4.1: Radians and Degrees (2024)

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    So far we have been using degrees as our unit of measurement for angles. However, there is another way of measuring angles that is often more convenient. The idea is simple: associate a central angle of a circle with the arc that it intercepts.

    Consider a circle of radius \(r>0 \), as in Figure 4.1.1. In geometry you learned that the circumference \(C \) of the circle is \(C = 2\;\pi\;r \), where \(\pi = 3.14159265... \).

    4.1: Radians and Degrees (2)

    In Figure 4.1.1 we see that a central angle of \(90^\circ \) cuts off an arc of length \(\tfrac{\pi}{2}\,r \), a central angle of \(180^\circ \) cuts off an arc of length \(\pi\,r \), and a central angle of \(360^\circ \) cuts off an arc of length \(2\pi\,r \), which is the same as the circumference of the circle. So associating the central angle with its intercepted arc, we could say, for example, that

    \[ 360^\circ \quad\text{"equals''}\quad 2\pi\,r \quad\text{(or \(2\pi \) 'radiuses').}

    The radius \(r \) was arbitrary, but the \(2\pi \) in front of it stays the same. So instead of using the awkward "radiuses'' or "radii'', we use the term radians:

    \boxed{360^\circ ~=~ 2\pi ~~\text{radians}}

    The above relation gives us any easy way to convert between degrees and radians:

    \textbf{Degrees to radians:}&\quad
    x~~\text{degrees}\quad&=\quad \left( \frac{\pi}{180} \;\cdot\; x \right)
    \textbf{Radians to degrees:}&\quad
    x~~\text{radians}\quad&=\quad \left( \frac{180}{\pi} \;\cdot\; x \right)
    \end{alignat} \nonumber \]

    Equation \ref{eqn:deg2rad} follows by dividing both sides of Equation \ref{4.1} by \(360 \), so that \(1^\circ = \frac{2\pi}{360} = \frac{\pi}{180} \) radians, then multiplying both sides by \(x \). Equation \ref{eqn:rad2deg} is similarly derived by dividing both sides of Equation \ref{4.1} by \(2\pi \) then multiplying both sides by \(x \).

    The statement \(\theta = 2\pi \) radians is usually abbreviated as \(\theta = 2\pi \) rad, or just \(\theta = 2\pi \) when it is clear that we are using radians. When an angle is given as some multiple of \(\pi \), you can assume that the units being used are radians.

    Example 4.1

    Convert \(18^\circ \) to radians.


    Using the conversion Equation \ref{eqn:deg2rad} for degrees to radians, we get

    \[18^\circ ~=~ \frac{\pi}{180} \;\cdot\; 18 ~=~ \boxed{\frac{\pi}{10} ~~\text{rad}} ~. \nonumber \]

    Example 4.2

    Convert \(\frac{\pi}{9} \) radians to degrees.


    Using the conversion Equation \ref{eqn:rad2deg} for radians to degrees, we get

    \[\frac{\pi}{9} ~~\text{rad} ~=~ \frac{180}{\pi} \;\cdot\; \frac{\pi}{9} ~=~ \boxed{20^\circ} ~.\nonumber \]

    Table 4.1 Commonly used angles in radians

    4.1: Radians and Degrees (3)

    Table 4.1 shows the conversion between degrees and radians for some common angles. Using the conversion Equation \ref{eqn:rad2deg} for radians to degrees, we see that

    \[ 1 ~~\text{radian} ~~=~~ \frac{180}{\pi}~~\text{degrees} ~~\approx~~ 57.3^\circ ~.
    \nonumber \]

    4.1: Radians and Degrees (4)

    Formally, a radian is defined as the central angle in a circle of radius \(r \) which intercepts an arc of length \(r \), as in Figure 4.1.2. This definition does not depend on the choice of \(r\) (imagine resizing Figure 4.1.2).

    One reason why radians are used is that the scale is smaller than for degrees. One revolution in radians is \(2\pi \approx 6.283185307 \), which is much smaller than \(360 \), the number of degrees in one revolution. The smaller scale makes the graphs of trigonometric functions (which we will discuss in Chapter 5) have similar scales for the horizontal and vertical axes. Another reason is that often in physical applications the variables being used are in terms of arc length, which makes radians a natural choice.

    The default mode in most scientific calculators is to use degrees for entering angles. On many calculators there is a button labeled \(\fbox{\( DRG\)}\) for switching between degree mode (D), radian mode (R), and gradian mode (G). On some graphing calculators, such as the the TI-83, there is a \(\fbox{\(MODE\)}\) button for changing between degrees and radians. Make sure that your calculator is in the correct angle mode before entering angles, or your answers will likely be way off. For example,

    \sin\;4^\circ ~&=~ \phantom{-}0.0698 ~,\\
    \sin\;(4~\text{rad}) ~&=~ -0.7568 ~,
    \end{align*} \]

    so the values are not only off in magnitude, but do not even have the same sign. Using your calculator's \(\fbox{\(\sin^{-1}\)}\), \(\fbox{\(\cos^{-1}\)}\), and \(\fbox{\(\tan^{-1}\)}\) buttons in radian mode will of course give you the angle as a decimal, not an expression in terms of \(\pi \).

    You should also be aware that the math functions in many computer programming languages use radians, so you would have to write your own angle conversions.

    4.1: Radians and Degrees (2024)


    How to convert 1 by 4 radian into degree? ›

    and (1/4) radian = 180/4pi = 180*7/(4*22) = 14.31818182 deg.

    What angle is 4 radians? ›

    ∴4 radians is equal to 4×180π=180×1.2733=229.183 degrees.

    How to turn radians to degrees? ›

    To change from radians to degrees, you need to multiply the number of radians by 180/π. This number will help you switch between the two units. For example, if you multiply π/2 radians by 180/π, you will get 90 degrees. Created by Sal Khan and Monterey Institute for Technology and Education.

    What is π 4 rad in degrees? ›

    Answer and Explanation:

    Converting radians to degrees gives 45°.

    What is 1/4 of a rotation in radians? ›

    Radian measure does not have to be expressed in multiples of π. Remember that π≈3.14, so one complete revolution is about 6.28 radians, and one-quarter revolution is 14(2π)=π2, or about 1.57 radians.

    What is 1 4 of a circle in radians? ›

    The circumference of the entire circle is (2 π r); the arc length of the 1/4 of that circle subtended by this angle is L = (2 π r) / 4 = (π r) / 2; and the ratio of that arc length L to the radius r is π / 2. So 90° = π / 2 radians.

    Why do we convert degrees to radians? ›

    You should use radians when you are looking at objects moving in circular paths or parts of circular path. In particular, rotational motion equations are almost always expressed using radians. The initial parameters of a problem might be in degrees, but you should convert these angles to radians before using them.

    What is sin 4 in radians? ›

    The value of sin 4 degrees in decimal is 0.069756473. . .. Sin 4 degrees can also be expressed using the equivalent of the given angle (4 degrees) in radians (0.06981 . . .). ⇒ 4 degrees = 4° × (π/180°) rad = π/45 or 0.0698 . . .

    What is pi 4 radians cos? ›

    The value of cos pi/4 can be calculated by constructing an angle of π/4 radians with the x-axis, and then finding the coordinates of the corresponding point (0.7071, 0.7071) on the unit circle. The value of cos pi/4 is equal to the x-coordinate (0.7071). ∴ cos pi/4 = 0.7071.

    What is 5pi 4 in degrees? ›

    Sin 5pi/4 can also be expressed using the equivalent of the given angle (5pi/4) in degrees (225°).

    What is the degrees of 1 4 of a circle? ›

    The vertical and horizontal lines divide the circle into quarters. Since one full rotation is 360 degrees=360∘, each quarter rotation is 360/4 = 90∘ or 90 degrees.

    What is 1 in 4 as an angle? ›

    For every 4 feet of height, position the base of the ladder 1 foot away from the wall. In other words, the distance between the wall and the base of your ladder should be one quarter of the ladder's height (putting the ladder at a 75° angle). This applies whether you're measuring in feet or metres.

    What is 1 radian equal to in degrees? ›

    Radian is a unit of measurement of an angle, where one radian is the angle made at the center of a circle by an arc and length equal to the radius of the circle. The degree is another unit that is for the measurement of an angle. When converted from 1 radian to degrees, we have 1 radian equal to 57.296 degrees.

    What is 5 pi by 4 radian into degree? ›

    ⇒ 5 π 4 r a d i a n = 225 degree. Was this answer helpful?


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