2 Week Meal Plan, Recipes & Shopping List (2024)

2 Week Meal Plan, Recipes & Shopping List (1)

I am SUPER Excited to share this new 2 Week Meal Plan with you because I have gotten so many questions about meal planning and How to Make a Meal Plan. This is something I’m passionate about because I really believe Planning your meals is one of the Quickest ways to save money! It doesn’t matter what your budget is, if you have a plan going into the store then sticking to your shopping list is so much easier and you’ll avoid all those extra impulse purchases.

Today I am sharing a Full 2 week Meal Plan for Dinners with you, this is the plan I made for my family about a week ago and I tracked all my prices (At Walmart) for you and created a Shopping list along with all the recipes you will need so you have a complete 2 week plan!

2 Week Meal Plan, Recipes & Shopping List (2)

How to Create Your Own 2 Week Meal Plan:

If you are new to meal planning make sure you check out How to Make a Meal Plan & our Free Printable Meal Plan!

These are great resources for creating your own Menu Plan and Shopping list from your favorite recipes! You can use this as a guide and the free printable worksheets to create your own if you’d like to make your own menu plan and shopping list. (TIP: If you create 2-3 of these you could easily save and reuse the menus and shopping lists)

2 Week Meal Plan, Recipes & Shopping List (3)

Here’s how to use this 2 Week Meal Plan:

1. Download & Print the Menu, Shopping List and Recipes!

2. Go Shopping! All my prices are based on Walmart’s Shelf Price – I actually used some coupons, shopped at Aldi’s too and more so my actual cost was less than is shown, but even without coupons you can get what you need for around $85 for 2 full weeks (Including side dishes, etc.)

3. Follow the recipes. All my recipes are Kid Approved, I have a 6 year old and a 4 year old so there aren’t many fancy dishes :) Just simple things my family loves that I hope you will love as well!

That’s it! Super Simple, all the work is done for you!

A Few Notes:

I thought I would go ahead and give you a few things to pay attention to, hopefully this helps answer some of your questions:

Assumed Ingredients – There’s a short list of Assumed Ingredients under the Shopping List if you don’t have any of these things on hand then you may need to buy them but I figured these were items most people already have.

Pre-Cooking – One of the things that makes my life SO MUCH Easier is Prepping my meals. I always cook my hamburger meat when I first get it home from the store, then divide it into 6 Small bags. Each Bag will be for 1 recipe. Typically I get about 2 cups in each bag so that’s what each recipe calls for. I also freeze my meat in the quantities I need so that I can pull out one bag each morning to thaw! This makes Cooking so much easier!

Shared Items – I always try to make the best use of my time and ingredients! You’ll notice that some recipes call for similar ingredients, or for you to save part of the recipe for another meal. It’s a great way to utilize items completely and save money at the same time! All of these are noted at the bottom of each recipe.

Meals – I’m not going to lie, these are not all the most healthy recipes, and my kids don’t have any allergies so this is what works for us, this is a typical week in the life of our family so I’m just sharing what has worked for us with you, I know it won’t work for everyone but hopefully it gives you an idea of how you can use items multiple times to save money and how meal planning in general will save you money.

Prices – I live in Northwest Arkansas, All the prices are current prices at my Walmart or Aldi if you walked into the store to purchase the ingredients. I had Most of the Items already on hand that I had purchased with coupons, things like Taco Shells, Taco Seasoning, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, etc. all go on sale all the time, I always stockpile these items so if you’re using coupons and stockpiling you’ll be able to accomplish this menu for even less. My goal was to provide a resource that people just starting out could use to save money and learn to love menu planning. Please keep in mind that prices will vary by location so your actual cost may be higher or lower.

Number of Meals – My family doesn’t typically eat at home every night of the week. We have about 1 night a week we eat out and one night we eat with Family since all our family lives locally. So this menu and plan will last us closer to 3 weeks. I didn’t place meals on days of the week for that reason! If you don’t eat at home every night that’s completely OK you can adjust this to a 15 day plan (5 meals per week for 3 weeks) by doubling one of the recipes really fast!

Make sure you check out our Saving Money Blog and also our How to Coupon Page for more tips, tricks and videos on saving money and using coupons.

Make sure you Follow Me on Pinterest!

2 Week Meal Plan, Recipes & Shopping List (2024)


How to do a 2 week food shop? ›

How to make your weekly shop last 2 weeks
  1. Make full use of your freezer. If you normally buy a loaf of bread, buy two and put one in the freezer. ...
  2. Embrace legumes. Canned and dried beans and lentils last for years and are highly nutritious. ...
  3. Don't buy pre-prepared veg and salad. ...
  4. Store food properly. ...
  5. Create a plan.

How to stock up on food for 2 weeks? ›

Food Ideas That Keep on the Shelf
  1. MRE's.
  2. Canned fruits, vegetables, beans, meats, fish.
  3. Canned juices, broths and soups.
  4. Shelf-stable "boxes" of juices and milk.
  5. Crackers and melba toast (don't pick combination packs with cheeses or luncheon meats if they require refrigeration)
  6. Peanut butter, jelly.

How many meals should I plan for 2 weeks? ›

If you're creating a meal plan for two weeks, that would be 14 meal ideas (15 if you're including an extra meal…or 13 if you're like me and want one night off per week!). Make sure to include meals that will still be fresh Week Two (or can be frozen). Assign your meal ideas to the days when you're going to eat them.

How much should I budget for food for 2 weeks? ›

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's budget puts spending at least $119.40 per week for two adults to meet daily nutritional needs.

How much meat to buy for two weeks? ›

When it comes to meat and seafood, some simple math will go a long way. If you know your family goes through roughly two average-sized packages of chicken, fish, or beef per week, you'll know you need to buy four packages for two weeks (and freeze three of them).

How I create weekly meal plans and stick to them? ›

  1. 7 Tips for Sticking With Your Meal Prep Plan. Does doing your own meal prep save you money? ...
  2. Find the Best Recipes. Here's a golden rule: if it doesn't taste good, you won't stick with it. ...
  3. Change Things Up. ...
  4. Use Quality Ingredients. ...
  5. Nutrition is Key. ...
  6. Stick to a Schedule. ...
  7. Don't Be Stingy. ...
  8. Go For It!

Should I grocery shop every week or every two weeks? ›

Shopping every 2 weeks can be a game-changer! Here's why:⠀ ⠀ 1️⃣ Time Saver: Cut those weekly store runs and enjoy more free time. ⠀ 2️⃣ Spend Less: Fewer trips mean fewer impulse buys and more intentional shopping. ⠀ 3️⃣ Less Waste: Use up what you have before buying more, reducing food waste.

What is the cheapest food to stock up on? ›

10 cheap and healthy foods to stock up on when money is tight
  • Oats. ...
  • Frozen fruits and vegetables. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Potatoes. ...
  • Canned tomatoes. ...
  • Nuts. ...
  • Rotisserie chicken. ...
  • Herbs and spices.

What is the cheapest food that lasts the longest? ›

10 Cheap (and Healthy) Foods that Last a Long Time
  • Dried Beans and Lentils. Average Price: Under $2 for a 1-pound bag. ...
  • Brown Rice and Other Whole Grains. Average Price: About $2 (depending on where you purchase) for a 1-pound bag. ...
  • Frozen Vegetables. ...
  • Peanut Butter. ...
  • Canned Tuna. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Whey Protein. ...
  • Apples.

What are the top 10 survival foods? ›

  • Meats & Beans. Canned meat, chicken, turkey, seafood. and other protein-rich foods, such as. ...
  • Vegetables. Canned vegetables and vegetable juices. ...
  • Fruits. Canned fruits and fruit juices. ...
  • Milk. Canned, boxed or dried milk and shelf- ...
  • Grains. Ready-to-eat cereal, crackers, pretzels, ...
  • Water. Enough for 1 gallon per day.

What is the 80 20 rule meal plans? ›

The 80/20 rule is a guide for your everyday diet—eat nutritious foods 80 percent of the time and have a serving of your favorite treat with the other 20 percent. For the “80 percent” part of the plan, focus on drinking lots of water and eating nutritious foods that include: Whole grains. Fruits and vegetables.

What should I eat on a 2 week diet? ›

Lean beef, chicken breast, turkey breast, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, beans and Greek yogurt are ideal for a two-week diet. Chicken breast, for example, has just 110 calories and a whopping 26 grams of protein per serving (3.9 oz).

What to eat in old age? ›

Eat a wide variety of foods from the five food groups : plenty of colourful vegetables, legumes/beans; fruit; grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain and high fibre varieties; lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds; milk, yoghurt, cheese or their alternatives, mostly reduced fat.

How much should groceries cost for two weekly? ›

According to the most recent data released from the Household Pulse Survey, American households spend an average of $270 on groceries a week. Broken down by household size: One person - $156.02. Two people - $220.82.

What is 5 4 3 2 1 grocery shopping? ›

Each number corresponds to a specific food group that you'll purchase for easy, balanced meals every week. Following Coleman's method, you'd buy five different vegetables, four different fruits, three different proteins, two different sauces or spreads, and one grain—plus a special treat for yourself.

How can I live on $20 in groceries a week? ›

Your Shopping List
  • 1 bag of dried beans: $1.49.
  • 2 pounds of chicken breast: $3.76.
  • 1 jar of peanut butter: $1.98.
  • 1 jar of jelly: $1.79.
  • 1 loaf of whole wheat bread: $1.63.
  • 1 dozen eggs: $1.26.
  • 1 container of oatmeal: $1.35.
  • 1 bag of dried lentils: $1.39.

How can I spend $30 on groceries for a week? ›

Here's how I keep my grocery bill under $30 a week
  1. Breakfast: Cheerios with milk and a banana, plus the free coffee I get from my office.
  2. Mid-morning snack: Granola bar or orange.
  3. Lunch: Whole wheat pasta dressed up with butter and salt.
  4. Dinner: Fried eggs, a side of rice, and a glass of milk.
Jan 13, 2017


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.