11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (2024)

Everything You Need to Know About Dr. Gundry’s #1 Superfood

It’s no secret our bodies need fiber to function properly.

But most people don’t end up getting enough through the normal foods they eat on a daily basis. And if you’re following the Plant Paradox diet and avoiding harmful lectins, your list of high-fiber foods is even smaller.

Going further, understanding the different types of fiber isn’t always easy. Which types are prebiotic? Are there any types of fiber I should avoid? How can I easily add more of the right types of fiber to my diet?

If you’re not sure how to answer those questions, you’re in the right place.

Today, we’re going to cover the main types of fiber, where you can find them, how much you’re supposed to eat every day, the best lectin-free prebiotic superfoods, and what popular prebiotic foods to avoid on Dr. Gundry’s diet.

And the best part? I link to Plant Paradox recipes rich in each of the 11 prebiotic fiber-rich foods we’ll discuss so you’ll never run out of creative ways to add them to your diet.

Let’s get started!

Probiotic vs Prebiotic — What’s the Difference?

To understand the role of prebiotics in your diet and overall gut health, it’s important to know the difference between probiotics and prebiotics. They sound similar, but they’re not one in the same.

Probiotics are living microorganisms that may survive the journey to your large intestine, and if they do will continue to act as good bacteria in your gut. Furthermore, consuming probiotics(in food or supplements) promotes the growth of naturally occurring healthy bacteria (1).

Prebiotics, on the other hand, are a fibrous material and help probiotics grow and thrive (2). But as humans, our bodies don’t break them down or absorb them.

They actually travel throughout your entire digestive tract until they meet up with healthy bacteria (aka probiotics) that can break them down in order to absorb them and their nutrients.

So, the two work hand in hand to create a healthy and balanced bacterial environment within your body. Which… is why it’s essential to give your body enough of both.

Understanding the Different Types of Dietary Fiber

Now that you know what prebiotics are, let’s talk about the different types of fiber and which ones contain the prebiotics your body relies on for a healthy and balanced digestive system, gut, and overall microbiome.

Soluble Fiber

This type of dietary fiber dissolves in water and is digested by the bacteria and microorganisms living in your colon (probiotic bacteria) (3). Soluble fiber is prebiotic and an important part of a healthy diet because it helps:

  • Normalize the digestive process, slowing it down if needed
  • Block the digestion and absorption of fat in your body
  • Feed and support friendly bacteria living in your body
  • Stabilize and balance your blood sugar
  • Prevent your body from digesting cholesterol
  • Make you feel full and satisfied after a meal

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (1)

Soluble fiber is naturally found in foods like oats, beans, citrus fruits, potatoes, and barley.

Insoluble Fiber (Non-Prebiotic)

Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water. So, it passes through your body unchanged (4). While that may sound bad, it actually plays a large role in the overall wellbeing of your digestive system.

Although insoluble fiber isn’t prebiotic, it still plays a large role in maintaining a healthy gut and digestive system. Going further, it helps:

  • Speed up the digestion process
  • Prevent constipation
  • Promote regular bowel movements
  • Lower your risk of hemorrhoids and cancer
  • You feel full and satisfied after a meal

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (2)

Foods like wheat, whole grains, seeds, and fruit/vegetable skins contain insoluble fiber.

Resistant Starch

Resistant starches are a third type of fiber that behaves like both soluble and insoluble fiber (5). They’re not easily digested so they stay intact through the small intestine until they reach the large intestine.

From there, they’re digested as a prebiotic helping your “gut buddies” thrive. Resistant starches are known for:

  • Lowering your daily caloric intake by keeping you fuller… longer
  • Reducing the amount of fat your body stores
  • Boosting your metabolism
  • Promoting healthy gut bacteria

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (3)

Resistant starch naturally occurs in foods like rice, beans, grains, and cooked potatoes.

How Much Fiber Should You Eat On a Daily Basis?

Superfoods contain high levels of essential nutrients, antioxidants, and polyphenols making them some of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. According to Dr. Gundry, they help you feel better, look better, and avoid (or reverse) adverse diseases.

And he considers prebiotic fiber to be his #1 superfood.

With that being said, it’s important to take extra steps to ensure you’re giving your body the things it needs to thrive. Plus, in doing so you’ll feel better and reduce your risk of harmful diseases.

The recommended daily intake of fiber for adults is 14 grams per 1000 calories you eat (6).About 25% of your fiber intake should be soluble (or prebiotic).

But, Dr. Gundry notes that daily dosages of 15 grams or more may cause an upset stomach or diarrhea until your body adjusts. So, it’s important to increase your intake slowly and observe how your body reacts.

The Best Prebiotic Foods (+ Tasty, Lectin-Free Recipes!)

Now you know everything you need to know (and then some) about prebiotics and their role in overall digestive and gut health. So, now it’s time to dive into the good stuff.

Most high-fiber foods contain some combination of the different types of fiber. And it’s important to get a healthy balance of both. So, in this section, we’ll walk through:

  • Each of the best prebiotic foods (all lectin-free)
  • What types of fiber (and how much) each one contains
  • Plus healthy (and tasty) lectin-free recipes so you can easily add each one to your diet

Let’s get to it!

1. Flaxseed

Each tablespoon of flaxseeds contains 3 grams of fiber. 20%-40% of this is soluble and the other 60%-80% is insoluble. So, this is a great source of both prebiotic fiber and insoluble fiber.

These cinnamon flaxseed muffins are an excellent (and delicious) way to add more flaxseed to your diet.

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (4)

These fluffy one-minute make-in-a-cup muffins contain flaxseed (one of the best prebiotic foods!). They make an excellent morning breakfast or work well as a tasty mid-day snack.

2. Okra

One serving of okra contains 3 grams of fiber. Okra’s split about 50/50 in terms of soluble and insoluble fibers. So, while it contains the same amount of fiber as flaxseed, okra contains more prebiotic fibers.

Consider cooking up these baked okra chips for your next healthy snack!

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (5)

These Plant Paradox okra chips don’t just taste great. They actually help your body block harmful lectins (while adding one of the best prebiotic foods to your daily routine).

3. Broccoli

One cup of broccoli has about 2.5 grams of fiber, along with numerous essential minerals. Over half of broccoli’s fiber is soluble, making it an excellent source of prebiotic fiber.

Although broccoli is known for being the “gross” food nobody wants to eat, this roasted broccoli recipe is delicious, lectin-free, and high in fiber (thanks to the broccoli and onions!).

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (6)

This delicious meal contains both broccoli AND onions (both powerful prebiotic foods). So, it’s an easy and tasty way to add more prebiotic fiber to your everyday diet.

4. Artichokes

Half a cup of artichoke hearts contains a whopping 7 grams of dietary fiber. Furthermore, a whole artichoke has just over 10 grams of fiber.

Although artichokes are richer in insoluble fiber, they’re also a great source of prebiotic fiber (thanks to inulin – another type of prebiotic fiber). These baked “fried” artichoke hearts are an easy and delicious way to add them to your diet.

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (7)

Despite what a lot of people think, artichoke hearts don’t have to taste bad! This delicious recipe is quick and easy (plus you can simplify the recipe by baking them rather than frying them!).

5. Garlic

One serving of garlic (around one cup) has around 3 grams of dietary fiber. Around 20% of garlic’s fiber is soluble, but the wide variety of uses makes it an excellent way to add prebiotic fiber to your diet.

One of my favorite lectin-free garlic recipes is this root vegetable lasagna.

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (8)

It’s easier than you think to create a delicious pasta sauce without tomatoes. Plus, you can use as much garlic (an excellent prebiotic superfood) as you want!

6. Onions

One medium onion has about 2 grams of fiber. Furthermore, around 20% of that fiber is prebiotic thanks to high levels of inulin and another type of prebiotic fiber called fructooligosaccharides (FOS).

This celery soup recipe is one of many easy ways to “sneak” more onions into your diet.

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (9)

Celery root, AKA celeriac, is a strong contender for the world ’s ugliest vegetable, but it makes up for its looks in taste. Plus tubers and roots of any kind make your gut buddies jump for joy!

7. Avocados

One cup of sliced avocado contains a whopping 10 grams of dietary fiber. It’s also important to note avocados are high in monounsaturated fat. While that sounds alarming, it’s actually considered a healthy type of fat when consumed in appropriate amounts.

Around 40% of the fiber in avocados is soluble (prebiotic) while the remaining 60% is insoluble.

If you’re anything like me, raw avocados are delicious on their own. But, this mint chocolate chip avocado ice cream is another delicious way to add more avocado to your diet.

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (10)

Who knew dessert could taste SO good and be incredibly healthy for you!? This chocolate avocado ice cream is DELICIOUS and makes an excellent snack (without feeling guilty).

8. Cocoa

Who knew, but just one tablespoon of cocoa powder contains around 2 grams of fiber! About 20% of cocoa powder’s fiber is soluble with the other 80% being insoluble. But, the many incredible and delicious uses makes it an easy way to add more prebiotic fiber to your diet.

This flourless chocolate-almond butter cake is a tasty and healthy way to add more cocoa powder to your daily routine.

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (11)

Make your own personal mini cake that boasts a symphony of flavors when you need a special treat. Its easy, healthy, and tasty (minus all the sweet-tooth guilt)!

9. Green Bananas

One green banana has between 2.5 to 3 grams of fiber. This is due to the high levels of pectin and resistant starch that’s apparent before the banana ripens. About 20% of that fiber is prebiotic in nature, which is what gives green bananas their many health benefits.

It’s important to note that as bananas ripen, the resistant starch turns into sugar. So, eating green bananas is an easy way to avoid sugar and get more fiber.

This delicious plant paradox smoothie is a great way to get more green bananas and add more prebiotic fiber to your diet. You can also turn to our own Human Food Bar, which contains a full serving of green banana flour (and it’s delicious!).

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (12)

Looking for a versatile, tasty, and healthy smoothie? The green bananas offer an excellent source of prebiotic fiber while giving your body other essential minerals and nutrients.

10. Blueberries

One cup of blueberries contains nearly 4 grams of fiber. Around 85% – 90% of that fiber is insoluble but they’re still an easy way to get more prebiotic (soluble) fiber on a daily basis. And they’re low in calories, so you’ll feel full without getting a lot of unhealthy carbohydrates in the process.

Dr. Gundry’s blueberry pancakes make an excellent and tasty lectin-free breakfast (or breakfast for dinner – my favorite!).

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (13)

These blueberry pancakes are as healthy as they come, without compromising on taste! And you can add your favorite lectin-free fruits for EVEN more delicious flavor.

11. Sweet Potatoes

One cooked sweet potato has between 7.5 grams and 8 grams of fiber. Around 20% – 25% of this fiber is soluble (prebiotic). So, sweet potatoes are a great way to get the right ratio of soluble to insoluble fiber.

Plus, they’re delicious! This veggie curry and sweet potato noodle recipe is a fresh take on sweet potatoes and noodles.

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (14)

Curry is a great way to add turmeric to your diet as well as one of the best prebiotic foods – sweet potatoes! These noodles make an excellent dinner (and taste great as leftovers!).

The Best Prebiotic Foods to AVOID (According to Dr. Gundry)

With eleven lectin-free superfood options rich in prebiotic fiber, you have a LOT to choose from. But, not all prebiotic superfoods are lectin-free.

In fact, many of the most popular choices aren’t on Dr. Gundry’s approved food list. So, it’s important to know which prebiotic foods to avoid.

These lectin-filled foods include:

  • Potatoes
  • Whole wheat
  • Oats
  • Rice
  • Barley
  • Beans, lentils, and legumes
  • Peas

What About Prebiotic Fiber Supplements?

Prebiotic fiber supplements are an easy and science-backed way to add more prebiotics to your diet. They help boost your microbial diversity while making you feel better on a daily basis.

While we covered a lot of different prebiotic foods, they don’t always fit in everyone’s daily routine. So, if you struggle to get enough prebiotics on a regular basis, supplementation is a great option.

And there’s no such thing as too much prebiotic fiber (hunter-gatherers, who have literally zero digestive disease eat more than 3x what Westerners do). So, whether you struggle to increase your prebiotic intake or are looking for an easy way to add even more, Dr. Gundry’s PrebioThrive is the way to go.

I believe it’s the best prebiotic supplements on the market, for the simple reason that it combines the top 5 prebiotic fibers you find in popular supplements into a single formula. That’s important, because the more types of fiber you consume, the greater your microbial diversity will be.

Read myGundry MD Prebiothrive reviewfor a deep dive. Or if you’re already ready to start shopping, buy it on the Wellness Ambassadors website to save up to 40% or more. Avoid Amazon and the main Gundry MD site unless you enjoy paying full retail.

Start Eating Your Way to a Healthy Gut, Today!

As you’ve seen, there are countless ways to add prebiotic fiber to your diet so you can diversify and maintain a healthy microbiome full of the best “gut buddies” around. Your gut will thank you and you’ll feel better on a daily basis.

Check out the full list of Dr. Gundry-approved Plant Paradox recipes for EVEN more ways to add the best prebiotic foods and other essential nutrients to your diet, today.


What lectin-free foods are the best prebiotics?

There are countless high-fiber foods out there. But the best lectin-free prebiotic superfoods include things like flaxseed, okra, garlic, sweet potatoes, and avocados.

What is a natural prebiotic?

Prebiotics naturally occur in plant-based foods like sweet potatoes, avocados, blueberries, and artichokes. They work with the probiotics living in your gut to promote the growth of healthy bacteria.

What’s the difference between probiotic vs prebiotic?

Probiotics are living organisms living inside your digestive tract. Prebiotics are fibrous plant-based materials that help probiotics live longer and thrive.

Are there any prebiotic foods to avoid on the Plant Paradox diet?

Yes. Many of the most popular prebiotic superfoods contain harmful lectins. So, if you’re on the plant paradox diet, it’s important to avoid foods like apples, potatoes, whole grains, barley, legumes, and peas.

Why are prebiotics important?

Prebiotics work with probiotics in your body to promote and maintain the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. A healthy gut leads to improved digestion, regular bowel movements, and increased overall health and general wellbeing.

What’s the best prebiotic supplement?

Gundry MD Prebiothrive is the best prebiotic supplement on the market. It combines several of the prebiotic superfoods on this list into a single powerful (and delicious) formula aimed at helping you increase your daily intake of prebiotic fiber.

11 Best Prebiotic Foods Dr. Gundry Recommends (Recipes Inside!) (2024)


What three foods did Dr. Gundry eliminate from his diet? ›

Gundry specifically recommends pressure-cooking dry beans to eliminate lectins. Eliminate foods high in lectins. These foods include legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, dairy products, certain meats, and sugary snacks.

What is Dr. Gundry's one superfood? ›

Gundry's #1 superfood. It's no secret that Dr. Gundry advocates for gut health, and recommends that you do everything you can to boost your microbiome. For that reason prebiotic fiber, which supports healthy gut flora, is the number one superfood that you should consume every day.

What are the top 5 prebiotic foods? ›

New research has identified the five foods with the highest amount of prebiotics. Dandelion greens, Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, leeks, and onions, are the most prebiotic-dense foods people can eat. Prebiotics help support gut health, and prebiotic-rich foods also contain high amounts of fiber.

What fruit does Steven Gundry say not to eat? ›

He advised avoiding grapes, mangoes, ripe bananas, lychees, apples, pineapple, and pears, listing the grams of sugar in each as if the sugar added to an energy drink had the same influence on the body as an apple.

What are the worst lectin foods? ›

Some foods that contain higher amounts of lectins include beans, peanuts, lentils, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, fruits, and wheat and other grains.

What is the one food we should all stop eating? ›

Foods that you should not eat are those with little to no nutritional value, including foods high in fat, sugar, salt, and refined flour. Processed foods, fast foods, and other unhealthy foods may taste good, but they pose significant health risks when consumed in excess.

Does Dr. Gundry eat eggs? ›

Yes, eggs are allowed on the lectin-free diet, but there's a catch. According to Dr. Gundry's guidance, choosing eggs that are lectin-free or low in lectins is best. The standard supermarket dozen isn't the best choice since most grocery store eggs are raised on grain and legumes.

What did Dr. Gundry do to lose weight? ›

The former cardiac surgeon argues that by eliminating lectins (found in nightshades, grains and dairy, amongst other foods), you can lower inflammation, lose weight and boost your wellness. He even credits the diet with curing his arthritis, high blood pressure and migraines, while he shed 70 pounds in the process.

What is the best breakfast for sustained energy? ›

Adding the following foods or a combination of these items to your breakfast can give you the energy boost you need to power through your day.
  1. Oatmeal. Your body processes food to release the energy it contains. ...
  2. Almond butter. Almonds are a good source of: ...
  3. Eggs. ...
  4. Greek yogurt. ...
  5. Papaya. ...
  6. Ground flaxseed. ...
  7. Berries. ...
  8. Chia seeds.
Nov 9, 2020

What is the ultimate healthy breakfast? ›

Oatmeal + fruit + nut butter.

The nut butter adds protein and healthy fats. The fruit tops it off with fiber and vitamins, plus it gives your breakfast a sweet taste. Avoid pre-packed oatmeal mixes that have added sugar and use old-fashioned oats instead.

What food has the most butyrate? ›

Although butter is the most abundant source of dietary butyrate (up to 3 g per 100 g), the best way to increase the amount of intestinal butyrate is by consuming non-digestible carbohydrates (complex polysaccharides) to increase in situ production by human gut microbiota (35).

What fruit has the most prebiotics? ›

Some foods known to contain high amounts of prebiotics include apples, artichokes, asparagus, bananas, berries, green vegetables, legumes, onions, tomatoes and garlic.

What drink has prebiotics? ›

“I would recommend the Olipop probiotic soda as it is a tasty beverage compared to others on the market and because they use prebiotic fiber that has been shown in studies to support the type of bacteria that improve our microbiome,” says Ibarra.

What are the three foods that destroy the gut? ›

Here are three not-so-gut-friendly foods to watch out for that may raise your risk for diabetes and heart disease.
  • Diet Soda. Artificial sweeteners in zero-calorie drinks may mess with your microbes, some researchers say. ...
  • Red Meat. What's bad for your gut can be bad for your heart. ...
  • Processed and Refined Foods.
Sep 7, 2017

What are Dr. Gundry's toxic foods? ›

Gundry's book, include:
  • Peanuts.
  • Soy.
  • Barley.
  • Lentils.
  • Dairy products (as cows eat plants containing lectins)
  • Rice.
  • Lima beans.
  • Red kidney beans.
Aug 10, 2023


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.