIL tech 13 (when artillery starts being useful) you will start steamrolling the opposition.

4. Russia

5 Best Artillery Nations in EU4 (Ranked) – FandomSpot (2)

Russia is a powerhouse of a nation militarily.

While its main power lies in the vast armies they can field, the bonuses to artillery that the nation enjoys cannot be underestimated.

Russia’s economy, especially for the first half of the game, is not a strong one. It’s especially hard to maintain the large armies you are supposed to with the early Russian economy. Until you firmly secure Siberia and get a stranglehold on the Baltic, your trade income will be negligible.

This is where Russia’s -10% artillery cost comes into play. Pair it up with Quantity or Economic ideas (or both) for maximum effect.

This allows you to field your beefed-up artillery which will be your main asset in battles. Along with endless hordes of infantry, of course.

The same idea that gives Russia its cheaper artillery also buffs it with artillery combat ability +10%. Nothing too fancy for certain, but as said earlier, artillery bonuses are few and far between.

Russia also receives a reduction of fire damage received. While this doesn’t translate directly to a better artillery on your side, it means that your infantry will hold the line longer. This allows your artillery to dish out more damage, as it fights for a longer period.

3. Portugal

5 Best Artillery Nations in EU4 (Ranked) – FandomSpot (3)

Portugal enjoys a unique bonus in its national ideas, one that it shares with its Iberian siblings.

This is +1 artillery fire.

Now this might not seem like a lot, but trust me, it is.

For an easy comparison, +10% artillery combat ability is worse than this modifier for the entirety of the game. At the very late game (MIL tech 29) they are similar in terms of value, with +1 artillery fire being a little bit stronger still.

In the early game the difference is even more pronounced.

Think of it this way: when everybody has artillery with 1 offensive and defensive fire pip, your artillery has 2. When theirs have 2, yours has 3 and so it goes.

Now, this bonus is strategically placed in national idea sets in a way that it doesn’t get unlocked until the early 16th century. This means you cannot abuse it immediately at MIL tech 7 during the late 15th century.

Despite that, the bonus remains a very powerful one – comparable to +20% artillery combat ability for most of the campaign!

2. Spain

5 Best Artillery Nations in EU4 (Ranked) – FandomSpot (4)

Spain enjoys the same unique bonus as Portugal, artillery fire +1.

I won’t go again into details about how strong the modifier is, as it was discussed in Portugal’s entry.

Spain has an edge over Portugal though, because its national ideas overall are a tad bit better suited to abuse this artillery buff.

With a buff to discipline and morale of armies, Spain’s army fights better overall. The extra morale means that your infantry will hold the line for a longer time, giving your artillery the chance to participate in a couple extra fire phases.

The riches of the Iberian Peninsula and your colonial empire will easily provide the funds to maintain a couple of artillery stacks.

Remember, you only need as many as needed to fill your backrow!

Spain has a slight edge over Portugal regarding artillery’s performance due to how all these different modifiers impact its overall performance.

It’s worth noting that Aragon also has access to this unique +1 artillery fire. You can of course form Spain at some point as either Portugal or Aragon, enjoying the slightly better military bonuses.

1. Smolensk

5 Best Artillery Nations in EU4 (Ranked) – FandomSpot (5)

Smolensk tops the list regarding artillery.

How could it not? Its national flag is a cannon!

As an obscure releasable nation, Smolensk is a nation that you might not be familiar with. It’s not like you see it appear on the map in many campaigns.

If you want to play as Smolensk in 1444 you must start as Lithuania and choose to “release and play as” Smolensk from the diplomacy tab.

Smolensk’s whole idea set is centered around its artillery.

Half the ideas in its national idea set revolve around your cannons.

The biggest buff comes in the shape of a -20% artillery cost. This is massive and allows you to field a full artillery backrow far more easily, as the area you find yourself in isn’t the richest one.

This is complimented by a +10% artillery combat ability, a +10% bonus land fire damage, and a +1 increase to your generals’ fire skill.

All these bonuses stack amazingly well with offensive ideas and the economic-offensive policy, as well as the quality idea group.

The +10% siege ability is icing on the cake.

Combined with the vast numbers of artillery you will be fielding, it can significantly speed up sieges.

To sum up: Smolensk is essentially a better Russia when it comes to artillery. The Russian idea set overall might be stronger, but if you want to meme around with full artillery stacks, Smolensk is the nation for you.

5 Best Artillery Nations in EU4 (Ranked) – FandomSpot (2024)


What is the strongest nation in EU4? ›

For the A.I the ottoman empire is the strongest nation in the game and the hardest to deal with for other A.I nations.

How much artillery should I use EU4? ›

Since artillery takes twice the normal damage when in the front line, it should be deployed in the second line. To achieve this, the number of artillery should not exceed the number of cavalry and infantry combined.

What is the best country to play in EU4? ›

For fans looking to try something different and interesting, it's hard to go wrong with these nations.
  • 12 The Papal State.
  • 11 Austria.
  • 10 Poland.
  • 9 England.
  • 8 Trebizond.
  • 7 Castile.
  • 6 Novgorod.
  • 5 Wallachia.

What is the best start in Europa Universalis 4? ›

Among EU4 players of all levels, the default 1444 start is by far the most popular choice. From a beginner's perspective, the 1444 start is particularly advantageous: Many game mechanics are not yet accessible in 1444, and will gradually unlock as the timeline progresses.

What is the most powerful nation? ›

The United States remains the world's most powerful nation, according to the 2024 US News Power Rankings.

What were the 4 most powerful European nations? ›

The three most powerful members of the European Union — France, Italy and Germany — as well as the United Kingdom are referred to as the Big Four of Western Europe. They are major European powers and the only EU countries individually represented as full members of the G7, the G8, and the G20.

What is the 1 3 2 3 rule artillery? ›

Using the"1/3-2/3 rule," the mortars are positioned to fire 1/3 of their planning range behind the company and 2/3 forward. This technique allows the mortar section to cover a company's withdrawal to alternate or supplementary positions without displacing the mortars (see Figure 1).

Why is cavalry better than infantry in EU4? ›

Cavalry is good for flanking once the main line has been filled, but are much more expensive than infantry. All cavalry have 2 pips in maneuver. Cavalry costs 2.5 times as much as infantry. They are more powerful than infantry, especially during the shock phase of combat.

What is 100 percent war score eu4? ›

The scale ranges from +100% (a complete victory for the side currently being viewed) to −100% (complete defeat for the side currently being viewed). Warscore is measured using a number of different parameters: Occupied provinces. Battles won or lost, to a maximum of 40% in either direction.

What is the easiest nation in EU4? ›

  • 14 Brandenburg. Learn Nation-Building Mechanics For Expanded Gameplay. ...
  • 13 Sweden. Flexible Nation For Various Playstyles. ...
  • 12 Cologne. Learn To Adapt To Being Part Of The Holy Roman Empire. ...
  • 11 England. Powerhouse Status Gives Players Wiggle Room For Experimentation. ...
  • 10 Japan (Daimyo) ...
  • 9 Korea. ...
  • 8 Vijayanagar. ...
  • 7 Ayutthaya.
Apr 24, 2024

What are the richest regions in eu4? ›

The eastern european farmland, France, Sevilla, Lubeck and China. These are great for money and devving. Africa has high trade value and excellent goods.

Which government type is best eu4? ›

  • 5 Native Tribe. Starting With Extreme Handicaps. Effects. ...
  • 4 Monarchy. Vanilla But Flexible For Most Playthroughs. Effects. ...
  • 3 Republic. Dominate Early Game Management. Effects. ...
  • 2 Theocracy. Dominant Military Held Back By Contentious Leadership. Effects. ...
  • 1 Tribal Government. Razing As The Backdrop Of World Conquest. Effects.
Dec 27, 2023

Are there cheats for Europa Universalis 4? ›

Here's a list of all the EU4 cheats: fow – Removes the fog of war. die – Kills the current ruler. winwars – Get max warscore in all wars you are currently fighting.

Is Europa Universalis 4 easier than hoi4? ›

However, there is a big difference in the learning curve, as the overall pacing differs, so in a way EU4 is more friendly to beginners. In a nutshell, I'd say it's easier to learn but harder to master, you just have to play it with a different mindset.

Can you conquer the world in Europa Universalis 4? ›

Yes, this is known as a World Conquest (WC) and is the goal of the achievement World Conqueror, and the game's hardest achievement The Three Mountains; conquer the entire world as Ryukyu. There's also One Faith, which is converting the entire world to, well, one faith.

What is the best country to colonize in eu4? ›

Portugal is many a player's top choice for colonization and for good reason. Portugal starts with a 25 percent bonus to their colonial range, but they're the European nation closest to the New World anyway via the Azores. Your best friend is Castile, which means you have no immediate enemies approaching you on foot.

Who is the most powerful region? ›

United States. The United States of America is a North American nation that is the world's most dominant economic and military power.

Which international group is most powerful? ›

1) United Nations (UN)

Founded on October 24, 1945, the United Nations (UN) is a leading international organization committed to promoting world peace and harmony. The United Nations, which has 193 member nations, provides a forum for diplomatic discussion and dispute resolution.


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