10 Best Things About Reki & Langa's Friendship In Sk8 The Infinity (2024)

Reki and Langa, the two main characters in Sk8 the Infinity, have made an interesting pair over the course of its first season. The two only meet in the first episode, but quickly become fast, strong friends who bond over their passion for skateboarding. Of course, Langa only learns about his passion at the beginning of the series, but it becomes an important foundation in their friendship.

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The friendship between Reki and Langa is very admirable, from their physical affection to their indestructible bond to their shared passions. They are certainly the closest pair in Sk8 the Infinity and only become even stronger friends over the course of the series.

10 Reki & Langa Have Excellent Communication

10 Best Things About Reki & Langa's Friendship In Sk8 The Infinity (1)

As fans saw throughout Sk8 the Infinity, Reki and Langa have come a long way with their communication skills. By the end of the first season, they were so close it almost seemed like they could read each other's minds.

It's great to have a friend with whom to discuss insecurities and fears who will still offer their support. Even though Reki and Langa struggled at first, they were able to work together to learn how to communicate with each other. In the end, they discovered how to effectively communicate with each other.

10 Best Things About Reki & Langa's Friendship In Sk8 The Infinity (2)

Sharing hobbies is important in friendships, and sharing an obsession is even better. Fans are well aware of the deep passion both Reki and Langa have for skateboarding, and it's great to see the way they're both able to share the hobby.

Together, Reki and Langa have learned that the most important thing about skateboarding is being able to have fun together. This is especially highlighted towards the end of Sk8 the Infinity when both of them independently realize that part of the reason they love skating so much is being able to share the enjoyment of the sport.

8 Reki & Langa Help Each Other Grow

10 Best Things About Reki & Langa's Friendship In Sk8 The Infinity (3)

Reki and Langa have both helped each other grow in so many ways since the start of Sk8 the Infinity. Most importantly, Reki introduced Langa to skateboarding and taught him everything he needed to know. On the other hand, Langa helped Reki find his own confidence and rediscover his love of skateboarding.

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Encouraging growth in friendships is an important trait that leads to more happiness for both parties. Plus, it's enjoyable for the fans to get to watch and take part in the ways Reki and Langa grew over the course of Sk8 the Infinity.

7 Reki & Langa Watch Each Other's Backs

10 Best Things About Reki & Langa's Friendship In Sk8 The Infinity (4)

There have been several moments throughout Sk8 the Infinity when it has been apparent to fans just how intensely Reki and Langa will support each other and protect the other. Of course, the first time this happened was when Reki tried to defend Langa from Adam.

When Adam shows an interest in Langa, Reki is quick to jump to his defense to try and protect his friend. And though he isn't successful, it truly shows that it's the thought that counts. Fans appreciate the way Reki and Langa constantly defend and protect each other and stand together against the world.

6 Reki & Langa Complement Each Other

10 Best Things About Reki & Langa's Friendship In Sk8 The Infinity (5)

Many say opposites attract, and this couldn't be more true than it is with Reki and Langa. The two friends are perfect complements for each other, often acting as contrasts to the other. While Reki is impulsive and outgoing, Langa tends to be more reserved and quiet.

Even in tense situations, Reki and Langa seem to be able to keep the other steady. Whether in skateboarding or life, Reki and Langa certainly appear to balance each other out, acting as natural complements as best friends.

5 Reki & Langa Try To Pick Each Other Up

10 Best Things About Reki & Langa's Friendship In Sk8 The Infinity (6)

Even during the hard times, Reki and Langa are always there to pick each other up on a bad day. Even when Reki was having a bad day, he was eager to encourage Langa not to give up on a race, motivating Langa to ultimately win the race.

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Langa returns the favor when he reveals how much skateboarding with Reki means to him, helping Reki to feel more confident about himself after his meltdown. In this way, they both look out for each other and help each other feel better on their bad days.

4 Reki & Langa Are Not Afraid To Be Physical

10 Best Things About Reki & Langa's Friendship In Sk8 The Infinity (7)

It was fairly obvious early on that Reki and Langa are eager to be physical with each other. Whether it's high-fives, shoulder bumps, or tackling each other in a hug, they have never been shy about showing physical affection for each other.

It's nice to see Reki and Langa so relaxed and happy to see each other and the ways that they show this to each other. At the beginning of Sk8 the Infinity, it was often Reki who initiated the physical contact, so it was especially nice for fans to see Langa initiate a tackle-hug in the last episode in a display of how happy he was to see Reki and about his victory.

3 Reki & Langa Are On The Same Wavelength

10 Best Things About Reki & Langa's Friendship In Sk8 The Infinity (8)

While Reki and Langa can both be chaotic goofballs, they are often able to stay on the same wavelength regardless. They are always acting together in their shenanigans and supporting each other in jokes.

This is best seen in the beach episode when Reki and Langa have their gag with Shadow. Reki pretends to be a girl in need of saving in the skit, and after a second Langa is quick to jump to Reki's defense in a comedic bit. Even without discussing it beforehand, they're both able to lean into the joke together as one.

2 Reki & Langa Can't be Separated

10 Best Things About Reki & Langa's Friendship In Sk8 The Infinity (9)

One of the nicer aspects of Reki and Langa's friendship is just how strong it is. They've been able to survive several challenges thrown at them, and even grow stronger because of it. Through it all, even if they had their moments of doubt and struggle, they both came through it together, still calling the other their best friend.

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It's a rare, special friendship that's able to withstand everything thrown at them. This trait of Reki and Langa's friendship should definitely be respected and admired.

1 Reki & Langa Have An Amazing Handshake

10 Best Things About Reki & Langa's Friendship In Sk8 The Infinity (10)

Reki and Langa's new handshake is one of the best things about their friendship. It's simply the perfect symbol of their friendship, especially the newest version of their handshake introduced later Sk8 the Infinity. Instead of just high-fiving and fist-bumping as they previously did, they added a new step, which is the infinity sign.

This, of course, was added after Langa admitted that he wanted to skate infinitely with Reki. This new addition added a special touch that highlighted their closeness and made the already great handshake even better.

NEXT: 10 Anime Characters With Fun Hobbies

10 Best Things About Reki & Langa's Friendship In Sk8 The Infinity (2024)


10 Best Things About Reki & Langa's Friendship In Sk8 The Infinity? ›

Reki Kyan. Langa and Reki. Reki is Langa's first friend when he moves to Japan and they spend their free time together where Reki teaches Langa how to skateboard. He shows great confidence in Reki as does Reki to him. Reki shows great concern for Langa and forces Langa to promise to not be reckless.

What is reki and langa relationship? ›

Reki Kyan. Langa and Reki. Reki is Langa's first friend when he moves to Japan and they spend their free time together where Reki teaches Langa how to skateboard. He shows great confidence in Reki as does Reki to him. Reki shows great concern for Langa and forces Langa to promise to not be reckless.

Why does reki hate langa? ›

Reki sees himself as not good enough for Langa and fearing being left behind he chooses to be the one to leave. Reki also feels betrayed by Langa going against their promise of facing Adam and is deeply hurt from it.

Is it confirmed that Langa likes Reki? ›

Even so, the tables were turned when, in Episode 8, Langa admitted to "liking" Reki.

What is a Reki's personality? ›

Reki Kyan from SK∞ the Infinity could be classified as an ENFP (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) personality type. This is because Reki is highly social and enjoys being around people, especially his friends. He is also quick to come up with new ideas and uses his intuition to make decisions.

Is SK8 the infinity a BL? ›

There's a debate between fans on whether Sk8 the Infinity is BL or not. Others argue that it's simply a sports anime about skateboarding and the male characters are just close with one another. However, fans from the queer community would say that this show is heavily queer-coded.

Who is Reki shipped with? ›

Renga has a large fanbase on various social medias and a decent amount of works on AO3. Reki and Langa can often be portrayed as soulmates because of their matching hair colors, blue and red, and generally the way they act. Renga is the most popular and most written ship for both characters for a variety of reasons.

Did Reki dream about marrying Langa? ›

The big reveal at the end, where the whole thing was Reki's dream to begin with. A lot of the dream also has dialog parallel to that of episode 10, too. So in essence, Reki had a dream about marrying Langa.

Are Cherry and Joe dating? ›

Childhood friends: Cherry and Joe are canonically childhood friends. Friends to lovers: Pining: This is often portrayed as Joe pining for Cherry, as Cherry is implied in the anime to have been interested in Adam (sometimes resulting in a love triangel dynamic).

Why is Adam so obsessed with Langa? ›

Adam is extremely fixated on skating against Langa Hasegawa, who he thinks is the same type of a person he is after Langa was able to keep pace with Adam during their race.

Who was Reki's friend? ›

Yosh*tsugu Matsuoka: Reki's Friend.

Does Langa have a crush on Reki? ›

Langa is shown to have a canon crush on Reki, it can be proven in episode 8 when being asked by his mom if he liked [Reki], asking by "person" if not Reki's name, and Langa affirmed with a blush while looking away in embarrassment .

What is Reki's blood type? ›

Reki's blood type is O. Tasuku Hatanaka (Reki's Japanese voice actor) is married to Sayaka Senbongi (Koyomi Kyan's Japanese voice actress). Surprisingly, Tasuku is the son of Keiko f*ckushima (who voices Reki's mother Masae Kyan).

Who is Langa in love with? ›

because langa never tells her that he's actually talking about a boy until afterwards, she doesn't abstain in giving him this love advice - therefore, it honestly couldn't be implied any other way. anyway, langa never explicitly says that he has a crush on reki, but it's pretty decently implied.


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.